Workshop de Citologie Clinica cu Erik Teske
Mon, 19 May, 2025 at 08:30 am to Tue, 20 May, 2025 at 05:00 pm
One Tower | Bucharest, BU
Ai ocazia sa iti cresti puterea de diagnostic, rapid si eficient, in propria clinica, doar cu un microscop. Citologia clinica 🔬🦠 e o superputere 🦸🏻 care iti da independenta de laborator, rapiditate in diagnostic/decizii si o autonomie in guvernarea propriilor cazuri.
Workshop cu unul dintre cei mai buni patologi clinicieni din lume, Erik Teske.
De neratat.
Pentru inscrieri trimiteti un email cu
- datele de facturare (numele complet, CNP sau CUI firma, adresa si nr de telefon)
- dovada platii - 3500 lei.
la [email protected]
To register, send an email with
- billing data (full name, ID number or VAT for companies, address and phone number)
- proof of payment (scan, picture).
at [email protected]
Contul bancar:
IBAN nr:
Name: Puls Ambulanta Veterinara
La detalii scrieti numele participantului si ‘Workshop Speedvet Academy’
On details write ‘Speedvet Academy’ and your name.
Pachetul Curs + Worshop are pretul special de 6000 lei, daca se achita integral pana la 31 ianuarie 2025. La detalii scrieti ‘curs plus workshop’ si numele vostru, apoi trimiteti dovada pe mail Pentru inscrieri trimiteti un email cu
- datele de facturare (numele complet, CNP sau CUI firma, adresa si nr de telefon)
- dovada platii la [email protected]
To register, send an email with
- billing data (full name, ID number or VAT for companies, address and phone number)
- proof of payment (scan, picture).
at [email protected]
Contul bancar:
IBAN nr:
Name: Puls Ambulanta Veterinara
La detalii scrieti numele participantului si ‘Speedvet Academy’
On details write ‘Speedvet Academy’ and your name.
Mai multe info la:
More info at:
[email protected]
Special pricing for the package, workshop + course, of 1200 euro, if payment is placed in full by 31 January 2025. On payment details writhe your full name and workshop plus course, than send proof of payment on email [email protected]
Mai multe info la:
More info at:
[email protected]
Program workshop - 2025
19-20 mai workshop de citologie cu Erik Teske, vezi eveniment separat.
Day 1:
09:00 - 10:00 Înregistrarea participanților
10:00 - 10:45 Blood Smear Evaluation I
10:45 - 11:00 Pauză de cafea
11:00 - 11:45 Blood Smear Evaluation II
11:45 - 12:00 Pauză de cafea
12:00 - 14:00 Introduction to cytology I
14:00 - 15:00 Pauză de prânz
15:00 - 17:00 Introduction to cytology II
17:00 - 17:30 Discuții finale
Day 2:
08:00 - 09:00 Înregistrarea participanților
09:00 - 10:30 Cytology of skin and subcutaneous lesions I
10:30 - 10:45 Pauză de cafea
10:45 - 12:00 Cytology of skin and subcutaneous lesions II
12:00 - 13:00 Pauză de prânz
13:00 - 15:30 Lymph node cytology I
15:30 - 15:45 Pauză de cafea
15:45 - 18:00 Lymph node cytology II
Two days course on clinical cytology by Erik Teske
Clinical cytology is an extremely useful diagnostic tool in practice. Material is easy to obtain, often without anesthesia. Diagnoses can be made very quickly, especially if you are able to assess the cytology samples yourself. This course briefly discusses the basic principles and then various sub-areas are discussed in detail. The assessment of blood smears is also discussed.
The course will always have the same structure: after a PowerPoint introduction, the participants can assess the smears themselves using the microscope, after which a joint discussion will take place.
Blood Smear Evaluation
In-house hematology analyzers can often provide excellent blood cell counts, but differentiation of the various subtypes and noticing abnormal cell morphology is often less good. Therefore, the importance of blood smear evaluation will be discussed in more detail during this module. Various normal images and abnormalities of both the red and white cell series will be reviewed. Blood parasites will also be discussed.
Introduction to cytology
During the introduction, the general principles of assessing cytology preparations will be discussed. After determining the tissue origin, the characteristics of inflammation, benign and malignant tumors will be discussed.
Cytology of skin and subcutaneous lesions
Abnormalities in the skin and subcutaneous tissue are well suited for obtaining cytological biopsies. Various benign conditions such as inflammation, cysts, hematoma, etc. will be discussed. In addition, a large number of tumors of the skin but also of tumors located under the skin will be treated.
Lymph node cytology
Lymphadenopathy is a common clinical finding. A diagnosis can be made quickly using fine needle aspiration biopsies. A special place is occupied by the classification of lymphomas.
Where is it happening?
One Tower, Calea Floreasca 165,Bucharest, RomaniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: