Zouk Level 1 Friday 3月21號
Fri, 21 Mar, 2025 at 07:15 pm
Bailalo Dance Studio | Taipei, TP
Time時間:Friday Night 每週五晚上 7:15- 8:30Date日期:March 21st 3月21日開始
Location 地點:Bailalo舞蹈教室
Address 地址: 台北市大安區羅斯福路三段293號8樓
Professor 教師:Maggie & Ricky
***Register 報名表: https://forms.gle/oRu8HD1Bm2764nKu5
Brazilian Zouk源自於巴西, 它是一種優美又感性的舞蹈. 低調內斂, 動靜自如. 有時沉穩, 有時激昂, 有時像動態冥想, 有時如大風大浪. Zouk最迷人的地方是那綿密又不間斷的特性, 令人沉醉於音樂和螺旋的轉動中. 歡迎有興趣的朋友報名參加喔!
Brazilian Zouk is a graceful and soulful dance. It is an inner and composed form of dance, with smooth transitions between movement and stillness. It's calm, yet sometimes passionate. It is often referred to as "meditation in motion," but at times, it can also feel like a powerful storm. The most captivating aspect of Zouk is its sense of continuity and fluidity, which allows you to become fully immersed in the music and its endless spiral. Sign up if you’d like to join us on this journey into the Zouk world!
Maggie 有 16 年 Salsa 舞以及 6 年 Zouk 舞教學經驗。她不僅學舞蹈,同時還學習心理學和教育學;無論是舞蹈、動作或是教學方法,她為了能給學生帶來最好的經驗,從沒停止學習。Maggie 剛花了 2 個半月的時間,在巴西學習 Lambada 和zouk 舞,吸收正統巴西文化,而她很想要跟大家分享這一切。
Ricky 自2018年開始學習Salsa、Bachata 和 Zouk 舞,每週上六堂課,從此愛上舞蹈。他是Bailalo舞蹈教室第一位,三種舞蹈同時達到高水準的學生。他對舞蹈的熱誠和投入,很快就讓他在去年晉升成為Bailalo助教,並進一步成為Zouk舞蹈老師。
Maggie has been teaching salsa for 16 years and Brazilian Zouk for 6 years, she has studied not only dance but also psychology and pedagogy. She never stops learning, be it dance, movement, or best ways of teaching, so that she can bring the best she can for her students. She just returned from a 2.5 month trip to Brazil where she studied Lambada and Brazilian Zouk daily and soaked up the Brazilian culture, she wants to share all this with you.
Ricky has been studying salsa, bachata and Brazilian Zouk since 2018, taking classes 6 days a week, falling in love with dance. He is the first student at Bailalo to reach high level of dance in all 3 dances simultaneously. His passion and dedication quickly drove him to become a teacher assistant at Bailalo and now Brazilian Zouk teacher for the past year.
Where is it happening?
Bailalo Dance Studio, 羅斯福路3段293號8樓,Taipei, TaiwanEvent Location & Nearby Stays: