Umetnica na mesec x Fabula⏐Maja Poljanc: Izkrivljena resničnost
Tue, 04 Mar, 2025 at 07:00 pm
DobraVaga | Ljubljana, LB
4. 3. 2025 ob 19.00 / DobraVaga x FabulaUMETNICA NA MESEC: Maja Poljanc
Izkrivljena resničnost
do 5. 4. 2025
Festival Fabula, ki bo letos potekal pod krovnim naslovom Izkrivljena resničnost, v okviru knjižne produkcije posebno pozornost namenja tudi likovnemu oblikovanju. Kako letošnja vizualna podoba Fabule in knjižne interpretacije zgodb zaživijo skozi ilustracije umetnice Maje Poljanc, si lahko ogledate na razstavi, ki bo potekala ves čas festivala.
Maja Poljanc je ilustratorka z avtorskim slogom, za katerega je značilno pogosto zajemanje elementov znanstvene ilustracije ter vpeljevanje ornamentov slovenske kulturne dediščine. Leta 2018 je končala magistrski študij vizualnih komunikacij na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje v Ljubljani, pod mentorstvom prof. Radovana Jenka. Njen portfelj med drugim vsebuje prvo enciklopedijo slovenskih mitoloških bitij Encyclopedia Mythologica Slovenica, za katero je prejela Prešernovo nagrado UL ALUO in pohvalo 13. bienala slovenske ilustracije. Poljančine ilustracije lahko zasledimo v Pesmi muce potovke (Svetlana Makarovič), v fantazijski sagi Edgar Kaos avtorice Julije Lukovnjak (drugi del je prejemnik odličja Zlata hruška), v Belem konjičku Sebastjana Preglja, v strokovnemu učbeniku Koža in kožne bolezni (Založba Grafenauer, Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport), v reviji Razpotja, itd. Njena dela so bila razstavljena v Centru ilustracije, Vodnikovi domačiji, na knjižnem sejmu v Bologni 2024, Frankfurtskem sejmu 2024, DobriVagi, Kinu Šiška, Galeriji Jakopič, Cankarjevem domu, UG Maribor, Ilustrofest 2023, itd. Živi in dela v Ljubljani.
Kuratorka: Ema Kobal
Vstop prost.
4. 3.–5. 4. 2025
Organizacija: DobraVaga / Kino Šiška v sodelovanju s Festivalom Fabula.
4. 3. 2025 at 19.00 / DobraVaga x Fabula
Distorted Reality
until 5. 4. 2025
As part of its literary programme, the Fabula Festival, held this year under the overarching theme Distorted Reality, places special emphasis on visual design. The exhibition, running throughout the festival, showcases how this year’s visual identity of Fabula and the literary interpretations of its stories come to life through the illustrations of artist Maja Poljanc.
Maja Poljanc is an illustrator with a distinctive artistic style, characterised by frequent incorporation of elements from scientific illustration and the integration of ornaments from Slovenian cultural heritage. In 2018, she completed her master’s degree in visual communications at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana under the mentorship of Prof. Radovan Jenko. Her portfolio includes, among other works, the first-ever encyclopedia of Slovenian mythological creatures, Encyclopedia Mythologica Slovenica, for which she received the Prešeren Award from the University of Ljubljana’s Academy of Fine Arts and Design, as well as a commendation at the 13th Slovenian Biennial of Illustration. Poljanc’s illustrations can be found in the book The Songs of the Travelling Cat by Svetlana Makarović, the fantasy saga Edgar Chaos by Julija Lukovnjak (with the second volume receiving the Golden Pear award), The White Horsie by Sebastijan Pregelj, the science textbook Skin and Skin Diseases, the magazine Razpotja, and others. Her works have been exhibited at the Center of Illustration, the Vodnik Homestead, the 2024 Bologna Book Fair, the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair, the DobraVaga Gallery, Kino Šiška, the Jakopič Gallery, the Cankar Centre, the UGM Maribor Art Gallery, Ilustrofest 2023, and elsewhere. She lives and works in Ljubljana.
Curated by: Ema Kobal
Free admission.
4. 3.–5. 4. 2025
Organization: DobraVaga / Kino Šiška in collaboration with Fabula.
Where is it happening?
DobraVaga, Adamič-Lundrovo nabrežje 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, SloveniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: