Dih v gibanju / Breath in Motion - 5Rhythms® Live Wire with Lorca Simons & Martina Motl
Fri, 28 Feb, 2025 at 06:30 pm to Sun, 02 Mar, 2025 at 03:00 pm
Srednja gradbena, geodetska, okoljevarstvena šola in strokovna gimnazija | Ljubljana, LB
--- Please scroll down for the English version ---Metoda gibanja 5Ritmov® Gabrielle Roth
Vodi Lorca Simons, certificirana učiteljica 5Ritmov®
"Intimen delček poetične pokrajine v korenini in srcu naše prakse." Lorca Simons
Duh je morda voljan, vendar imata meso in glas včasih zavezan jezik. Vendar duh hrepeni po tem, da prekine tišino in spregovori iz najglobljega mesta »Live Wire« v nas.
Katere besede izražajo vaše trenutno stanje? Kako se glas premika znotraj oblik telesa? Kako te fizične oblike dihajo? V tem laboratoriju bomo ustvarili oder za manifestacijo notranjega duha.
Gledališki. Artikuliran.
Utelešen jezik, ki širi naš ustvarjalni potencial in odpira vrata tistih notranjih glasov, ki artikulirajo vse, kar imajo naša telesa za ponuditi.
»Live wire« je utelešena ritualna gledališka preiskava, ki temelji na zemljevidih gibanja 5Ritmov®, posvečena spreminjajočim oblikam narave fizične umetnosti in ki jo vodi vizija Lorce Simons in Gabrielle Roth. Zasnovana za navdih, osvežitev, ponovno nastavitev in povezovanje. Naš čas bo vključeval gibanje, kreativna izkopavanja, kolektivno pripovedovanje resnice in ustvarjanje lepote.
Vabljeni vsi, da se nam pridružite. Predhodne izkušnje s plesom ali 5Ritmov niso potrebne.
28. februar – 2. marec 2025
Petek, 28. februar, 18.30 – 21.00 (odprto srečanje)
Sobota, 1. marec, 11.00 - 18.00 *
Nedelja, 2. marec, 11.00 - 16.00 *
* 1,5 - 2 uri odmora za kosilo
LOKACIJA: SGGOŠ, Dunajska cesta 102, 1000 Ljubljana
REGISTRACIJA: https://forms.gle/GvpPCsvPbtrQCQscA
INFORMACIJE: Anže Bertoncelj, [email protected], 040 210 440
CENA DELAVNICE: polna cena - 250 €
zgodnje prijave do 5. februarja - 195 €
delovna ekipa – 135 €
Samo odprto srečanje: 30 €*
*za udeležence delavnice je odprto srečanje vključeno v ceno
O LORCI SIMONS: Lorca je certificirana moderatorka 5Ritmov, ki se posveča ustvarjanju fizičnega gledališča, ki je hkrati interaktivno in transformativno.
Lorca je sledila svojim instinktom do edinstvene režiserske vibracije, znane kot Gabrielle Roth, in 19-letno ustvarjalno sodelovanje je zacvetelo. Od sredine 90-ih je študirala in se izpopolnjevala pri Gabrielle ter bila soustanoviteljica in sovoditeljica 5RT, eksperimentalnega gledališkega krila 5Ritmov sveta, mesta, kamor je stopila s svojimi razsežnimi teksaškimi stopali in sodelovala pri številnih izvirnih produkcijah in mednarodnih delavnicah. Kot odgovor na raziskavo Gabrielle Roth o tem, kaj pomeni biti pristno človeško bitje, je Lorca ustvarila »Live Wire« 5Ritmov gledališče, ki je posvečeno ustvarjanju fizičnega gledališča, ki je hkrati interaktivno in transformativno. »Live Wire« laboratoriji: Dih v gibanju, Korenine, Električne pokrajine, Silhueta, Razpon kril, Nit duše, Na robu,
Oživitev duše temeljijo na vizionarski in strogi tehniki, s katero lahko ljudje postanejo pravi »srčni športniki«, ki raziskujejo in raziskujejo globine človeškega duha.
Predana je raztrosu semen tega transformativnega procesa.
Vabljeni, da se pridružite FB strani Live Wire: https://www.facebook.com/groups/892344010824290 in Instagramu na @Lorcalivewire
O MARTINI: Martina ima 17 let izkušenj s poučevanjem umetnosti, delom v gledališču ter intuitivnim petjem. Enajsto leto zapored vodi redna tedenska srečanja v Ljubljani, vodi večdnevne delavnice v Sloveniji in tujini. Uči s strastjo, združuje znanje in navdih. V letu 2022 je končala izobraževanje za nivo dela s čustvi (Heartbeat) in ostaja predana učenka prakse 5Ritmov.
Za udeležbo na delavnici niso potrebne predhodne izkušnje. Delavnica se šteje med predpogoje na poti za učitelja 5Ritmov, nivo Valovi.
JEZIK: angleščina
Vabimo vas, da se pridružite naši zaprti FB skupini 5Rhyhtms with Martina and Anže, ki je namenjena povezovanju plesalcev, inspiriranju z glasbo, fotografijami in citati.
Povabite svoje prijatelje, da zaplešejo z vami.
Se srečamo na plesišču.
Ekipa 5Ritmov Slovenija
Movement practice of Gabrielle Roth's 5Rhythms®
Led by Lorca Simons, certified 5Rhythms® teacher
“An intimate sliver of the poetic landscape at the root and heart of our practice.” Lorca Simons
The spirit may be willing but the flesh and voice are sometimes tongue-tied. Yet the spirit longs to break the silence and speak from the deepest Live Wire place within us.
What words express your current state of being? How does the voice move within the shapes of the body? How do those physical shapes breathe? In this lab we will create a stage for the spirit within to manifest.
Theatrical. Articulate.
An embodied language that expands our creative potential and opens the door of those voices within, articulating all our bodies have to offer.
Live Wire is an embodied ritual theatre investigation, grounded in the movement maps of 5Rhythms®, devoted to the shapeshifting nature of physical art, and guided by the vision of Lorca Simons and Gabrielle Roth and artist Martha Peabody. Designed to inspire, refresh, re-set and connect. Our time will include movement, creative excavations, collective truth-telling and beauty-making.
All are welcome to join. No prior dance or 5Rhythms experience is necessary.
February 28th – March 2nd 2025
Friday, February 28th, 18.30 - 21.00 (open meeting)
Saturday, March 1st, 11.00 - 18.00*
Sunday, March 2nd, 11.00 - 16.00*
*1,5 - 2 hours lunch break
LOCATION: SGGOŠ, Dunajska cesta 102, 1000 Ljubljana
REGISTRATION: https://forms.gle/GvpPCsvPbtrQCQscA
INFORMATIONS: Anže Bertoncelj, [email protected], +386 40 210 440 (also Whatsapp and Viber)
WORKSHOP PRICE: full – 250 €
early birds until February 5th – 195 €
working team – 135 €
only open meeting: 30 €*
*for participants of the Workshop, open meeting is included into the price
ABOUT LORCA SIMONS: Lorca is a certified 5Rhythms facilitator dedicated to the creation of physical theatre that is both interactive and transformative.
Lorca followed her instincts to the unique directing vibration known as Gabrielle Roth and a 19 year creative collaboration bloomed. She studied and trained with Gabrielle from the mid-90’s and was a co-founder and a co-director of 5RT, the experimental theatre wing of the 5Rhythms world, a place she stepped into with her expansive Texan feet, collaborating on numerous original productions and international workshops. In response to Gabrielle Roth’s investigation into what it means to be an authentic human being Lorca created Live Wire 5Rhythms Theatre which is dedicated to the creation of physical theater that is both interactive and transformative. Live Wire labs: Breath in Motion, Roots, Electric Landscapes, Silhouette, Wing Span, Soul Threading, On The Verge and Soul Revival are rooted in a visionary and rigorous technique for people to become true “athletes of the heart" exploring and investigating the depths of the human spirit.
She is committed to scattering the seeds of this transformative process.
Welcome to join FB page Live Wire: https://www.facebook.com/groups/892344010824290 and Instagram on @Lorcalivewire
ABOUT MARTINA: Martina has 17 years of experience teaching art, working in the theater and with intuitive singing. For the eleven year in a row, she leads regular weekly classes in Ljubljana, leads multi-day workshops in Slovenia and abroad. She teaches with passion, combining knowledge and inspiration. In year 2022, she completed the training for the level of working with emotions (Heartbeat) and remains a dedicated student of the 5Rhythms practice.
No previous experience is required in order to participate in this lab. This workshop counts towards 5R Teacher Training pre-requisites, Waves level & Elective level.
We invite you to join our closed FB group 5Rhythms with Martina and Anže, which is intended to bring dancers together, inspiring each other with music, photos and quotes.
Invite your friends to dance with us.
We will meet you all on the dance floor.
5R Slovenia Team
Where is it happening?
Srednja gradbena, geodetska, okoljevarstvena šola in strokovna gimnazija, Dunajska cesta 102, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, SloveniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: