Sigrid Savi "MURDA"
Thu Mar 20 2025 at 07:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Telliskivi 60a/9, 10412 Tallinn, Estonia | Tallinn, HA
Sigrid Savi uus tantsulavastus “MURDA” opereerib maailma lõhkumise ja taasloomise vahel, ehitades struktuuri, mis on pidevalt murdumise äärel. Lavastus kui voolukatkestus, keskeakriis, häälemurre, halb levi… Üleminekufaasi lõputust murdepunktide kokkupõrgetest tekib poeetiline lühistest koosnev olemise vorm. Mitte kõik ei pea olema täielikult teada, et uusi maailmu luua. Mõned maailmad koosnevadki ainult jälgedest ja kontuuridest. Selles maailmade romulas triivivad kaks võõrast, kes jagavad ruumi, kuid ajavad justkui erinevat asja. Nad suhtlevad üksteise lauseid lõpetamata, romantiseerides pigem väikesi arusaamatusi. Poolikud hetked, lakkamatud lõpud, hakitud biidid, murtud kehad – tunda on kõrbemislõhna.
What an interesting finger
let me suck it
It’s not an interesting finger
take it away
The statement is pointless
The finger is speechless
R.D. Laing “Knots”
Lavastaja, Koreograaf: Sigrid Savi
Helikunstnik: Lauri Urb
Valguskunstnik: Kristiina Tinnu Tang
Lavakunstnik: Laura Põld
Dramaturg: Kerli Ever
Produtsent: Sirli Oot
Esietendus: 20.03.2025 Sõltumatu Tantsu Laval
Piletiinfo: Eelmüügist 19/14/12€, kohapealt 22/16€
Sigrid Savi’s new dance performance “Split Ends” operates between shattering and reinventing the world, building a structure that is on the constant verge of breaking. A performance as a power disruption, a midlife crisis, a voice cracking, a bad connection… The endless collisions of breaking points in the transition phase create a poetic form of being, made up of short circuits. Not everything has to be fully known to create new worlds. Some worlds are just traces and contours.
In this wreck of worlds, two strangers drift. They share space, but they seem to be about different things. Their communication romanticises rather misunderstandings than completing each other’s sentences. Half-moments, indefinite endings, choppy beats, broken bodies – you can smell the scent of burning.
What an interesting finger
let me suck it
It’s not an interesting finger
take it away
The statement is pointless
The finger is speechless
R.D. Laing “Knots”
Director and choreographer: Sigrid Savi
Sound artist Lauri Urb
Light artist: Kristiina Tinnu Tang
Set designer: Laura Põld
Dramaturge: Kerli Ever
Producer: Sirli Oot
Premiere: 20.03.2025 at Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (STL)
Ticket info: From the website 19/14/12€, on the spot 22/16€
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Where is it happening?
Telliskivi 60a/9, 10412 Tallinn, Estonia, Telliskivi 60a, Põhja-Tallinn, Tallinn, 10412 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, EstoniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: