Loose & Natural: Explorarea Naturaleții~ TantraMeditation cu Kiran & Jivan
Fri, 28 Mar, 2025 at 05:00 pm to Sun, 30 Mar, 2025 at 03:00 pm
Centrul Seeds for Happiness | Bucharest, BU
*** For English, see below *** Tantra este in noi toti. Tantra este in tine, in adevarul care pulseaza in corpul tau, in respiratia ta, in inima ta, in rasul tau, in lacrimile tale, in tacerea ta. Tantra este o invitatie de a te deschide catre tine cel REAL & NATURAL asa cum esti, moment de moment.
Te invităm la primul workshop experiențial TantraMeditation pe care îl susținem în 2025 in Bucuresti la primavara, intre 28- 30 martie. Un weekend dedicat fiintei si energiei tale REALe si NATURALe.
Acest weekend TantraMeditation este doar o reamintire a cum este si cum se simte sa fii tu cel NATURAL & REAL, o reamintire a ceea ce pulseaza deja in interiorul tau. O redescoperire a naturaletii tale dincolo de a fi barbat sau femeie, tata sau mama, iubit/a sau prieten/a, frate sau sora, manager sau terapeut, doctor sau sportiv, artist sau psiholog, etc...
Naturaletea este deseori acoperita de tipare comportamentale care se rasfrang si corporal. Pe masura ce crestem, incepem sa ne tinem corpul in anumite posturi, fara sa constientizam asta.
Suntem atat de obisnuiti sa ne controlam, sa fim constienti de imaginea noastra incat nu mai realizam ca, de fapt, asa incepem sa tinem cont mai mult de ce cred ceilalti despre noi, cum se presupune ca ar trebui sa ne comportam, ce se asteapta de la noi in diferite situatii. Ajungem sa ne modelam pe noi insine astfel incat sa ne comformam si sa ne incadram (asteptarilor celorlalti) astfel incat sa fim acceptati de societate. Acest obicei incepe in copilarie, cand ego-ul incepe sa se creeze – personalitatea, idea a cine suntem. Astfel, cine suntem este un produs al relatiei noastre cu ceilalti si al nevoii noastre de a trai cu ei si de a le castiga aprobabrea, acceptarea. Odata ce am obtinut asta, este dificil sa te relaxezi si sa fii degajat, natural.
Datorita obiceiului de a fi super constient de tine, de cum te comporti, de ce ar trebui sa faci, sa spui, este mereu o anumita scindare in interior. Nu ti se permite si nu iti dai voie, de fapt, sa fii tu cel natural. Esti mereu scindat in doua parti: cel care este natural si vrea/ simte sa se poarte intr-un anumit fel, sa faca anumite lucruri si criticul interior care judeca si comenteaza tot timpul si care te trage inapoi, care tine o parte din tine in spate.
Sa fii degajat si natural presupune sa gasesti calea inapoi catre tine, cel real, autentic si nedivizat, nescindat. Despre asta este acest weekend, despre tantra ca o cale catre tine cel real si natural. O calatorie prin straturile si vocile care iti acopera naturaletea.
Workshop deschis tuturor, de la incepatori la experti, cupluri sau single. De altfel, parcursurile de TantraMeditation cu Kiran & Jivan sunt mereu diferite si unice si se adreseaza tuturor celor interesati de constientizare, regasire, dezvoltare/ evolutie sau transformare personala si de aducerea unei calitati meditative si tantrice in viata de zi cu zi.
Cursurile si retreat-urile TantraMeditation cu Kiran & Jivan sunt o invitatie la o calatorie si deschidere catre noi insine, catre ceilalti si catre viata prin exercitii de prezenta, dans, miscare constienta si exprimare corporala, meditatii active si interactive, exercitii tantrice de constientizare corporala, emotionala si energetica, tehnici tantra de meditatie si respiratie.
Kiran si Jivan au o experienta bogata si variata cu practica tantra si meditatia in general. Practica lor personala a trecut prin za zen, yoga, tai chi, meditatii active, ritualuri samanice si tantra. Pentru ei tantra este un mod de a fi, este o calitate ce se poate rasfrange in orice facem in viata de zi cu zi. Din 2007 sustin impreuna seminarii experientiale de crestere si transformare personala prin meditatie, tantra, constientizare corporala, exprimare emotionala, terapie experientiala si trance dance. In evenimentele pe care le sustin creeaza un spatiu de relaxare, incredere, joaca, acceptare, profunzime, iubire si confidentialitate.
Sustin cursuri & tabere in Romania (unde locuiesc) precum si in alte tari. Pe parcursul anilor au sustinut cursuri si in Germania, Spania, Polonia, Rusia, Cehia, Olanda, Grecia, India, Indonezia.
Mai multe despre Kiran & Jivan gasiti direct pe pagina lor oficiala:
VINERI: 17.00- 20.00
Sambata & Duminica: 10.00- 18.00
10.00- 11.15: Sesiunea 1
11.15- 11.30: Pauza de ceai
11.30- 13.00: Sesiunea 2
13.00- 14.30: Pauza pentru pranz
14.30- 16.00: Sesiunea 3
16.00- 16.30: Pauza de ceai
16.30- 18.00: Sesiunea 4 + Cercul de inchidere duminica
Investitia ta: 1200 lei
*Include: participarea, materialele folosite la workshop, ceaiuri organice, fructe & snacks-uri sanatoase.
Inscrieri: [email protected]
*Locuri limitate la 26 de participanti. Inscrierile se fac pana se ocupa toate locurile, pana pe 20 martie cel tarziu.
**Inscrierea devine valida dupa achitarea contributiei de participare. Veti primi detalii de plata la inscriere.
Ofera-ti un weekend plin de magia reconectarii la naturaletea corpului si simturilor, la naturaletea ta si a vietii prin exercitii, practici, ritualuri si meditatii tantra!
This is a TantraMeditation workshop lead by Kiran and Jivan in Bucharest. We invite you for a playful meditative tantric exploration of reconnecting to and (re)awakening the natural & real you by tuning into your body, your senses and energy. During the weekend you will be guided to explore different tantra exercises and meditations that support you to rediscover the qualities of being loose & natural in your body, in your breath and in your life, tuning into the body energy presence, sensitivity and wisdom.
We will use body awareness and sensitivity, conscious breathing exercises, dance & movement, individual & couple exercises and tantric meditations to tune in, connect to the body, to your energy and expand the perception of the present moment. Bringing all the attention to the body and the senses you will tune into the natural and real you and expand your energy and presence in the mystery of here and now.
In Tantra, the body is our temple and this tantra workshop creates a safe space to honor your body, your sensuality, your vitality and your natural life energy.
Through individual or pair meditations and group dynamic & process we will co-create a playful vibrant heartfelt space to be in, a space of openness, sensitivity, sensuality and melting together, being unique vibrant human beings pulsating with aliveness.
Tantra is the science of embodied spirituality, an invitation to explore meditation techniques to connect to, feel, move and (re)awaken our natural life energy flow.
You will practice some techniques from tantra & meditation that support you to be natural, aware, grounded and present:
- Conscious Tantric Breathing & Touch awareness
- Bioenergetics & Active Meditations
- Presence & grounding practices
- Connection & sensitivity exercises
- Opening to Feeling
- Being vs. Doing
*No tantra or meditation previous experience required.
*For singles and couples. We try to have a gender balanced group.
Kiran (Romania) & Jivan (Portugal) have been on the tantra and meditation path for more then 20 years. They collaborate and explore the dance of life, love and awareness together since 2004. They live tantra and meditation as a way of getting more grounded, real, present, loving, diving deeper into the infinite play of life mysteries.
In the last 20 years they have been exploring and deepening together the tantra and meditation path, body oriented therapy (breathwork, bioenergetics, emotional release), shamanic rituals.
Based on their own path, life experience, trainings and values, Kiran & Jivan are leading experiential life transforming workshops and retreats on living consciously, inviting and inspiring participants to bring qualities like awareness, courage, joy, gratitude, love, sensuality and authenticity in day to day life.
They have been invited to share their experience and passion for tantra and meditation in different international events and communities. They have a warm, natural, playful yet deep approach when working with people.
Currently they live and teach in Bucharest and also travel around, sharing their way of being and living with the support of Tantra, meditation, rituals and other methods balancing body-mind-emotions. Besides Romania, Germany, Russia, they have been teaching in different communities from Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, Holland, India & their path and work keeps expanding as their journey goes on...
More about Kiran & Jivan’s path and work on their FB page:
Daily Schedule:
FRIDAY: 17.00- 20.00
Saturday & Sunday:
10.00- 11.15: Session 1
11.15- 11.30: Tea break
11.30- 13.00: Session 2
13.00- 14.30: Lunch break
14.30- 16.00: Session 3
16.00- 16.30: Tea break
16.30- 18.00: Session 4 + Sharing & Closing circle on Sunday
Location: Seeds for Happiness Center, Bucharest
Your investment:
AFTER FEBR 4: 240 Eur
* It includes materials used during the workshop, delicious organic tea breaks, fresh fruits, healthy snacks
* You will receive payment details upon registration.
* Registration is valid after the full payment.
Info/ bookings by email:
[email protected]
Where is it happening?
Centrul Seeds for Happiness, Strada Fabrica de Chibrituri 16, 040554 București, România,Bucharest, RomaniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: