Prädikat V / Jazz
Wed Feb 05 2025 at 08:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Prulček - live music venue | Ljubljana, LB
About this Event
Prädikat V, zasedba, ki se ne boji izzivov, prihaja v Prulček, da predstavi svoj novi album Time is Hypersensitive. Pripravite se na večer, kjer se bo sodobni jazz prepletal s svobodo improvizacije in nekonvencionalnimi zvočnimi rešitvami.
Dve trobili, vokal, bobni in bas – brez harmoničnega inštrumenta. To je Prädikat V, zasedba, ki ustvarja edinstven zvok, poln kontrastov in presenečenj. Njihova glasba se giblje med liričnimi melodijami, divjimi izbruhi free jazza in groove ritmi, ki vas bodo potegnili v svoj vrtinec.
Prädikat V so glasbeniki, ki verjamejo v individualnost, globalno povezanost in raznolikost. Njihov oder je prostor svobode in spoštovanja, kjer se lahko vsak počuti sprejetega.
Poleg glasbe bodo Prädikat V na koncertu v Prulčku predstavili tudi svojo vizualno umetnost – grafike, plakate in majice, povezane z vsako skladbo na albumu. Bo super zanimivo in še malo severnjaško – ne zamudi!
- Katharina Püschel – vokal (AT)
- Raphael Greil – trobenta (DE/AT)
- Filip Kostoláni – tenor saksofon (SLVK)
- Moritz Holdenried – bas (DE)
- Simon Bauer – bobni (DE)
Prädikat V, a band unafraid of challenges, is coming to Prulček to present their new album Time is Hypersensitive. Get ready for an evening where modern jazz meets the freedom of improvisation and unconventional soundscapes.
Two brass instruments, vocals, drums, and bass – with no harmonic instrument. This is Prädikat V, a group that creates a unique sound full of contrasts and surprises. Their music moves between lyrical melodies, wild bursts of free jazz, and groove rhythms that will pull you into their whirlwind.
Prädikat V are musicians who believe in individuality, global connection, and diversity. Their stage is a space of freedom and respect, where everyone can feel welcome.
Along with their music, Prädikat V will also showcase their visual art at the Prulček concert – graphics, posters, and T-shirts, all connected to the tracks on their album. It's going to be fascinating with a touch of Northern flair – don't miss it!
- Katharina Püschel – vocals (AT)
- Raphael Greil – trumpet (DE/AT)
- Filip Kostoláni – tenor saxophone (SLVK)
- Moritz Holdenried – bass (DE)
- Simon Bauer – drums (DE)
Where is it happening?
Prulček - live music venue, 2 Prijateljeva ulica, Ljubljana, SloveniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays:
EUR 0.00