brighton fringe festival
Fri May 16 2025 at 03:00 pm to 03:15 pm
The Joker - Brighton, Preston Road, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, UK | Brighton, EN
brighton fringe festival 2025
hi everyone i'm a stand up comedian been performing for approx 10 years now up @ down the country
performed with big names such as rufus hound of celebrity juice fame . dande baptiste live at the apollo
ali woods sketch show fame. and more. won best comedy wrter in my home county of bedfordshire.
this will be my second fringe festival i did the bedfringe festival last year went well happy.with me you
get something comepletly different. props. inpersinations such as ozzy osbourne alf garnet. crazy
humour story telling. one liners, all over the stage puppets. and different characters and surprises a
night or day of pure entertaingment.
Where is it happening?
The Joker - Brighton, Preston Road, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, UK, United KingdomSTD 5.00