BESPLATNA radionica floorcrafta s Kristinom i Markom 🌱
Fri Jan 10 2025 at 07:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Ulica Augusta Šenoe 23, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia | Zagreb, GZ
Dobrodošli na BESPLATNU radionicu na temu floorcrafta! 🌱Floorcraft je skup pravila i vještina koje nam pomažu da uspješno navigiramo kroz gužvovitu milongu te pri tome poštujemo parove oko sebe.
Radionica koju vode Kristina i Marko prilika je da testirate svoje vještine floorcrafta i postanete spretniji u plesom u manjim prostorima, a pritom naučite održati povezanost s partnerom i ljudima oko vas.
Cilj radionice je učiniti našu prekrasnu tango scenu sigurnijom, obazrivijom i funkcionalnijom.
U našem rigoroznom simulacijskom laboratoriju stavit ćemo vas na test – bit će baš kao na prepunim subotnjim milongama u Buenos Airesu – vježbat ćemo pravila plesne etike, istovremeno tražeći užitak u plesu.
Ova zabavna i BESPLATNA radionica namijenjena je svima, bilo da ste leader ili follower, početnik ili iskusni plesač.
Nadamo vam se u što većem broju kako bismo stvorili okruženje koje pomice naše kreativne granice, što će nas natjerati da plešemo tango u malom prostoru, ali na zabavan način. Stvorimo zajednicu koja želi brinuti o našim partnerima i plesnom podiju.
Jeste li spremni? 🤘🏼
Radionicu vode: Kristina McFadden i Marko Šilinger
Vrijeme: petak 10.1.2025., 19-20 h
Lokacija: Tango Garden
Radionica će se održati na engleskom jeziku.
Prijave unaprijed nisu potrebne!
Veselimo vam se!
FREE Floorcraft Workshop by Kristina & Marko
Let’s work on our dance floorcraft to make our beautiful tango scene more safe, considerate, and functional. This is a FREE community offering, everyone is encouraged to come!
Run by Marko and Kristina, the class is a chance to test your floor craft skills and get comfortable with dancing in smaller spaces while maintaining connection to your partner and the people around you.
Floorcraft is the set of skills and codes that helps us navigate crowded milongas while respecting the couples around us.
In our rigorous simulation lab, you’ll be put to the test – just like a packed Saturday night milonga in Buenos Aires! You will learn how to understand the codes of dance floor etiquette, while also seeking enjoyment in your dance.
When we learn that we are at all times, an individual, a couple, and a dance collective all sharing the same moment, we can find more holistic harmony with our dance experience.
This fun AND FREE class is for you if:
You are a leader/follower with little experience!
You are a leader/follower with a lot of experience!
Let’s get as many people to come as possible so we can really create an environment that challenges our creative edges, by having us dance small but well. 💃🕺 Let’s create a community that wants to take care of our partners and the dance floor environment.
Are you in? 🤘🏼
At the end you will swear on our tango bible to be a good citizen of the dance floor, and uphold the best dance conditions in our local scene and abroad. :)
Workshop led by: Kristina McFadden and Marko Šilinger
Time: Friday, January 10th 2025, 7–8 PM
Location: Tango Garden
The workshop will be held in English.
No prior registration needed!
We look forward to seeing you! 🌱
Where is it happening?
Ulica Augusta Šenoe 23, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Ulica Augusta Šenoe 23, HR-10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska,Zagreb, CroatiaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: