蛻變俱樂部讀書會 Transformation Collective Book Club
Tue Mar 11 2025 at 07:10 pm to 09:00 pm
台北市萬華區康定路348號10樓 | Taipei, TP
蛇象徵蛻變 ~ 蛇年,蛻變俱樂部將開啟一個新的讀書會,邀請你一起脫下舊皮,換上嶄新視角,把我們身處的世界看得更清楚!You are invited to join us for the Transformation Collective’s new book club for the Lunar New Year of the Snake! The Snake symbolizes transformation, so we invite you, together, to shed old skin and don new lenses to see our world with clear eyes.
Meeting in Taipei on the 2nd Tuesday of every month (with flexibility) at 7:10pm, we will discover and discuss the reality we live in; how our personal, societal, and ecological wellbeing are impacted; and how we can transform and create a life and society that serves wellbeing.
每個月以一個主題為主,而不是每月一本書。有時該月只有一本書;有時某個主題會有一本基礎書(F = foundational),若已讀過基礎書,可以讀其他推薦書籍,或提出自己的建議。每個月我們將根據每個人從書中得到的收穫與見解,圍繞主題進行討論。
How it works:
Rather than one book each month, there is a theme each month. Sometimes there is just one book that month; other times, for a certain theme, there’s one foundational book (F) that we invite everyone to read, and for those who have already read F, there are other recommendations (or you can propose one) for that theme. We’ll then discuss the theme based on insights from everyone.
請不要感到壓力!你可以只選擇自己感興趣的書來讀,不必每個月都參加。這不是學校,不會有考試 :) 只需閱讀你能讀和想讀的部分。我們希望你至少讀過主題相關書籍的一部分,以便參與討論。
Please don’t feel overwhelmed! You can just choose the books you are interested in, no need to come every month. This is not school, you will not be tested :) Just read what you can and want to. We do prefer that you have read at least enough of a book in that theme to be able to discuss.
How to access the books: There’s amazing selections in the public libraries in Taipei, in English too. We may also know people who have the books to possibly lend out. Feel free to ask us first.
Language: We have tried to offer an English and Traditional Chinese (TC) selection for every theme, as we’d like the book club to welcome as many diverse voices as possible. For some themes we have not yet found a TC version book, though we are still finding a way forward and on the lookout for TC options. If you know of any TC book related to those themes, please propose!
In order to have more room for discussion, we would like to limit the amount of translation necessary in sessions. Considering our goal of contributing to a local transformation-oriented community in Taiwan, we will prioritize Mandarin as the primary language of discussion. Non-native Mandarin speakers are still strongly encouraged to attend; we believe that sharing perspectives from different backgrounds is crucial in developing our thinking on these global issues. As such, we will do our best to support with English summaries and translation on more difficult words and subjects.
地點&晚餐:台北市萬華區康定路348號10樓(近捷運龍山寺站3號出口) - 我們主要會聚在這裡的瑜伽教室,場地免費提供給我們,所以我們來一起維護。如果你帶食物,請不要帶肉或五辛(蔥、蒜、韭、薤、洋蔥),必須全素。請帶走任何垃圾並保持清潔。(偶爾我們可能會選擇其他地點,會提前通知。)想先吃的人,我們約6:20在吉緣素食,吃完再一起過去。
Location & Dinner: 10F, No. 348, Kangding Rd, Wanhua District, Taipei (near Longshan Temple MRT Exit 3) - we will mostly meet in the yoga studio here. Free of charge as a courtesy to us, so let’s respect it. If you bring food, no meat nor the five pungent spices (garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, and scallions) please. Please take any trash away and keep the place clean. (Occasionally we may choose a different location; if we do, we will announce.) For those who want to eat first, we will meet at 6:20pm at Ji Yuan Vegetarian for a quick dinner, then head over together.
Here are the themes and books (F indicates the foundational book for that theme):
2月11日 February 11: 去成長 Degrowth
F: Less Is More 少即是多
The Future Is Degrowth
3月11日 March 11: 帝國 Empire
F: A People’s History of the United States 美國人民的歷史
The Nutmeg’s Curse
“From Global Factory to Continent of Labour: Labour and Development in Asia” - article: https://gks.sogang.ac.kr/_PROGR.../files/01-alr-v1_chang.pdf
4月8日 April 8: 跟植物學習 Learning from Plants
F: Braiding Sweetgrass 編織聖草
Entangled Life 真菌微宇宙
The Light Eaters
5月13日 May 13: 現代奴隸制 Modern Slavery
F: Migrante 移民漁工血淚記
Cobalt Red
6月10日 June 10: 被高科技奴役 Enslaved to Big Tech
Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism 雲端封建時代
7月8日 July 8: 崩潰 Collapse
F: Breaking Together
How Everything Can Collapse
8月12日 August 12: 願景小說 Visionary Fiction
F: The Dispossessed 一無所有
The Ministry for the Future
9月9日 September 9: 策略 Strategy
How to Be an Anticapitalist in the Twenty-First Century
10月14日 October 14: 社會運動 Social Movements
Blueprint for Revolution
Toward Co-operative Common Wealth: Transition in a Perilous Century: https://synergiainstitute.org/toward-co-operative-common-wealth-transition-in-a-perilous-century/
11月11日 November 11: 合作社 Cooperatives
Rosa Luxemburg’s critique of cooperatives
International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) Guidance Notes to the Co-operative Principles - PDF
12月9日 December 9: 錢 Money
Beyond Money
Sacred Economics
1月13日 January 13 2026: 人性/人類史 Human Nature/History
The Dawn of Everything 萬事揭曉
到時候見!See you there!
Where is it happening?
台北市萬華區康定路348號10樓, 台灣108020台北市萬華區康定路348號,Taipei, TaiwanEvent Location & Nearby Stays: