《流亡中的革命:歌者、圖書館員與菲律賓解放運動》新書分享會(The Singing Detainee and the Librarian with One Book: Essays on Exile)
Fri, 28 Mar, 2025 at 07:00 pm
市民書店 tshī‑bîn Bookstore | Taipei, TP
《流亡中的革命:歌者、圖書館員與菲律賓解放運動》新書分享會The Singing Detainee and the Librarian with One Book: Essays on Exile - Book Launch Event
(English Below)
時間:2025/03/28 (五) 19:00
地點:市民書店(近忠孝復興捷運站, https://maps.app.goo.gl/sxFpUkj5A6YofxoX8)
Michael Beltran 是來自菲律賓的獨立記者,他的作品散見於亞太地區的多家新聞媒體,他同時也是菲律賓當立左翼小報《菲律賓週報》的志願編輯。
Michael 將在這場講座分享他在2019年末前往荷蘭烏特勒支,採訪菲律賓革命領袖Joma Maria Sison與他太太Julie De Lima。在他的荷蘭採訪之旅中,他透過實際走訪來理解這個被菲律賓政府所咒罵,但被全世界激進份子所推崇的夫婦。他在與Sison跟Julie在荷蘭小社區的生活互動中,逐漸理解他們所生存的社群與周圍與他們的流亡生活密不可分,而本來預計撰寫的專題,最終成了一本對他們流亡生活觀察的合輯。
《流亡中的革命:歌者、圖書館員與菲律賓解放運動》 分享了這兩位菲律賓流亡革命者許多鮮為人知的故事,也留下了他們在當地與菲律賓離散社群的紀錄。書中探索他們逃難到荷蘭以難民身分生存的旅程,追溯菲律賓解放運動在歐洲的根源,並呈現菲律賓移民和流亡活動家如何建立緊密社群。隨著Sison於2022年末去世,這本書也成了他最後一次,也對於他生命最全面的一次採訪。
The Singing Detainee and the Librarian with One Book: Essays on Exile - Book Launch Event
Event Time : 2025/03/28 (Fri.) 19:00
Location : Citizen Bookstore(Near ZhongXiao FuXing MRT Station, https://maps.app.goo.gl/sxFpUkj5A6YofxoX8)
Fee : Free Entry
Michael Beltran is an independent journalist from the Philippines who's made his mark writing for various news outlets across the Asia-Pacific region. He's also a volunteer with Pinoy Weekly, and his reporting is deeply influenced by his connections with marginalized communities back home.
As an independent journalist, Michael covers a wide range of topics - from economic trends and global conflicts to migration, human rights, and occasionally even the local music scene. This time, he'll be sharing insights from his 2023 book, "The Singing Detainee and the Librarian with One Book: Essays on Exile".
The book "The Singing Detainee and the Libarian with One Book: Essays on Exile" digs into lesser-known stories of activists(or revolutionaries),Joma Sison and Julie de Lima, documenting their experiences in the Filipino diaspora. It explores their journey as refugees, traces the roots of the Philippine liberation movement in Europe, and shows how Filipino immigrants and exiled activists built a tight-knit community. It also features Sison's final and most comprehensive interview, published shortly before his passing in late 2022.
Michael's powerful perspective on exile captures it perfectly: "Exile is imprisonment by displacement [...] when people are condemned to leave their lands dressed in invisible chains." Catching him during his rare visit to Taiwan, we're inviting everyone to come hear these fascinating stories about exile and revolution.
This event offers translation services in Chinese and English, inviting all individuals who use either language to participate.
Where is it happening?
市民書店 tshī‑bîn Bookstore, 台灣105041台北市松山區市民大道四段21號,Taipei, TaiwanEvent Location & Nearby Stays: