Leiðsögn listamanna – Nánd hversdagsins / Artist led tour – Intimacies of the Everyday
Sun, 04 May, 2025 at 02:00 pm
Fríkirkjuvegur 7, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland | Reykjavík, RE
Leiðsögn listamanna – Nánd hversdagsins Listamennirnir Orri Jónsson og Agnieszka Sosnowska taka á móti gestum og leiða um sýninguna Nánd hversdagsins sem samanstendur af rúmlega 60 ljósmyndum eftir þekkta alþjóðlega listamenn, þau Agnieszku Sosnowska, Joakim Eskildsen, Niall McDiarmid, Orra Jónsson og Sally Mann. Sýningin er hluti af Ljósmyndahátíð Íslands. Verkin á sýningunni voru valin úr ákveðnum myndaröðum úr höfundarverki hvers og eins listamanns þar sem birtist djúp ástríða fyrir því að ljósmynda fólk á þeim stöðum sem standa því næst.
Styrktaraðilar sýningarinnar eru American Friends of the National Gallery of Iceland, Statens Kunstfond, Ny Carlsberg Fondet og bandaríska sendiráðið á Íslandi. Agnieszka Sosnowska og Orri Jónsson hlutu styrk frá Myndstef.
Artist led tour – Intimacies of the Everyday
Artist led tour with Orri Jónsson and Agnieszka Sosnowska through the group exhibition Intimacies of the Everyday. The exhibition features more than 60 photographs by renowned international contemporary artists, including Agnieszka Sosnowska, Joakim Eskildsen, Niall McDiarmid, Orri Jónsson, and Sally Mann. Curated by Pari Stave, head curator for exhibitions at the National Gallery of Iceland, the works in Intimacies of the Everyday were selected from discrete series within each artist’s practice and represent decades-long and ongoing preoccupations with photographing the people and places closest to home. The exhibition is organized around the unifying idea that certain images can only be achieved by close, attentive, and sustained observation.
The exhibition is sponsored by the American Friends of the National Gallery of Iceland, the Danish Arts Foundation, Ny Carlsberg Foundation, and the US Embassy in Iceland. Agnieszka Sosnowska and Orri Jónsson received funding support from Myndstef.
Where is it happening?
Fríkirkjuvegur 7, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, Fríkirkjuvegur 7, 101 Reykjavíkurborg, Ísland,Reykjavík, IcelandEvent Location & Nearby Stays: