TJUUN IN - LENZMAN (The North Quarter)
Fri, 14 Mar, 2025 at 11:00 pm
Club Monument | Tallinn, HA
TJUUN IN @Club Monument 14.03LENZMAN (NL, The North Quarter)
Uksed/Doors: 23:00
Piletid/Tickets: 10/15/20 (
Meie pikaaegne lemmik on tagasi Tjuun In peol ja lendab 14. märtsil Tallinnasse, klubisse nimega Monument otse Amsterdamist.
Lenzman on muusikaprodutsent, omapärane talendikütt ja hingestatud Drum & Bass’i esindaja. Amsterdamis elav artist juhib ka oma väikest plaadifirmat The North Quarter, mis on pälvinud tähelepanu oma eriilmelise muusika ja tavapärasest erinevate reliisidega.
Produtsendina sai Lenzman tuntuks UK plaadifirma Metalheadzi kaudu, kus ta andis välja kaks väga kiidetud albumit, sealhulgas isikliku loo ja sõnumiga plaadi „Bobby“. Tema ainulaadne nägemus muusikast, mis on ületanud žanripiire on loonud talle ustava ja kasvava fännibaasi, kes ootab põnevusega tema uut loomingut. Tema looming seob kokku hip hop’i ja drum & bass’i, tuues kokku UK parimad lauljad ning lisades sellele oma iseloomuliku, veidi melanhoolse kõla.
The North Quarter on Lenzmani võimalus avastada ja katsetada uusi muusikastiile, sidudes omavahel hip hop’i, souli, jazzi ja palju muud. Plaadifirma on kiiresti saanud koduks mitmele andekale produtsendile ja lauljale ka UK bassimuusika skeenes. See ühendab erineva taustaga muusikuid.
Lenzmani live-esinemised on nagu tema muusika – julged ja ehedad. Tallinn, Bangkok, Kaplinn, London ja New York – kui ta pole stuudios, on ta tuuritamas ning täidab klubisid ja festivale üle kogu maailma.
Lenzman is a music producer, unorthodox A&R and soulful Drum & Bass ambassador, championing a sound which rises above trends and pushes the genre to new depths. The Amsterdam-based artist also owns and masterminds his boutique label The North Quarter which has been causing a stir with its multi-genre releases in unconventional formats.
As a producer Lenzman earned his stripes on the revered UK label Metalheadz, where he released two albums to critical acclaim; including the personal concept album “Bobby”. His nonconformist vision has delivered some of the scene’s most genre-defying moments and gained him a loyal and burgeoning fanbase, eagerly awaiting his next move. This fluid approach to making music builds bridges between Hip Hop and Drum & Bass through bold collaborations with some of the UK’s finest vocalists set against the backdrop of his signature melancholic style.
The North Quarter is Lenzman’s soulful exploration into new territories and encapsulates his Hip Hop, Soul and Jazz influences and beyond. The imprint has swiftly become the home of some of the most exciting producers and vocalists within the UK bass music scene. The label merges together musicians from different worlds to create a deeper and more resonating experience for lovers of soulful music. Lenzman’s live sets are like his music: fearless and undiluted. Bogotá, Bangkok, Cape Town, London and New York – when he’s not in the studio, he has a busy tour schedule drawing crowds and packing out clubs and festivals across the globe.
Where is it happening?
Club Monument, Vana-Posti 8, Kesklinn, Tallinn, 10146 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, EstoniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: