Fri, 31 Jan, 2025 at 11:00 pm to Sat, 01 Feb, 2025 at 06:00 am
Kersnikova ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia | Ljubljana, LB
Po dobrem letu premora se k nam vrača idrijski kolektiv Sw:idr. Domačim in tujim ljubiteljem techna, electra in breakov že poznana Eliaz in Thomazz iz rokava vedno potegneta še kakšnega aduta, ki ga slovenska publika še ni bila deležna. Tokratni njihov gost je Vass, član londonske izjemno uspešne ekipe in založbe Cartulis.Da bo krog sklenjen, bosta mali floor okupirala ljubljanski starešini Nitz ter Limc.
VASS 🇬🇧 (The Comfort, Cartulis - London)
Avantgardna, z acidom začinjena, melodična trip glasba, ki zajema vsa področja inteligentnih, čustvenih, groovy in hipnotičnih zvokov iz preteklosti in sedanjosti.
Vass je strasten in neustavljiv digger z izjemno tehnično spretnostjo, ki je uspel ustvariti edinstven pogled na sofisticirano in trans-inducirajočo klubsko glasbo za pozne nočne ure. Njegova obsesivna predanost in redka sposobnost povezovanja drznih in opojnih underground plošč, prežetih z njegovim edinstvenim šarmom, sta izjemni.
Prihaja iz Transilvanije, zdaj pa je rezident pri ugledni londonski ekipi Cartulis in ustanovitelj lastne glasbene založbe The Comfort.
Njegova predana individualnost in izjemni klubski nastopi, ki brišejo meje, mu zasluženo omogočajo prepoznavnost po vsem svetu.
S selekcijo plošč, ki presegajo žanrske meje in so polne mističnih ritmov ter stiliziranega elektro futurizma, premika meje surovih in klasičnih plesnih zvokov ter je popoln izbor tako za klube kot za intimne after zabave.
Že zdaj je reden gost na priznanih prizoriščih, kot so Fold, Womb, Ring, Hoppetosse, Club der Visionaire in drugi dogodki v Parizu, Barceloni, Seulu ter na obeh ameriških kontinentih, v Aziji in Avstraliji. Nastopal je tudi na festivalih, kot je Dimensions.
After a year-long hiatus, the Idrija-based collective Sw:idr is back. Well-known to both local and international fans of techno, electro, and breaks, Eliaz and Thomazz always bring an ace up their sleeve, introducing talents that the Slovenian audience has yet to experience. This time, their guest is Vass, a member of London's highly successful crew and label Cartulis.
To complete the circle, the small floor will be taken over by Ljubljana veterans Nitz and Limc.
VASS 🇬🇧 (The Comfort, Cartulis - London)
Avant-garde acid-tinged melodic trip music, encompassing all areas of intelligent, emotive, groovy and hypnotic sounds from past and present.
A passionate and ferocious digger with razor sharp technical ability, Vass has carved out a unique take on sophisticated and trance-inducing late night club music, with an obsessive devotion and rare talent for threading together bold and intoxicating underground records bursting with his unique charm.
Originally from Transylvania, he is now a resident at accomplished London based party Cartulis and founder of The Comfort record label.
His dedicated individual nature as well as stand-out club melting performances, now see himdeservedly spreading his wings all over world, where a genre-defying record bag full of hazy rhythms and stylish electro futurism pushes at the boundaries of raw and classic dancefloorsounds, making him the perfect match for clubs and intimate afters alike.
Already a usual figure at established venues as Fold, Womb, Ring, Hoppetosse, Club der Visionaire and other parties through Paris, Barcelona, Seoul or South and North American continent, Asia and Australia; and festivals such as Dimensions.
TICKETS: https://olaii.com/event/6180/k4-x-sw-idr-w-vass
Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana
FB: www.facebook.com/klubk4
IG: klub_k4
INFO: [email protected] Prikaži manj
Where is it happening?
Kersnikova ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Kersnikova ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, SloveniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: