SYSTIR frá Írlandi
Fri, 09 May, 2025 at 08:00 pm
Grundarstígur 10, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland | Reykjavík, RE
-English below-Írska söngsveitin SYSTIR er hluti af hinu heimsþekkta ANÚNA Collective og er ein af eftirsóttustu söngveitum Írlands. Systir kemur sérstaklega til Íslands til að halda tónleika í Hannesarholti.
Með lagavali sínu leitast SYSTIR við að draga fram hina fjölbreyttu liti og blæbrigði kvenmannsraddarinnar. Tónlistarflutningurinn er blanda af nútíma söng- og hljóðfæratækni og fornri írskri tónlistarhefð. SYSTIR sækir innblástur í hinar gleymdu sönghefðir Evrópu, einkum sean-nós, sem mætti kalla „írskan rímnasöng.“
Þau eru óhrædd í verkefnavali sínu og flytja á sömu tónleikum miðalda söngperlur og popplög, til að mynda lög eftir Janelle Monáe og Cranberries, í sínum eigin útfærslum. Á síðasta ári voru þau í tónleikaferðalagi um Kína og Japan. SYSTIR hafa nýverið lokið upptöku á plötu sem kemur út á vormisserum 2025.
Listrænn stjórnandi er Michael McGlynn, tónskáld
Meðlimir eru: Ash McGlynn, Caitríona Sherlock, Judith Lyons, Lauren McGlynn, Lorna Breen, Sara Weeda, Sara Di Bella, Sorcha Fenlon, Sigrid Algesten, Cian O’Donnell, Andrew Boushell
SYSTIR (Icelandic for “sister”) are part of the ANÚNA Collective, creating a new and eclectic musical voice that explores the myriad shades and hues of the female voice. With 5 to 7 performers Systir have become one of Ireland's most sought-after vocal ensembles since ANÚNA. They blend modern vocal and instrumental techniques with ancient vocal performance practices to create a unique ethereal ambience. Drawing from the wealth of indigenous songs from across Europe, including sean-nós, Systir connects ancient vocal styles with contemporary storytelling.
The music they perform ranges from their own arrangements and songs through to the unique brilliance of the Medieval abbess Hildegard of Bingen in the 11th century and on to the music of contemporary visionary Janelle Monáe. It is deeply rooted in storytelling, focusing on timeless human experiences and emotion and universal themes that resonate with both men and women.
Last year they travelled to Italy and Japan and will tour China and travel to Iceland in 2025. Systir are completing their first album with new recordings releasing in early 2025.
The artistic director of Systir is Irish composer Michael McGlynn.
Ash McGlynn, Caitríona Sherlock, Judith Lyons, Lauren McGlynn, Lorna Breen, Sara Weeda, Sara Di Bella, Sorcha Fenlon, Sigrid Algesten, Cian O’Donnell, Andrew Boushell
Where is it happening?
Grundarstígur 10, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, Grundarstígur 10, 101 Reykjavíkurborg, Ísland,Reykjavík, IcelandEvent Location & Nearby Stays: