Bajaga & Instruktori live in Carré Amsterdam
Fri, 28 Mar, 2025 at 08:00 pm
Carré Amsterdam | Amsterdam, NH
✨SAMO NAM JE LJUBAV POTREBNA ❤ WE ONLY NEED LOVE Promaja Events sa ponosom ponovo donosi Bajagu i Instruktore u Amsterdam! 🎸✨ Nakon dva nezaboravna koncerta koja su se rasprodala brzinom svjetlosti, vraćaju se povodom 40 godina benda sa turnejom ❤ "Samo nam je ljubav potrebna". Ovo nije samo koncert – ovo je pravo ljubavno pismo svim generacijama obožavatelja širom svijeta.
🎁 Savršen poklon za Novu godinu!
Iznenadite nekoga dragog ulaznicama za večer ispunjenu hitovima, emocijama i nezaboravnim trenucima.
🎟 Požurite, 50% karata je već rasprodato!
👉 Kupi karte sada:
📌 Podijelite ovu vijest i tagujte ekipu za koncert iz snova! 👫🎵
Bajaga & Instruktori is a Yugoslav and Serbian rock group founded by composer, songwriter and guitarist Momčilo Bajagić Bajaga in the spring of 1984 in his hometown of Belgrade. On March 28, 2025, they are coming to Carré to share and celebrate their 40-year anniversary together with friends and fans.
The group has a very rich discography, 15 studio albums, a large number of hits that placed the group at the top of Yugoslavian and Serbian rock music.
This year 2024 the band is celebrating its big anniversary - 40 years of a successful career. The anniversary will be marked with 40 major concerts in 40 major cities and is called “We only need love.” The crowning glory of the anniversary tour will be the big concert in Belgrade in Usce on August 31, 2024.
Location: Amstel 115 /125, 1018 EM Amsterdam
Start time: 20:00h
Where is it happening?
Carré Amsterdam, Amstel 115, 1018 EM Amsterdam, Nederland,Amsterdam, NetherlandsEvent Location & Nearby Stays: