Ska Jazz Night & Jam: Kevin Alva & The Fully Smoking Orchestra (Venezuela-Eesti-Läti)
Thu, 27 Mar, 2025 at 08:00 pm
Philly Joe's Tallinn | Tallinn, HA
SKA JAZZ NIGHT & JAM: KEVIN ALVA & THE FULLY SMOKING ORCHESTRAKevin Alva & The Fully Smoking Orchestra toob Ska Jazz õhtul publikuni Jamaica parimad rütmid ja ska muusika hümnid, rõõmustades kuulajaid ka oma lugudega. Kõik on oodatud majabändiga mängima, meloodiate saatel mõnulema ja kogu energiaga tantsima, et kevadhooaeg vastu võtta!
🎵 Koosseis:
Kevin Alva - laul, saksofon
Markus Eerman - saksofon, flööt
Ilmars Priede - bass
Uku Kubar - trummid
Ja erikülaline!
Uksed avatakse kell 19, majabänd alustab kell 20 ja mängib kahes setis.
Lauabroneeringud 10€ laud: [email protected]
For Ska Jazz Night Kevin Alva & The Fully Smoking Orchestra will be bringing the joy of Jamaica’s best rhythms and playing the anthems of Ska music along with their own themes. Everybody is welcome to play with the house band, vibe to the melodies and dance with the most energy to welcome the Spring season!
🎵 Line-up:
Kevin Alva - vocals, saxophone
Markus Eerman - saxophone, flute
Ilmars Priede - bass
Uku Kubar - drums
And a special guest!
Doors open at 19, house band starts at 20 and will be playing in 2 sets.
Table reservations 10€ per table: [email protected]
Where is it happening?
Philly Joe's Tallinn, Vabaduse väljak 10, Kesklinn, Tallinn, 10146 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, EstoniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: