波斯新年諾魯茲野餐|Nowruz Picnic
Sun, 23 Mar, 2025 at 02:00 pm
大安 森林公園 | Taipei, TP
諾魯茲,在波斯語中是新的一天的意思,這個節日是發生在太陽穿過天球赤道和黃道在天球上交點的天文事件,也就是春分時節,在波斯月曆當中是第一個月分 Farvandin 的第一天。兩千多年前,古代波斯人就觀察到這個天文現象,並且透過拜火教賦予了神聖的意義,也在民族史詩當中彰顯了這個節日,光明擊敗黑暗,人們得以獲得新生。
重生、光明與火焰,新的一年新的一天。該節日是根據波斯曆所決定,而今年落在 3 月 20 日,這天開始波斯曆將進入 1404 年。
說說伊朗再度延續每年舉辦諾魯茲慶祝的傳統,今年邀請大家於 3 月 23 日週日,帶上野餐用具到大安森林公園舞台區後方,共同慶祝這個充滿文化與歷史的節日。再過一次新年!
同時說說伊朗選物店也推出新年優惠,只要輸入優惠碼:Nowruz2025,就可以享受 8 折優惠,歡迎挑選喜歡的伊朗小物。選物店網址:Talkpersia.com
時間:2025年 3/23 週日 14:00 - 1700
若當天遇雨則取消,會於臉書 IG 等公告之。
"A gentle spring breeze, like a little lover, slowly walks out of the alley." — Persian Poet Hafez
What festival can be celebrated from Turkey in the west, southward to Iraq, northward through the Caucasus Mountains, and eastward across Iran, Central Asia, all the way to Xinjiang and India—shared by over 16 countries and dozens of ethnic groups?
Nowruz—meaning "New Day" in Persian—is an astronomical event marking the moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator at the vernal equinox. In the Persian calendar, it is the first day of the first month, Farvardin. More than two thousand years ago, ancient Persians observed this phenomenon and, through Zoroastrianism, imbued it with sacred significance. The festival was immortalized in epic tales, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and the renewal of life.
Rebirth, light, and fire—a new year, a new day.
Nowruz follows the Persian calendar and will fall on March 20, 2025, marking the beginning of the Persian year 1404.
Like the Lunar New Year, Nowruz has accumulated diverse traditions over the centuries, each region adding its own cultural touch. The color red, symbolizing light and life, is an essential element. Families and friends gather, decorate their homes, recite poetry, jump over fire, exchange blessings, and even host large public celebrations.
In Iran, Nowruz is celebrated for over two weeks, similar to the Lunar New Year in East Asia. Preparations begin well in advance, and customs include house cleaning, visiting relatives, and outdoor excursions—doesn't this remind you of the traditions of the Lunar New Year?
This year, TalkPersia invites you to continue this cherished tradition and celebrate Nowruz 2025 together!
📅 Date: Sunday, March 23, 2025
🕑 Time: 14:00 - 17:00
📍 Location: Daan Forest Park, behind the Music Stage seating area
💰 Cost: Free! No registration needed—just bring your own picnic setup.
⛈️ In case of rain, the event will be canceled (updates will be posted on Facebook & Instagram).
Let's welcome the Persian New Year together—one more time!
🎉 Special Nowruz Offer from Talk Persia 🎉
To celebrate the season, Talk Persia's online store is offering a 20% discount on selected Iranian items.
Simply use discount code: Nowruz2025 at checkout.
🛍️ Shop here: Talkpersia.com
See you at Nowruz 2025! 🌿🔥✨
Where is it happening?
大安 森林公園, 台灣106台北市大安區大安森林公園生態湖,Taipei, TaiwanEvent Location & Nearby Stays: