Fuse Point Jam // open locking workshop w/ Yosse & open floor w/ DJ David
Sun Mar 23 2025 at 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm
Union KBH | Copenhagen , SK
Program:14:00-15:00 Beginner friendly locking workshop w/ Yosse
15:00-16:30 Jam & open dance floor w/ DJ David
Where: Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København First Floor (AULA)
Workshop & jam 60 kr.
Jam 30 kr.
(Mobilepay and Cash Only)
Yosse is a dancer based in Malmö. After some years of digging in to the culture and artform of Locking she is super excited to be back and share her love for funk with Fuse Point. Her main focus is to create a safe space where you can take your time, play and explore with the basics of Locking while trying out some grooves and some of the Social Party Steps that was done to funk music during the 70s in LA, where also Locking was created by Don "Campbellock" Campbell.
DJ David:
David is one of our Fuse Point resident DJs. He is a Copenhagen-based DJ that has been at the decks for more than 16 years now. Combined with his dancing background, it gives him a natural instinct for finding the perfect track to get your feet and soul going.
He is well-versed in many musical genres, but will be treating us at Fuse Point with lovely and smooth house and afro-house beats.
Fuse Point:
Welcome to Fuse Point:
We aim to support members of the dance and music culture and
ensure a safe and positive space. We want to create a space where you
meet each other with openness in a natural and relaxed setting.
We also want to create a deeper understanding and recognition of the
positive under-represented elements that these urban and street
culture contain. We have therefore set up a guideline for participation
in our activities.
Come with an open mind and give the space to others that you
yourself wants to be given to you.
We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, sexism, racism,
homophobia, or transphobia.
It is not allowed to consume or bring alcohol or other narcotics to
our activities.
We ask you not to take pictures of other participants without
permission. Our in-house photographer will take care of that. If you
do not want to participate in photos / videos, let us know before you
participate in the activity.
We strongly believe that communities, togetherness, inclusion, and
understanding flourish best when people, regardless of age, gender,
nationality, and skills, can meet in a creative environment.
Velkommen til Fuse Point:
Vi har til formål at støtte op om medlemmer i danse- og musikkulturen,
og sørge for et trygt og positivt rum. Vi ønsker at skabe et rum, hvor
man møder hinanden med åbenhed i en naturlig og afslappet ramme.
Vi ønsker ligeledes at skabe dybere forståelse og anerkendelse af de
positive og underrepræsenterede elementer som disse miljøer
rummer i sig. Vi har derfor opsat en guideline for deltagelse til vores
Kom med åbent sind, og giv den plads til andre som du selv ønsker givet til dig.
Vi tolererer ikke nogen form for diskrimination, sexisme, racisme, homofobi eller transfobi.
Det er ikke tilladt at indtage eller medbringe alkohol eller andre euforiserende stoffer til vores aktiviteter.
Vi beder dig om ikke at tage billeder af andre deltager uden tilladelse. Det vil vores interne fotograf tage sig af. Hvis du ikke ønsker at være med i billeder/videoer, så lad os vide det, før du deltager i aktiviteten.
Vi har stærkt tiltro til at fællesskaber, sammenhold, inkludering, og forståelse bedst blomster når mennesker uanset alder, køn, nationalitet og færdigheder får mulighed for at mødes i et kreativt miljø
Where is it happening?
Union KBH, Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København N, Danmark,Copenhagen, Copenhagen , DenmarkEvent Location & Nearby Stays: