Fri Mar 14 2025 at 09:00 pm to 11:30 pm
Fort bar | Tallinn, HA
MODULSHTEIN feat. MariQWarm up by DJ Bandit with his original stuff
MDSHMARIQ on kahe muusiku loominguline liit: Modulshtein, kes ühendab džässi ja kammermuusika traditsioone eksperimentaal elektroonikaga, ning MariQ, laulja ja artist, kellel on väljendusrikas vokaal.
MDSHMARIQ is a creative collaboration between two musicians: Modulshtein, an artist who blends jazz and chamber music traditions with experimental electronics, and MariQ, a singer and performer with an expressive voice.
MDSHMARIQ — это творческий союз двух музыкантов: Modulshtein, артиста, который сочетает джазовые и камерные традиции с экспериментальной электроникой, и MariQ, артистки и певицы с выразительным вокалом.
Duo sündis 2024. aastal suure teatriprojekti – lavastuse «Väga Palju Päikest» – tööprotsessi käigus, kus nad esitavad oma muusikat laval. Nende loomingulise koostöö viljaks sai Modulshteini viies album «Vaigistatud Lüürika Sosin». See album, mis ilmus vinüülil ja on saadaval kõigil muusikaplatvormidel, sai positiivset tagasisidet nii Eestis kui ka väljaspool.
aasta jooksul arendas duo aktiivselt oma loomingut: filmiti kaks muusikavideot albumi ingliskeelsetele lugudele, esineti Station Narva festivalil, korraldati albumi esitlustuur ning jätkatakse teatrilavastuses osalemist. MDSHMARIQ ühendab eksperimenteerimise ja traditsioonid, teatrilise väljenduslaadi ja muusikalise uudsuse, mis leiab kuulajate seas vastukaja.
Pärast albumi ilmumist jätkas kollektiiv uue materjali loomist. Kontserdikavas kõlavad nii albumilt pärit lood kui ka täiesti uued kompositsioonid.
Kohapeal on võimalik soetada kollektiivi vinüülplaate.
Õhtu avab Dj Bandit – kogenud muusik, kelle autoriprogramm põhineb samplimisel, live-miksimisel ja süntesaatorite kasutamisel. Tema esinemine loob stiilse alguse õhtule.
Дуэт образовался в 2024 году в процессе работы над крупным театральным проектом — спектаклем «Очень Много Солнца», где они исполняют свою музыку на сцене. Плодом их творческого взаимодействия стал пятый альбом Modulshtein — «Шепот заглушенных лир». Этот альбом, выпущенный на виниле и доступный на всех музыкальных платформах, получил положительные отзывы как в Эстонии, так и за ее пределами.
В течение 2024 года дуэт активно развивал своё творчество: снял два музыкальных клипа на англоязычные треки с альбома, выступил на фестивале Station Narva, провел тур с презентацией альбома и продолжает участвовать в театральной постановке. MDSHMARIQ — это гармония эксперимента и традиции, театральной выразительности и музыкальной новизны, находящая отклик у слушателей.
После выпуска альбома коллектив продолжил работу над новым материалом. В программе концерта прозвучат как треки с альбома, так и совершенно новые композиции.
На месте будет возможность приобрести пластинки коллектива.
Открывать вечер будет Dj Bandit – музыкант с многолетним опытом, чья авторская программа основана на семплировании, лайв-миксинге и синтезаторах. Его выступление станет стильным началом вечера.
The duo was formed in 2024 during their work on a major theater project — the production "A Lot of Sun" — where they perform their own music live on stage. Their creative partnership resulted in Modulshtein's fifth album, "Whisper of Muted Lyrics". The album, released on vinyl and available on all music platforms, received positive reviews both in Estonia and internationally.
Throughout 2024, the duo actively developed their work: they filmed two music videos for English-language tracks from the album, performed at the Station Narva festival, went on a tour to present the album, and continued to participate in the theatrical production. MDSHMARIQ combines experimentation and tradition, theatrical expressiveness, and musical innovation, resonating with audiences.
After releasing their album, the collective continued working on new material. The concert program will feature tracks from the album as well as brand-new compositions.
On-site, you will have the opportunity to purchase the collective's vinyl records.
The evening will be opened by Dj Bandit, an experienced musician whose signature program is based on sampling, live mixing, and synthesizers. His performance will set a stylish tone for the night.
DJ Bandit became interested in hip-hop culture around 1992, which later had its influence on almost all musical projects in which he took part. A couple of years later he tried his hand in graffiti art, DJing and started as a MC in the rap group Чёрный Свет. Towards the end of the 90s he participated in the metalcore group Black Light as an MC and DJ, which transformed into Trains (trip-hop) and later Triophonix (fusion jazz) as a scratch DJ. In the early 2000s, he took part in the rap group Давление Жизни as a MC and DJ. Not long after, he joined the Modulshtein project and the funk-jazz project Estrada Orchestra. Later he played drums in the krautrock band Centre El Muusa and the Dead End Boogie project. In 2022, he released a solo album called “Asila” under the Detroit label Funk Night Records in cassette format (instrumental psychedelic hip-hop, trip-hop), after which he recorded a second solo album, “Lightsaver”, which will be released in vinyl format under the same label.
Where is it happening?
Fort bar, Pikk 43, Kesklinn, Tallinn, 10133 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, EstoniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: