Reykjavík Cocktail Week
Mon, 31 Mar, 2025 at 12:00 pm to Sun, 06 Apr, 2025 at 11:59 pm
Reykjavik | Reykjavík, RE
ℹ️ Allar upplýsingarnar varðandi hátíðina birtast í RCW vafra appinu sem hægt er að nálgast á
Barþjónaklúbbur Íslands stendur fyrir þessari árlegu uppskeru hátíð kokteilsins á Íslandi í samstarfi við alla helstu vínbirgja, veitingahús og bari Reykjavíkur.
Á meðan á hátíðinni stendur verða sérstakir Reykjavík Cocktail Week kokteila seðlar í boði á stöðunum sem taka þátt og verða þeir drykkir á sérstöku tilboðasverðum. Staðirnir munu bjóða uppá fjölda viðburða tengda hátíðinni sem eru öllum opnir.
Stærsti viðburður hátíðarinner, Reykjavík Cocktail Week Expo fer fram á miðvikudaginn 2. apríl í Hörpu! Þar fer fram Íslandsmeistaramót barþjóna þar sem leitin af besta barþjóni landsins hefst, ásamt vörukynningum allra helstu vínbirgja landsins. Miðasala er hafin á 🎟️
Iceland’s grandest cocktail event, Reykjavík Cocktail Weekend, is transforming into Reykjavík Cocktail Week for the first time in 2025! The festival will run from March 31 to April 6. 🍹✨
ℹ️ All festival details will be announced on the RCW in browser app! You can grab it at
Hosted by the Bartenders’ Club of Iceland, this annual celebration of cocktail culture brings together the top spirit suppliers, restaurants, and bars in Reykjavík.
Throughout the week, participating venues will offer exclusive Reykjavík Cocktail Week menus, featuring signature cocktails at special prices. There will also be a range of open-to-the-public events happening at these locations, adding to the festive atmosphere.
The highlight of the festival, the Reykjavík Cocktail Week Expo, will take place on Wednesday, April 2, at Harpa! This exciting event includes the Icelandic Bartending Championships, kicking off the search for the nation’s top bartender, alongside product showcases from leading spirit suppliers. Grab your ticket at 🎟️
Where is it happening?
Reykjavik, Þingholtsstræti 1, 101 Reykjavíkurborg, Ísland,Reykjavík, IcelandEvent Location & Nearby Stays: