FriForma: CUT TRIO: Feichtmair / Resnik / Kušar & TAIGA: Sara Zlanabitnig / Jaka Berger
Sat, 01 Feb, 2025 at 08:00 pm
Klub Gromka, AKC Metelkova mesto | Ljubljana, LB
CUT TRIO: Tanja Feichtmair / Cene Resnik / Urban Kušar (A-SLO)TAIGA: Sara Zlanabitnig / Jaka Berger (A-SLO)
Deseto koncertno sezono začenjamo s premierno predstavitvijo svežih glasbenih izdaj slovensko-avstrijskih zasedb.
Z vsakim nastopom glasnejši, bolj divji in nasršen CUT trio nadaljuje svojo glasbeno pot z izdajo drugega albuma Accelerator.
V koncertni večer nas bo popeljal povsem drugačen nastop dueta Taiga, ki bo predstavil svoj prvi umetniški projekt Murmurations.
Obeta se nam potopitev v bogato, subtilno, progresivno zgodbo, navdihnjeno s spokojnostjo vrhniške pokrajine in free jazz v svoji najboljši formi!
Tanja Feichmair - altovki saksofon
Cene Resnik - tenorski saksofon
Urban Kušar - bobni in tolkala
Avstrijsko-slovenska free jazz zasedba CUT Trio - Tanja Feichtmair, Cene Resnik, Urban Kušar - predstavlja svoj drugi album Accelerator, ki je pred kratkim izšel za podzaložbo Inexhaustible Editions / Edicija FriForma in je bil posnet v živo na festivalu Artacts v avstrijskem St. Johannu na Tirolskem. Trio se je prvič srečal aprila 2021 na predlog kuratorjev FriForme za festival V:NM v Gradcu. Le nekaj mesecev kasneje so ponovno igrali na srečanju Alpenglow v Ljubljani, kjer so prejeli izjemen odziv občinstva. Leta 2022 so pri isti založbi izdali svoj prvi album z naslovom Pelletron / Dynamitron, ki je požel številne pohvale. Prvo izdajo so predstavili na Jazz Ravne, Jazz Cerkno-Keltika, Artacts-St, Johann, Avstrija in na Kulturforum-Villach, Avstria.
“Na albumu slišimo dve kompoziciji, Pelletron in Dynamitron, obe poimenovani po napravah za pospeševanje delcev. To je odlična prispodoba za glasbo, polno hitrih obratov, pihalsko-tolkalskih vragolij ter zvočnih sestavljan in razstavljanj.” – Žiga Jenko, Sigic
“The horns prod and challenge, ceaselessly pressing forward but forever ready to feint and jab; they’re immaculately light on their feet, but heavy enough to make it all feel real.” – Bill Meyer, Dusted Magazine
“Excellent record, close to outstanding…” – Maciej Lewenstein, Facebook
“Music is an endless stream of uncontrolled sounds, duelling saxophones and the drums acting as the glue but, in the meantime, not obeying any rules.” – Frand de Waard, Vital Weekly
Sara Zlanabitnig – flavta povezana z malim bobnom
Jaka Berger - preparirani mali boben, povratni zvočniki, škatle z žicami, modularni sintetizator
Duo avstrijske flavtistke in slovenskega bobnarja s pomočjo elektronike združuje zvoke flavte in bobnov ter ustvarja subtilno zvočno vesolje skozi njun eksperimentalni pristop k zvoku in teksturi. Album Murmurations, ki ga je izdala graška založba Interstellar Records, je prvo umetniško sodelovanje Sare Zlanabitnig (flavta, povezana z malim bobnom) in Jake Bergerja (preparirani mali boben, povratni zvočniki, škatle z žicami, modularni sintetizator). Duo, ki deluje med Dunajem in Vrhniko, je album ustvarjal v spokojnem vzdušju Zaplane, med hladnim in deževnim avgustom 2024. Tišina, hlad in zimski občutek so ustvarili inspirativno atmosfero za nastanek plošče. Tematika albuma je tesno povezana z zimsko idilo, ki je bila navdihnjena z lokacijo snemanja v poletnem času.
Kratke biografije
Tanja Feichtmair (1972) je avstrijska alt saksofonistka in bas klarinetistka, ki se je uveljavila v številnih domačih in mednarodnih skupinah – s Frankom Gratkowskim, Damonom Smithom, Rogerjem Turnerjem, Stevom Noblom, Tonyjem Buckom in Ginom Robairom, če izpostavimo le nekatere. Več let se je ukvarjala predvsem s solističnim igranjem na trstenke, kar je leta 2003 rezultiralo v odmevnem albumu Kaman Wasi, za katerega je prejela štipendijo za spodbujanje glasbene umetnosti. Za Tanjo Feichtmair je značilen svoboden pristop k glasbi, ki je daleč od vsakršne običajne konvencije, v njem pa se odražata tako razvoj ameriškega svobodno jazzovskega igranja kot tudi evropska estetika reducirane barve zvoka.
Cene Resnik (1978) je ljubljanski tenorski saksofonist. Študiral je jazzovski saksofon na celovškem konservatoriju, izpopolnjeval se je pri Gregu Osbyju, Reggieju Workmanu in Dougu Hammondu. Je eden najaktivnejših glasbenikov srednje generacije na slovenski ustvarjalni glasbeni sceni, ki igra v številnih mednarodnih skupinah z glasbeniki, kot so Rob Mazurek, Tanja Feichtmair, Giovanni Maier, Torbjörn Zetterberg ali Frank Rosaly. Na njegov prepoznavni slog igranja saksofona vpliva budizem, ki ga Resnik prakticira že vrsto let. Kljub temu njegova glasba ni umirjena in meditativna, temveč zelo energična in introspektivna spiritualna svobodna jazz glasba.
Urban Kušar (1992) je slovenski bobnar in tolkalec. Sodi med najbolj aktivne in vsestranske glasbenike svoje generacije slovenskih improvizatorjev. Na bobne igra od svojega osmega leta, obiskoval je zasebne in formalne bobnarske šole pri Marku Lasiču in Zlatku Kaučiču. V zadnjem desetletju neutrudno nastopa in snema s Kaučičevim Kombo B, z Acamar Trio skupaj s Cenetom Resnikom in Matjažem Bajcem ter z različnimi skupinami severnoitalijanskega violončelista in kontrabasista Giovannija Maierja. Nastopa tudi v okviru izjemnega jazzcore powerhouse kolektiva Koromač, ki združuje slovenske in italijanske instrumentaliste z obeh strani obmejne goriške regije.
Sara Zlanabitnig od leta 2005 živi na Dunaju. Po končanem študiju se je začela posvečati svobodni improvizirani, eksperimentalni in elektronski glasbi. Aktivno sodeluje na platformi Fraufeld, ki si prizadeva povečati vidnost žensk v glasbi, ter v festivalskem kolektivu Jahresendzeitschokoladenhohlkörper in kulturnopolitični pobudi mitderstadtreden. Od leta 2022 pa je vključena tudi v umetniško vodstvo dunajskega kulturnega prizorišča Echoraum.
Njeno glasbeno ustvarjanje zaznamujejo progresivna usmerjenost, odprtost do raznolikosti ter raziskovanje zvoka na meji med elektronsko in svobodno improvizirano glasbo. Kot flavtistka daje prednost inovativnim tehnikam igranja, kot so četrtinski toni, harmoniki in multifoniki. /
Jaka Berger je izjemno dejaven in inovativni bobnar, tolkalec, skladatelj ter improvizator, ki je že dvajset let prisoten na slovenski glasbeni sceni. Leta 2006 je izdal prvenec za italijansko založbo Splasch Records, od leta 2014 pa raziskuje prepariran bobnarski komplet, s katerim redno ustvarja solistična dela, objavljena v mednarodnih publikacijah za improvizirano glasbo. Leta 2013 je nastopil kot performer v uspešni gledališki predstavi Gremo vsi! v režiji Mareta Bulca. Razvija eksperimentalni projekt Partija z vizualnim umetnikom Matejem Stupico in koncertira s skupino Darla Smoking. Leta 2015 je izdal ploščo Treatise skladatelja Corneliusa Cardewa, leto kasneje pa je izvedel svoje najbolj ambiciozno delo – kompozicijo za desetčlanski orkester Tentet slišnega življenja. V sodelovanju s pianistom Dejanom Berdenom je leta 2019 izdal ploščo, posvečeno skladatelju Mortonu Feldmanu, ter plošči z zasedbama Bootleg Unit trio in Fresh Dust trio za britansko založbo FMR Records. Od leta 2020 se ponovno posveča skladbi Treatise Corneliusa Cardewa, kar je privedlo do izdaje plošče Breakfast with Cardew, in leta 2022 do izdaje druge plošče Treatise za pod založbo Inexhaustible Editions/Edicija FriForma. Leta 2021 je v sodelovanju s slovenskimi pesniki izdal knjigo zvočnih prevodov Poetrix. /
Priporočana vstopnina: 10 EUR
Produkcija: FriForma - KUD Mreža & Inštitut ON Rizom, Ljubljana
Program kurirata: Nataša Serec & László Juhász
Grafično oblikovanje: Urša Rahne
Hvala, ker nas spremljate in obiskujete dogodke!
Naslednji dogodek FriForme: Yes Deer, AKC Nama, Škofja Loka, 7. 3. 2025, ob 20.00
/// ENG ///
CUT TRIO: Tanja Feichtmair / Cene Resnik / Urban Kušar (A-SLO)
TAIGA: Sara Zlanabitnig / Jaka Berger (A-SLO)
We are lstrating our tenth concert season with the premiere of fresh music releases by Slovenian-Austrian ensembles.
With each performance, the louder, wilder and more ferocious CUT Trio continues its musical journey with the release of its second album Accelerator.
The concert evening will be a completely different performance by the duo Taiga, who will present their first artistic project Murmurations.
We are about to be immersed in a rich, subtle, progressive story inspired by the tranquillity of the Vrchnik landscape and free jazz at its best!
Tanja Feichmair - alto saxophone
Cene Resnik - tenor saxophone
Urban Kušar - drums and percussion
The Austrian-Slovenian free jazz ensemble CUT Trio - Tanja Feichtmair, Cene Resnik, Urban Kušar - presents their second album Accelerator, which was recently released on the Inexhaustible Editions / Edition FriForma sub-label ( and was recorded live at the Artacts festival in St. Johann, Tyrol, Austria. The trio met for the first time in April 2021 at the suggestion of FriForma curators for the V:NM festival in Graz. Just a few days later, they played again at the Alpenglow meeting in Ljubljana, where they received an overwhelming response from the audience. In 2022, they released their first album, Pelletron / Dynamitron, on the same label, to much praise. Their first release was presented at Jazz Ravne, Jazz Cerkno-Keltika, Artacts-St, Johann, Austria and Kulturforum-Villach, Austria.
“The horns prod and challenge, ceaselessly pressing forward but forever ready to feint and jab; they’re immaculately light on their feet, but heavy enough to make it all feel real.” – Bill Meyer, Dusted Magazine
“Excellent record, close to outstanding…” – Maciej Lewenstein, Facebook
“Music is an endless stream of uncontrolled sounds, duelling saxophones and the drums acting as the glue but, in the meantime, not obeying any rules.” – Frand de Waard, Vital Weekly
Sara Zlanabitnig – flute connected to a snare drum
Jaka Berger – prepared snare drum, feedback speakers, boxes with wires, modular synthesizer
The duo of an Austrian flutist and a Slovenian drummer combines the sounds of flute and drums with the help of electronics, creating a subtle sonic universe through their experimental approach to sound and texture. The album Murmurations, released by Interstellar Records ( in Graz, is the first artistic collaboration between Sara Zlanabitnig (flute combined with small drum) and Jaka Berger (prepared small drum, reversible speakers, wire boxes, modular synthesizer). The duo, working between Vienna and Vrhnika, created the album in the peaceful atmosphere of Zaplana, during the cold and rainy August 2024. The silence, the cold and the winter feeling created an inspiring atmosphere for the creation of this artistic project. The theme of the album is closely linked to the winter idyll, which was inspired by the summer recording location.
Short biographies
Austrian alto saxophonist and bass clarinetist Tanja Feichtmair (1972) had established name for herself in countless local and international groups – with Frank Gratkowski, Damon Smith, Roger Turner, Steve Noble, Tony Buck and Gino Robair, just to name a few. For several years, her main interest was in solo reed work, which resulted in the acclaimed album Kaman Wasi in 2003, for which she received a music arts promotion grant. Feichtmair's playing is characterized by her free approach to music, far away from any common convention, and reflects both the developments of American free jazz playing and the reduced timbre aesthetics of European origin.
Ljubljana-based tenor saxophonist Cene Resnik (1978) studied jazz saxophone at the Klagenfurt conservatory, and attended master classes with Greg Osby, Reggie Workman or Doug Hammond. He is one of the most active mid-generation musicians on the Slovenian creative music scene, who is playing in numerous international groups with musicians such as Rob Mazurek, Tanja Feichtmair, Giovanni Maier, Torbjörn Zetterberg or Frank Rosaly. His distinctive style of saxophone playing is influenced by Buddhism, which Resnik has been practising for many years. Yet, his music is not tranquil and meditative, but highly energetic and introspective spiritual free jazz.
Slovenian drummer and percussionist Urban Kušar (1992) is one of the most active and versatile musicians of his generation of Slovenian improvisers. Playing the drums from the age of eight, he attended private and formal drum schools with Marek Lasič and Zlatko Kaučič. In the last decade, he has been relentlessly performing and recording with Kaučič's Kombo B, Acamar Trio with Cene Resnik and Matjaž Bajc, with various groups by North-Italian cellist-double bassist Giovanni Maier, and Koromač which is a remarkable jazzcore powerhouse collective of Slovenian and Italian instrumentalists from the Gorica-Gorizia border region.
Sara Zlanabitnig has been living in Vienna since 2005. After finishing her studies, she started to work in free improvised, experimental and electronic music. She is an active member of the Fraufeld platform, which aims to increase the visibility of women in music, as well as the festival collective Jahresendzeitschokoladenhohlkörper and the cultural and political initiative mitderstadtreden. Since 2022, she has also been involved in the artistic direction of Vienna's cultural venue Echoraum. Her musical work is characterised by a progressive orientation, an openness to diversity and an exploration of sound on the border between electronic and free improvised music. As a flutist, she prefers innovative playing techniques such as quarter tones, harmonics and multiphonics. /
Jaka Berger is an extremely active and innovative drummer, percussionist, composer and improviser who has been present on the Slovenian music scene for twenty years. In 2006 he released his debut album for the Italian label Splasch Records, and since 2014 he has been exploring a prepared drum kit with which he regularly creates solo works published in international publications for improvised music. In 2013 he appeared as a performer in the successful theatre performance Let's Go Everybody! directed by Maret Bulc. He is developing an experimental project Party with visual artist Matej Stupica and performs with Darla Smoking. In 2015, he released the album Treatise by composer Cornelius Cardew, and a year later he performed his most ambitious work - a composition for the ten-piece orchestra Tentet of Audible Life. In 2019, he released a collaboration with pianist Dejan Berden, a record dedicated to composer Morton Feldman, and albums with the Bootleg Unit Trio and Fresh Dust Trio for the UK label FMR Records. From 2020, he is revisiting Cornelius Cardew's Treatise, leading to the release of Breakfast with Cardew, and in 2022, a second Treatise album for the Inexhaustible Editions/Edition FriForma sub-label. In 2021, in collaboration with Slovenian poets, he published Poetrix, a book of audio translations. /
Recommended entrance fee: 10 EUR
Production: FriForma - KUD Mreža & Inštitut ON Rizom, Ljubljana
Programme curated by Nataša Serec & László Juhász
Graphic design by Urša Rahne
Thank you for following us and attending our events!
Next FriForma event: Yes Deer, AKC Nama, Škofja Loka, 7 March 2025, 20.00
Where is it happening?
Klub Gromka, AKC Metelkova mesto, Masarykova cesta 24,Ljubljana, SloveniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: