Stóllinn sem lifði af - Endurgerð hönnunar Snorra Haukssonar með augum Sóleyjar Lee
Thu Apr 03 2025 at 05:00 pm to 07:00 pm
Officina Reykjavík | Reykjavík, RE
Hugmyndin fæddist að klæða stólinn samtímahönnun fyrir kynningu á Hönnunarmars. Sóley Lee Tómasdóttir er grafískur hönnuður sem býr til myndheima sem einkennast af sama einfaldleika í sköpun og má segja að hafi einkennt hönnun Snorra, þótt af ólíkum toga sé. Sóley býr til lífrænar verur og setur fram á áhugaverðan hátt, sem prýða stól Snorra á sýningunni. Snorri mætir augum Sóleyjar í gegnum þennan einstaka stól, sem nú gengur í endurnýjun lífdaga og fær vonandi það pláss í sögu íslenskrar húsgagnahönnunar sem honum sæmir.
Insula Reykjavík er íslenskt hönnunarmerki sem leggur áherslu á samstörf við skapandi einstaklinga við hönnun á fylgihlutum fyrir heimili. Undir merkjum Insulu Reykjavíkur er hugmyndin að hefja endurframleiðslu á þessum sérstaka stól, sem sker sig úr flóru íslenskra húsgagna sökum einfaldleika og tímaleysis.
The name of the exhibition refers to a unique dining chair recently discovered. The chair was designed around 1965 by Snorri Haukursson, an interior architect. Snorri studied in Detroit and later in Copenhagen, where he completed his interior and furniture design studies. He returned home after completing his studies and worked as an interior architect in Reykjavik throughout his career, while also engaging in furniture design to some extent. It is known that Snorri designed several pieces of furniture, and the chair now on display is one of them. Snorri's chair was produced in Iceland for a short time, and images of it can be found in older magazines where it is introduced alongside a dining table that Snorri designed, but which seems to have not survived.
The idea was born to upholster the chair with a contemporary design for a presentation at DesignMarch. Sóley Lee Tómasdóttir is a graphic designer who creates visual worlds characterized by the same simplicity in creation that can be said to have defined Snorri's design, albeit in a different way. Sóley creates organic beings and presents them in an interesting manner, which adorn Snorri's chair at the exhibition. Snorri meets Sóley's eyes through this unique chair, which is now undergoing a renewal and, hopefully, will find its place in the history of Icelandic furniture design where it belongs.
Insula Reykjavík is an Icelandic design brand that focuses on collaboration with creative individuals in the design of accessories for the home. Under the Insula Reykjavík brand, the idea is to begin reproducing this special chair, which stands out in the realm of Icelandic furniture due to its simplicity and timelessness.
Where is it happening?
Officina Reykjavík, Hverfisgata 18, 101 Reykjavíkurborg, Ísland,Reykjavík, IcelandEvent Location & Nearby Stays: