Sun, 02 Mar, 2025 at 07:30 pm
Cankarjev dom | Ljubljana, LB
🎫:📅: 02. marec ob 19.30 / at 7.30 pm
📍: Cankarjev dom
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Štiriinsedemdesetletni ruski pianist Grigorij Sokolov spada v sam vrh panteona mojstrov črnobelih tipk, številni kritiki pa ga že dolgo razglašajo za najboljšega pianista na svetu. Čeprav je na svoj izjemni dar opozoril že pri dvanajstih letih, pri šestnajstih pa kot najmlajši v zgodovini osvojil prestižno klavirsko tekmovanje Čajkovskega, so ga tedanje politične razmere omejevale na nastope v domovini. Veliki preboj na mednarodne odre je doživel šele v poznih osemdesetih letih in bliskovito postal eden najbolj iskanih glasbenikov. Koncertiral je z vsemi najuglednejšimi svetovnimi orkestri, a je po nekaj letih ugotovil, da svojo glasbeno vizijo najlažje izrazi skozi pianistične recitale. Odtlej nastopa približno le sedemdesetkrat letno, saj si za vsak koncertni spored vzame čas, da ga premišljeno sestavi in se vanj popolnoma poglobi, preden ga predstavi občinstvu.
Na željo umetnika bo objavljen naknadno.
The 74-year-old Russian pianist Grigory Sokolov occupies one of the highest places in the pantheon of piano masters, with several critics over the years having proclaimed him the world’s greatest living pianist. His remarkable talent began attracting attention when he was just 12 and at 16 he became the youngest ever winner of the prestigious International Tchaikovsky Piano Competition. Owing to the political situation at the time, however, he was limited to performances in his homeland. His international breakthrough did not come until the late 1980s, after which he rapidly became one of the world’s most sought-after musicians, performing with all the world’s most prestigious orchestras. After a few years, however, he realised that the easiest way for him to express his musical vision was through piano recitals. Since then he has given no more than around 70 performances a year, taking the time to prepare every recital programme with care and immersing himself in it fully before presenting it to an audience.
At the request of the artist it will be announced later.
Where is it happening?
Cankarjev dom, Erjavčeva cesta 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, SloveniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: