Gervisiðferði – hver mun eiga gildin okkar? / AI Ethics – Who Will Possess Our Values?
Sat Jan 25 2025 at 01:30 pm to 03:00 pm
Borgarbókasafnið Grófinni / The Reykjavik City Library Grófin | Reykjavík, RE
Við byrjum á fyrirlestri og kynningu á „alignment“-vandamálinu svokölluðu og hvernig siðferði gervigreindar er hannað – ferli sem vekur upp spurningar um hlutdrægni, vald og
ábyrgð. Síðan, í gagnvirkri sýningu, fá gestirnir að upplifa sjálfir hvernig „siðferðisáttaviti“ gervigreindar leiðir til ólíkra framtíða.
Öll velkomin og þátttaka ókeypis.
Þessi viðburður er hluti af Framtíðarfestivali Borgarbókasafnsins. Sjá heildardagskrá Framtíðarfestivals:
Frekari upplýsingar veita:
Gamithra Marga og Aþena Ýr Ingimundardóttir
Samtök um mannvæna tækni
[email protected]
As artificial intelligence increasingly entwines itself around all our possible futures, it has become obvious that the values that guide these decision-making systems are not random; deciding what is normal and what is not has become a conscious decision of designers and large corporations, a decision that will shape entire societies. But which values should we prioritize, and who has the final say in prioritizing them? Will machines be able to reflect our complex and chaotic systems of ethics, or will they become solely a reflection of their creators?
We start with a talk on the alignment problem and how AI ethics are designed—a process that raises questions about bias, power, and responsibility. Later, in an interactive installation, guests can experience how AI's moral compass can lead to dissimilar futures.
No participation fee, all welcome.
This event is a part of the Future Festival of Reykjavík City Library. See the full program of the Future Festival:
Further information:
Gamithra Marga and Aþena Ýr Ingimundardóttir
Icelandic Association of Humane Technology
[email protected]
Where is it happening?
Borgarbókasafnið Grófinni / The Reykjavik City Library Grófin, Borgarbokasafn Rvk, Grófin, 101 Reykjavíkurborg, Ísland,Reykjavík, IcelandEvent Location & Nearby Stays: