Yoga Bliss Festival 2024!~Sessions~Day 3 of 4: Saturday August 3


Fri Aug 02 2024 at 08:30 pm to Sat Aug 03 2024 at 10:00 am



Augusta Harmonie Verein | Augusta, MO

Start Day Three with 7AM Sunrise Yoga, end at 7PM with a Mediative Drum Circle, during the day feel your joy with Laughter Yoga, experience Kundalini Yoga with Gong, discover Japa Yoga, Yoga for First Responders....and MORE; and nourish your bodies with amazing GF and Vegetarian lunch & dinner meals provided by Enchanted Owl Inn! Registration details below
Saturday, August 3
7 AM - Sunrise Yoga with Elaine Wheeler Blackmur at the Harmonie Verein - She will kick off Saturday of the Yoga Festival - Bliss with several Sun Salutations (and Sun Salutation variations), chest openers (opening the heart), twists, safe inversions, balance, all the bends (forward, side, & back), and a few strength postures as well (side planks, including on hand and forearm, dolphin), and more. She states, "When I lead yoga, I always offer options and modifications so everyone feels satisfied and successful after Savasana. The breath and staying in the present moment are the focal points of my classes."
9 AM – MFR Yoga with Sarah Helle, PT, PhD, LMT, CHNC, RYT-500 at Oaks Crossing Conference Center - The MFR Yoga class will integrate gentle movement, meditation, and JFB Myofascial Release Principle to create health and balance for the body. We will explore the concepts of John F. Barnes (JFB) Myofascial Release and apply them to yoga postures, along with integrating self care tools to enhance the experience. This class is appropriate for any beginners to advanced yogis that want to create balance in the body, and release deeply held tension patterns and restrictions and develop connection to the deepest parts of your being.
9 AM – Morning Salutations with Sangita Devi at the Harmonie Verein - Wake up your body, deepen your breath and expand your heart as you salute the sun with Sangita! In this class you will learn the primary morning sun salutations, with recommendations for customizing the practice to best serve your body. Combined in an all level vinyasa flow, you will leave this class ready to take on the day with a full tank of energy!
11 AM – Laughter Yoga with Eileen Wolfington Oaks Crossing Conference Center - Bring more oxygen to your body and brain as we combine laughter exercises with yogic breathing techniques to cultivate joy and bring out your inner child. Laughter reduces stress, helps keep your mind positive, and strengthens your immune system. In lieu of traditional Yoga poses, you'll experience gentle stretching, chanting, clapping, eye contact, and creative body movement.
11 AM – Kundalini Yoga and Gong with SiriAtma Kaur CCHT with ACHE, KRI Level 2 Teacher at the Harmonie Verein - Kundalini Yoga is based on angles and triangles. Different angles we make with our body stimulate our glandular system and strengthen the nervous system. These new glandular secretions in the higher centers of the pineal and pituitary gland help to regulate our hormonal system and create this ‘uplifting’ or ‘balanced’ feeling that practitioners often described as well as the ability to ‘shut off’ and calm down. Many exercises also work to increase the circulation of spinal fluid affecting also the cerebral spinal fluid to refresh us, rejuvenate us and increase mental clarity. This is physically how Kundalini Yoga creates a new state of ‘awareness’ as the Yoga of Awareness. Through creating rhythm with movement, breath, mantra, mudras, body locks (bhandas) and focus with the eyes (drishti) gives new patterns to the body and lights up the mind, stimulates the brain to align our patterns and habits with our full potential. Kundalini Yoga works through the chakra system balancing the energy centers of the body and corresponding glands and organs to create a new energy flow and body balance. It cleanses and rejuvenates the body, clears and focuses the mind while uplifting the spirit! Gong Sound Healing: A good gong session often feels like you are floating in outer space, blurring the lines of where you end, and where the vast vast cosmos begins. From the very first strike of the mallet, you feel it - you're in for a ride. It is said that any and all sounds that can possibly exist can be created from the gong. Within 3-90 seconds the mind realizes that there is no way to organize or predict what it's hearing, and you feel as if your mental reset button has been pressed. This happens because the sounds of the gong are not harmonious. The experience tends to take you into a Theta brainwave state, which is like a dream state - things are coming up from the subconscious mind. One might experience vivid visualizations or emotions similar to a dream, the difference being that the gong is helping to actually clear the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind can eventually "fill up" and begin to spill into the unconscious mind, at which point our work to clear the garbage becomes much more challenging. A gong meditation, like any meditation, is essentially like taking a mental shower. Just as we clean our bodies to keep them healthy and pleasant, it is necessary to clean/clear the mind to keep up a state of optimal balance and well-being. The advantage of sound healing meditation is simply that you do not have to do anything but let go and let the gong take you wherever it is you need to go! As we all know, letting go is not always easy. Sometimes we notice the junk being drawn up from the subconscious and we might attach to it. The attachment might feel somewhat unpleasant if we experience self-judgement, sadness, or any other thought or emotion stemming from fear. In those brief moments it is extremely helpful to focus on the sound and ride that sound current into the Infinite. Remember, this crud is being drawn up to be cleared OUT. If you're feeling overwhelmed, opening the eyes and watching as the sounds are created proves to be very grounding. A good cleansing cry can be a beautiful release, and is very common in Kundalini Yoga classes and gong sound healing sessions. The gong offers many of the same benefits as Kundalini Yoga and meditation practice - balancing one's glandular, circulatory, and nervous systems. A "gong bath" bathes recipients in the sound vibrations helping to alleviate stress while inducing deep relaxation and restoration. Time often goes by very quickly - 90 minutes may feel like only 10 minutes. The experience is different for everyone, everytime. There are of course the variables of different gong types, and the different intuitive processes and styles of each sound healer, but remarkably the most impactful variant is due to the ever-changing arrangement of the extremely fine hairs inside one's ears which determines how each session will be received. One constant tends to be how awed and amazed attendees feel as they share "where" they went during their experience, and the testimonies of lasting impacts of self-awareness.
12 PM – 3 PM – Lunch – Provided by Enchanted Owl Inn
1 PM – Japa Yoga – from Sound to Silence with Swami Sankarananda at Oaks Crossing Conference Center - This workshop 2/3 practice and 1/3 theory and principles. It is for all ages and all levels. Japa Yoga consists of chanting a Divine word or phrase repetitively. Those who practice know it as the best purifier of thought, word and deed in this Kali Yuga. It is widely known that meditation rewires the brain in deeply beneficial ways. It is less widely known that repeating sacred mantra does the same in even less time. The better the practice the faster the transformation. Join us as we explore the relationship between mind, thought, mantra, and happiness. This workshop focuses primarily on practice, with discussion of the science of sound through our program.
1 PM – Yoga for First Responders - Relieving Daily Stress Through the Practice of Yoga, Mindfulness and Breath Work with Billie Kincaid at the Harmonie Verein -“Bringing this practice to Augusta Bliss Festival allows YFFR to show how anyone can benefit from using this specific practice in everyday life.” Yoga for First Responders (YFFR) is committed to providing training for first responders by incorporating breath work, mindfulness and yoga in supporting them with the day to day stressors of their professions. Join Billie as she introduces you to a series of practices that are beneficial to these dedicated members of society who provide our communities with 24/7 care.
3 PM – Opening Your Voice with Ananda Das at Oaks Crossing Conference Center - Has the magic of kirtan, call and response mantra chanting, captured your heart? After 15 years of doing kirtan, recording mantra albums and touring, I'm ready to offer you a voice opening experience that will completely blossom your relationship to your voice, music abilities and yoga practice. This practice will give you confidence, understanding and inspiration to lead chants in yoga classes, song circles or simply to deepen on your devotional path. It will help you open your voice, bring joy into your life and fill your heart with sweetness. This Voice Opening Practice is designed for people of all levels. Even if you just want to come to sing, come! You'll be amazed at how much you learn and grow to appreciate mantra music, bhakti and your love for life.
3 PM – Restorative Yin/Nidra/Sound Bath Immersion with Dhyana Staicu at the Harmonie Verein - This triple reset class is suitable for all levels of students. We will start with Yin Yoga asanas or poses, which generally target the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, lower spine, neck and shoulders.
The poses are simple, they are held for 3 to 7 minutes to allow those areas accessed to be infused with good blood flow and energy thus allowing them to balance, open and heal. This will allow us to embody our physicality, and subdue the mind. We will continue with a guided full body relaxation called Yoga Nidra, or Yogic sleep, where we take the body into a deep relaxation and keep the mind aware so we can do some important reprogramming. We will infuse our theta wave mind with new imprints, desires and intentions, called Sankalpa. We will end by traveling on the sound waves of the Gong that mimics the sound of our Planetary system. This experience will purify and quiet the mind as the sounds are not harmonious and will reset the brain waves in 30-90 seconds. On a physical level, the gong releases tension and blocks in the body, it stimulates a higher functioning of the glandular and nervous system, it increases prana (our vital life force), and improves circulation. Anyone in need of stress reduction, recovering from trauma, struggling with addictions, insomnia, or nerve damage will benefit from the pure vibrations of this ancient instrument. See you on the mat!
5 PM – Hip Focused Vinyasa with Regan Caruthers at Oaks Crossing Conference Center - In this hip centered practice, we will focus on releasing tension, creating greater mobility and openness in the hips. We will connect to the emotions that are stored there and with each exhale we will mindfully release. The hips are the emotional junk drawer of our system and by challenging ourselves to get better acquainted with our hips we learn to better process and release the emotion and traumatic memory that no longer serves us.
5 PM – Inspiration Activation Breath Work with Shenee Alexa Booth at the Harmonie Verein - This unique self-embodiment journey blends awareness, intention, movement & sound within a conscious connected breathing practice. Commonly known as transformational breathwork, this active guided meditation uses diaphragmatic breathing in a circular pattern to energize your entire being, increasing vitality, joy + bliss! Your breath is your life force, therefore the quality of your breath directly relates to the quality of your life. Breathwork is a powerful tool for readjusting the lens through which you are experiencing your life and bringing you back into alignment with your truest self. This is an integrative practice which affects all facets of your being, returning you to your most natural state of self healing and harmony. Many people experience palpable release of creative blocks and undesired patterns in the nervous system, along with an energetic rebirthing that leaves them with less anxiety, better sleep and feeling more clarity with their true purpose.​​ Other benefits of Breathwork include improved immune functioning, release of toxins, easier focus and concentration, release of stored trauma, elimination of habits, ability to self regulate under strong emotional states, deeper meditation and inner peace. Props: Yoga mat or pilates mat, Minimum 2 Blankets per person; 1 for under body, 1 for over, 1-2 Pillows or bolsters per person; 1 under knees while laying on back & optional behind head, Eye Mask (bandana or strip of cloth works fine), Journal & writing utensil, and Water bottle.
6 PM – 9 PM – Dinner – Provided by Enchanted Owl Inn
7 PM - Mindful Flow with Restorative Savasana Yoga with Kristen Ambrosi at Oaks Crossing - Establish a grounded foundation through centering; cultivate physical and emotional wellbeing through slow flowing practice; and integrate through restorative savasana. Align attention with intention, find space within body and mind, and come home to yourself with awareness and ease. Infused with readings, invitational mantra, and a curated playlist, this mindful sequence of movement and postures aims to meet and support you as you are. With the goal of less striving and more arriving, strenuous vinyasas, arm balances, and inversions will not be a part of this practice. Appropriate for all levels with the ability to move comfortably between the ground and standing.
7 PM – Meditations and Drum Circle to Reconnect You to Your Core! with Amelia Williams at the Harmonie Verein - Please join me for a one-of-a-kind unique experience of sound and rhythm. You will sit or lie down as I drum you into a blissful transformational state of meditation: one drum, one beat. Listen and experience as the drum becomes a living sound of your heartbeat. This experience is similar to a sound bath but different. A drum will be used instead of crystal bowls. Second, we will meditate with the Zen Labyrinth Meditation Boards. The labyrinth is a tool for spiritual expansion and growth with over 5000 years of history. As totems symbolize certain powerful energies in the world, the labyrinth is a symbol and practice reflecting an internal spiritual journey. You will experience how grounding and sacred a Zen Board is in this meditation. The boards allow any level of meditator to bring depth to their practice. Third, get ready to drum! No drumming experience is necessary and I have 30 plus drums and rattles to share. We will gather in a circle and feel the rhythm of Mother Earth and our heartbeats combine to create an experience you won't soon forget. The healing drum pattern projects onto the body a supportive resonance or sound pattern the body can attune to. This sympathetic resonance forms new harmonic alignments opens the body's various energy meridians and chakras, releases blocked emotional patterns, promotes healing, and helps reconnect us to our core. This experience sets you on a new energetic journey. I can't wait to meet you.
Sign up for the entire Yoga Bliss Festival with 23 sessions, plus 7 meals $522, savings $228! $25 for one session, and the more sessions you purchase the price starts to reduce.
Lunch and Dinner sessions are all Gluten Free and Vegetarian. They can be purchased with a session package. These meals will be available for a 3 hour window for you to start at your leisure between sessions.
For more information, and to Register, please visit:, Events, Yoga Bliss Festival 2024
Yoga Bliss Festival 2024! Full Schedule: August 1 - 4
Thursday, August 1
7 AM – Opening to Bliss: Chakra Clearing Dynamic Yoga with Juli Schuster
9 AM – Akashic Record Meditation with Grace Lindsay
9 AM – Morning Salutations with Sangita Devi
11 AM – Mindful Flow with Restorative Savasana Yoga with Kristen Ambrosi
11 AM – Accessing the Wisdom of the Heart with Regan Caruthers
12 PM – 3 PM – Lunch – Provided by Enchanted Owl Inn
1 PM – Intuition/Intuitive Development with Jessica Caimi
1 PM – Arise, Awake! Bliss is Who You Are! Classical Yoga in the Modern Age – Theory, Principles and Practice with Swami Shankarananda
3 PM – Finding Sanctuary Within a Journey Home to Your Soul with Angely
3 PM – Heart Opening Vinyasa Flow with Melissa Duchatschek
5 PM – Healing with the Chinese Elements with Dr. Becca Blake
5 PM – Myo + Yin Yoga + Visualization with Kathy Kessler and Eileen Wolfington
6 PM – 9 PM – Dinner – Provided by Enchanted Owl Inn
7 PM – Myo + Yin + Restorative Yoga with Kathy Kessler with Lullabies
Friday, August 2
7 AM – Labyrinth Presentation and Walk with Eileen Wolfington
9 AM – Communing with Nature: Exploring the Sacred Connection Between You and Mother Earth with Angely
9 AM – Sattva Himalayan Kundalini Yoga: Fearless Heart with Ananda Das
11 AM – Art Workshop – The Art of Rejoicing with Angela L. Chostner
11 AM – Heart Opening Slow Flow with Regan Caruthers
12 PM – 3 PM – Lunch – Provided by Enchanted Owl Inn
1 PM – Buti Bliss Yoga with Dhyana Staicu
1 PM – Bhakti Vinyasa with Sound Healing with Sangita Devi
3 PM – Strength and Balance Vinyasa Flow with Melissa Duchatschek
3 PM – Pelvic Floor MFR Yoga with Sarah Helle, PT, PhD, LMT, CHNC, RYT-500
5 PM – Inspiration Activation Breath Work with Shenee Alexa Booth
5 PM – BALM Yoga: Practice and Restore with Kristen Ambrosi and Sangita Devi
6 PM – 9 PM – Dinner – Provided by Enchanted Owl Inn
7 PM - Akashic Record Meditation with Grace Lindsay
7 PM – Kirtan and Heart Songs Concert with Ananda Das

Saturday, August 3
7 AM - Sunrise Yoga with Elaine Wheeler Blackmur
9 AM – MFR Yoga with Sarah Helle, PT, PhD, LMT, CHNC, RYT-500
9 AM – Morning Salutations with Sangita Devi
11 AM – Laughter Yoga with Eileen Wolfington
11 AM – Kundalini Yoga and Gong with SiriAtma Kaur CCHT with ACHE, KRI Level 2 Teacher
12 PM – 3 PM – Lunch – Provided by Enchanted Owl Inn
1 PM – Japa Yoga – from Sound to Silence with Swami Shankarananda
1 PM – Yoga for First Responders - Relieving Daily Stress Through the Practice of Yoga, Mindfulness and Breath Work with Billie Kincaid
3 PM – Opening Your Voice with Ananda Das
3 PM – Restorative Yin/Nidra/Sound Bath Immersion with Dhyana Staicu
5 PM – Hip Focused Vinyasa with Regan Caruthers
5 PM – Inspiration Activation Breath Work with Shenee Alexa Booth
6 PM – 9 PM – Dinner – Provided by Enchanted Owl Inn
7 PM - Mindful Flow with Restorative Savasana Yoga with Kristen Ambrosi
7 PM – Meditations and Drum Circle to Reconnect You to Your Core! with Amelia Williams
Sunday, August 4
All Events will be held at the Harmonie Verein on Sunday
8 AM – Finding Your Center: Coming Home to Your Body, Heart, and Soul with Angely
10 AM – Myo + Yin Yang Yoga Fusion and Sound Healing with Kathy Kessler and Sangita Devi
11:45 AM- 1:00 PM – Lunch – Provided by Enchanted Owl Inn
1 PM – Cacao Ceremony with Ananda Das
3 PM - Living Your Yoga Bliss: Mindful Art and Moving Meditation with Juli Schuster
5 PM - Yoga Nidra & Theta Healing with Jessica Caimi

Where is it happening?

Augusta Harmonie Verein, 5333 Hackman Rd.,Augusta,MO,United States

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