Kozmična harmonija - glasbeno potovanje in planetarna poravnava. Glasba, vesolje in povezanost.
Sat Jan 25 2025 at 07:30 pm to 11:30 pm
Višja Vibracija | Ljubljana, LB
Vabljeni na drugi dogodek edinstvene serije "Kozmična harmonija", ki bo 25. januarja 2025, na dan, ko se bo na nebu odvijal izjemen in zelo redek astronomski dogodek. Planetarna poravnava sedmih planetov! Merkur, Venera, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uran in Neptun!Tako kot planeti, ki bodo v popolni harmoniji za trenutek povezali vesolje, bomo tudi mi ustvarili čarobno vzdušje povezanosti in miru.
Na odru nas bosta popeljala v svet kozmične harmonije:
- Aleksander Kozmič, naš rezident, soustanovitelj in mojster številnih inštrumentov ter ustvarjalec kozmičnega jezika,
- ter poseben gost iz Hrvaške, Ivan Judaš, priznani glasbenik na handpanu in multiinstrumentalist, ki z nežnimi, a intenzivnimi zvoki svojih inštrumentov raziskuje globine miru, prisotnosti in divjine.
O glasbenem gostu:
Ivan Judaš, hrvaški glasbenik s sedežem v Zagrebu, nastopa na festivalih in koncertih po vsej Evropi. Njegova glasba ni zgolj umetnost - je potovanje vase.
Ivan: "Zame je igranje glasbe način, kako doživeti tako mir kot prisotnost. Ko igram, je, kot da spuščam najgloblje in neznane dele sebe v divjino, pri čemer je inštrument le orodje za dosego prostora, ki ga telo ne more doseči - skozi zvok."
Spoznajte več o Ivanu na njegovi facebook strani: https://www.facebook.com/Judashandpanmusic
Glasba in vesolje: Povezava harmonij.
Planetarna poravnava je vizualni prikaz univerzalne harmonije, ki vlada vesolju. Podobno je glasba jezik brez meja, ki lahko doseže naš notranji mir in prebudi občutek povezanosti z nečim večjim. Na dogodku "kozmična harmonija" bomo skupaj raziskovali te vzporednice - skozi zvok, gib in spontano soustvarjanje.
Vsak ton, vsaka melodija, ki jo boste slišali ali občutili, je povabilo na potovanje vase. Tako kot planeti na nebu zrcalijo popolno kozmično skladnost, bomo tudi mi v glasbi in skupnosti doživeli harmonijo, ki presega vsakdanje.
Vrata se odprejo ob 19:30
čas za pozdrave, objeme in klepet
Glasbena čarovnija se začne ob 20:00
Prispevek 25€
Za prijavo izpolnite obrazec:
Ne zamudite tega posebnega večera!
Pridružite se nam pri raziskovanju kozmične harmonije ter doživite magično povezanost glasbe, ljudi in vesolja. Skupaj bomo praznovali moč planetov in glasbenega izraza.
Naj glasba in vesolje v vas prebudita harmonijo, ki jo nosite v sebi!
You are invited to the second event of the unique series "Cosmic harmony", taking place on January 25, 2025, the same day a rare and extraordinary astronomical event will unfold in the night sky: the planetary alignment of seven planets! Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune!
Just as the planets will align in perfect harmony, momentarily connecting the cosmos, we will also create a magical atmosphere of connection and peace.
Guiding us into the world of cosmic harmony will be:
Aleksander Kozmič, our resident artist, co-founder, master of numerous instruments, and creator of the cosmic language,
and a special guest from Croatia, Ivan Judaš, a renowned handpan musician and multi-instrumentalist whose gentle yet profound sounds explore the depths of peace, presence, and wilderness.
About Our Guest Musician
Ivan Judaš, a Croatian musician based in Zagreb, performs at European festivals and concerts. His music is more than art - it is a journey inward.
Ivan: "For me, playing music is a way to experience peace and presence. When I play, it feels like I am releasing the deepest and most unknown parts of myself into the wilderness, with the instrument being just a tool to reach places the body cannot access - through sound."
Learn more about Ivan on his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Judashandpanmusic
Music and the cosmos: a connection of harmonies.
The planetary alignment is a visual manifestation of the universal harmony that governs the cosmos. Similarly, music is a borderless language capable of reaching our inner peace and awakening a sense of connection to something greater. At "Cosmic Harmony", we will explore these parallels together t through sound, movement, and spontaneous co-creation.
Every tone, every melody you hear or feel is an invitation to embark on a journey inward. Just as the planets in the sky reflect perfect cosmic alignment, we too will experience harmony through music and community that transcends the ordinary.
Event Details
Doors open at 7:30 PM - time for greetings, hugs, and conversations
Musical magic begins at 8:00 PM
Register here to secure your spot:
Don’t Miss This Special Evening!
Join us in exploring cosmic harmony and experiencing the magical connection of music, people, and the cosmos. Together, we will celebrate the power of the planets and musical expression.
May music and the cosmos awaken the harmony within you.
Where is it happening?
Višja Vibracija, Cesta Andreja Bitenca 68, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, SloveniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: