《解脱道一二阶》 明就仁波切亲授 POL1&2 PHX_2025.05.10-13


Sat, 10 May, 2025 at 02:00 pm to Tue, 13 May, 2025 at 06:00 pm



3003 N Central Ave | Phoenix, AZ

明就仁波切将于凤凰城亲授《解脱道一二阶》直指心性课程,欢迎参加。Join us for Path of Liberation level 1&2 (POL1&2) class taught by Mingyur Rinpoche in Phoenix.
About this Event


建立在「开心禅」(Joy of Living) 的基础教学之上,「解脱道」课程是明就仁波切教导的金刚乘教法核心。「解脱道」(Path of Liberation) 是一条体验式的修持之道,融合了藏传佛教噶举和宁玛传承最重要的修持,为希望跟随咏给 ·明就仁波切修持佛法的同学提供系统化的教导和禅修练习,以断除造成痛苦的因,展现作为所有经验之基础的耀眼觉性。在学员完成「开心禅」的止、观学习和实修功课后,您可以开始德噶的「解脱道」学习和实修。德噶「解脱道」的精髓是培养对心的本性的直接体验与洞见。而心的本性之至关重要的就是空性。在这次《解脱道一二阶》课程中,明就仁波切将引介阐明这个真理的第一和第二个指引口诀。

About the Teaching Event of Path of Liberation Level 1&2

Based on the foundational teachings of “Joy of Living”, the “Path of Liberation” program is the core of the Vajrayana teachings taught by Mingyur Rinpoche. The Path of Liberation is an experiential practice path. It integrates the most important practices of the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. The program offers systematic instructions and meditation practices for those seeking to follow the Buddhist path under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, aiming to eliminate the root causes of suffering and reveal the luminous awareness that underlies all experiences. After the student completes all the Shamata and Vipassana instructions and homework in the Joy of Living program, they can begin learning and practicing Tergar’s Path of Liberation. The essence of the Path of Liberation is to cultivate direct experience and insight of the Nature of Mind, while the essence of the Nature of Mind is emptiness. In this Path of Liberation Level 1&2 event, Mingyur Rinpoche will bestow the first and second pith instruction that elucidates this truth.

《解脱道一二阶》的授课时间5月10日 下午2:00PM 至 5月13日 下午6:00PM。 5月10日 下午1:30pm开始报到入场。


  • 选项1:已参加过「开心禅」的全部三阶课程 - 平静你的心(开心禅一阶), 打开你的心(开心禅二阶),唤醒智慧(开心禅三阶),并且已经完成
  • 选项2:已完成全部的四加行长轨修持(每个加行十万遍)
  • 选项3:有超过五年每日禅修的经验,并参加过共修形式或个人形式的禅修闭关累积总数30天,在闭关中每天都在佛法老师的指导下进行6小时以上的正式禅修练习


REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION: You need to meet at least one of the following options to be able to register for the event.

  • Option 1: To have attended all three Joy of Living levels — Calming the Mind (Level 1), Opening the Heart (Level 2), and Awakening Wisdom (Level 3) — and completed the associated
  • Option 2: To have completed the full preliminary practices (the 4 x 100,000 ngondro)
  • Option 3: To have had a daily meditation practice for at least five years and attended either group or solitary practice retreats for a total of at least thirty days, with 6+ hours of formal meditation practice per day, under the guidance of a Buddhist teacher

The requirements for participation were set in consultation with Mingyur Rinpoche. In turn, we ask that you honor them. Thank you!


Click here to view and download a detailed schedule for the teaching event


Please Note: The EventBrite platform requires to pay first, then fill out the required information. So after your payment, please wait and read the questions in the browser, and fill them out. Otherwise your registration is NOT complete and it is VERY DIFFICULT to modify. Thank you for your understanding!


Language: Rinpoche and Lama Trinley will teach in English. Asynchronous Chinese translation will be provided. No earphones required.

授课地点:Auditorium,Phoenix Corporate Center : 3003 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85012 (距离凤凰城机场 6 miles)。请坐电梯至LL(lower level)到礼堂(Auditorium)。

Event Location: Auditorium, Phoenix Corporate Center, 3003 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85012 (6 miles from Phoenix Airport). Please take the elevator to LL (lower level) to the Auditorium.


Seating: Only chairs. Cushions will not be provided, and please do not bring your own cushions.

停车:在Phoenix Corporate Center 旁边就有停车楼,其入口在East Catalina Dr,停车按小时收费,$15封顶。

Parking: There is a parking garage next to Phoenix Corporate Center, with the entrance on East Catalina Dr. Parking is charged by the hour, with a maximum of $15.

餐饮:本活动将免费提供的3天午餐素盒饭,5月11日 和 5月13日。午餐地点在一楼的Game Room。我们还将提供一定数量的瓶装水,但是无法提供热水。如有需要,请自带水杯,会场外面有fountain可供接水。

Meals: During this event, complimentary vegetarian lunches will be provided on May 11 - May 13. The lunch location is in the Game Room on the first floor. We will also provide a limited quantity of bottled water, but we are unable to provide hot water. We recommend you bring your own water bottle. There is a water fountain outside the venue for cold water.

机票:建议您订机票时考虑订 refundable(可退换)的机票,以防万一。凤凰城的机场代码是 PHX,全称phoenix sky harbor international airport。

Air Tickets: It is recommended that you consider booking refundable air tickets in case of unexpected changes. The airport code of Phoenix is ​​PHX, which stands for Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.

团购旅馆:Embassy Suites by Hilton Phoenix Downtown North : 10 E Thomas Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85012 (距离上课地点步行2分钟,仁波切也将住宿在这里)

  • 团购旅馆价格是 $165/晚(税前),单人间(一张大床)或 双人间(两张床),含早餐和傍晚零食。如需停车,需要缴纳停车费:每天$10。
  • 预订旅馆需要在《解脱道二阶》课程或者《马尔巴尊者生平故事》的注册课程时同时注册。请注意:同一个人只需预订一次旅馆。比如,参加5/10-5/14全部课程的人只需在注册《解脱道二阶》课程的时候选择团购旅馆,填写全部旅馆预订例如 5/10-5/14,在注册《马尔巴尊者生平故事》课程的时候需要选择自行安排住宿,而不是再次选择团购旅馆。
  • 在注册过程中选择了团购旅馆的人,在未来会收到德噶明觉的电子邮件,里面会有按团购价格直接预订旅馆的连接,然后个人自行通过链接预订旅馆。如果是预订双人间的,您可以告知您是否有确定的朋友将与您合住,如果您和您的朋友都已经注册并且都填写对方为合住伙伴,我们将把定酒店的链接发给二位,您们自行通过链接预定旅馆。如果您没有确定的合住伙伴,我们将随机分配同性别合住伙伴,您将会收到发给您和随机确定的合住伙伴的电子邮件和联系方式,同时包含如何自行预订旅馆的连接。
  • 团购旅馆是有时间限制的,预订团购旅馆请在收到旅馆预订链接的时候尽早完成预定,旅馆预订的最后期限是 4 月 8 日。如果遇到突发事件需要取消行程安排,请务必于 5 月 6 日以前通知旅馆取消预订,并通知我们。如果您是与其他人订的双人间,请务必通知你的室友。

Group Hotel Booking: Embassy Suites by Hilton Phoenix Downtown North, 10 E Thomas Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85012. (It is a 2-minute walk to the event location. Rinpoche will also be staying here.)

  • The discounted rate through group booking is $165 per night (before taxes), single room (one king bed) or double room (two beds), including breakfast and evening snacks. If parking is needed, the parking fee is $10 per day.
  • To book the hotel at the group rate, you will need to sign up for group hotel booking when you register for POL1& 2 or The Marpa's stories course. Please note that one person will only need to sign up for the group booking once. For example, if you plan to attend all events from May 10 to May 14, you will only need to choose “group hotel booking” when registering for POL 1& 2, and selecting your check in and check out dates for the full stay, such as 5/10-5/15. Then when you register for the Marpa's Stories course, you will need to select “I will arrange my own accommodation” instead of “group hotel booking” again.
  • Those who have selected group hotel booking during the course registration will receive a separate email from Tergar Mingjue after we process your registration and hotel booking plan. The email will contain a link for you to directly book the hotel at the group discounted rate. You will then book your room with the hotel using the link. If you would like to share a double room with someone, you can tell us whether you have a designated roommate. If both you and your friend have registered and filled in each other as a roommate, we will send the hotel booking link to both of you, and you can work together to book the hotel through the link. If you do not have a designated roommate, we will randomly assign a roommate of the same gender. We will send an email to you and your assigned roommate with the link for you to book the hotel.
  • The group hotel booking is time limited. Please reserve your room as soon as possible after receiving the hotel reservation link. The deadline for hotel reservation is April 8. If you need to cancel your trip due to an emergency, please cancel your reservation with the hotel and notify us before May 6. If you have booked a double room with someone else, please be sure to notify your roommate.


在办理报到手续时我们需要扫描您的入场券上的二位码。您可以打印您收到的注册确认电子邮件中的 PDF 票(见邮件附件),或者将入场券截屏将照片存在手机上以供入场时扫描票上的二维码,也可以在智能手机上下载Eventbrite 应用程序并在门口出示您的电子入场券。

Checking-in at the Event

When you check in, we will need to scan the QR code on your ticket. You can print out the PDF ticket that you received in your confirmation email (see attachment), or you can save a screenshot of the ticket on your phone so that the QR code can be scanned when checking in. You may also download the Eventbrite app on your smartphone and show us the e-ticket when you check in.



Dharma Texts

During the teaching, we will share the Tergar Daily Chants text on the big screen for everyone to chant the supplications and dedication prayers. During this event, Lama Trinley will lead everyone to practice of Nectar of the Path together, and we will share the liturgy text on the big screen. If you are concerned about not being able to see the big screen clearly, please bring your own Daily Chants and Nectar of the Path texts to the event. You can get the English version of the Tergar Dayily Chants, Nectar of the Path, and Chariot Traveling the Noble Path from Tergar Online Store.





Cancellation and Refund Policies

1) If you cancel your registration before April 10, 2025, the remaining amount after deducting the handling fee charged by the Eventbrite platform will be fully refunded. The handling fee of Eventbrite cannot be refunded.

2) If you cancel your registration after April 10, 2025 and before April 24, 2025, 50% of the remaining amount after deducting the handling fee charged by the Eventbrite platform will be refunded.

3) If you cancel after 4/24/2025, no refund will be issued.



Offerings and Donations

During the event, there will be a donation box on site to accept checks and cash. We can also accept offerings and donations by credit card through the center’s electronic device. Alternatively, you may choose to donate when registering for the event or donate through this link.


如果您由于经济问题负担不起报名费,请联系我们[email protected],我们将给与您帮助。

Registration Fee

If you cannot afford the registration fee due to financial hardship, please contact us at [email protected], and we will provide you with assistance.


· 解脱道二阶:5/10, 2:00PM - 5/13, 6:00PM

· 阿弥陀佛灌顶: 5/14, 9:15AM - 11:30AM(对大众开放,没有门槛要求)(单独注册,点击这里去注册页)

· 跟随圣者足迹:马尔巴大师传记故事:5/14, 2:00PM - 6:00PM(对大众开放,没有门槛要求)(单独注册,点击这里去注册页)

Information about All the Teaching Events of Rinpoche in Phoenix

  • Path of Liberation Level 1&2: 5/10 2:00PM - 5/13 6:00PM
  • Amitabha Empowerment: 5/14 9:15AM - 11:30AM (open to the public, no pre-requisites. Please register separately by clicking here).
  • Following in the Footsteps of the Noble Master—The Story of Marpa: 5/14 2:00PM - 6:00PM (open to the public, no pre-requisites. Please register separately by clicking here)


您如果有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联络我们 [email protected]

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email: [email protected]



Where is it happening?

3003 N Central Ave, 3003 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, United States

Event Location & Nearby Stays:


USD 0.00 to USD 343.31


Host or Publisher 德噶明覺

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