第5次 g0v 灣區小聚:Mini Hack Day


Sat Apr 19 2025 at 01:30 pm to 06:00 pm



Jen-Hsun Huang Engineering Center | Stanford, CA

g0v.tw 是一個推動資訊透明化的社群,致力於開發公民參與社會的資訊平台與工具。g0v.tw 以開放原始碼的精神為基底,關心言論自由、資訊開放,許多 g0v 參與者在近年跨界參與政府與 NGO,以線上協作(網路)結合實體活動(黑客松)推動公民參與的新模式。
About this Event
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【關於提案 About Proposal】

利用 3 到 5 分鐘的時間將自己想做的事快速發表,並在活動現場尋找志同道合的夥伴,發揮各自所長,透過線上與線下協作的方式,用弄髒雙手的精神來「讓事情發生」,並透過開源的方式讓想法得以永續發展。Use 3 to 5 minutes to quickly present what you want to do and find like-minded partners at the event. Leverage your strengths, collaborate online and offline, and embody the spirit of "making things happen" hands-on. Enable your ideas to sustainably develop through open-source means.

只要是具備公益性、成果開源、動手做精神的點子,都非常適合提案!Any ideas with a focus on public good, open results, and a hands-on spirit are highly suitable for proposals!

➡️想提案請填寫表單 For proposal:https://forms.gle/V2JXGEExJuYaKH6NA

➡️ 或直接填坑 Or you can sign up directly at:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GMOyZbCct86XnPAWMb5pByi-sweTZloSnqBFwvP15-Y/edit?gid=1#gid=1

➡️提案範例可參考 Examples here:g0v 黑客松錄影 Hackathon recording https://www.youtube.com/live/z_VkvFRUCo0?feature=shared

【我沒想法,也可以參加嗎?What is I don't know what to do yet?】

可以!只要帶上你的腦袋與雙手,直接到活動現場找尋志同道合的提案聊聊看吧!或者你也可以成為g0v 灣區小聚的小幫手,協助當天活動的進行。

Just bring your mind and hands, and come directly to the event to chat with like-minded individuals about potential proposals! Alternatively, you can also become a helper for the g0v Bay Area Meetup and assist with the event's activities on that day.

【關於短講 About Short Talk】

g0v 社群歡迎大家進行跨域交流,分享自己的專業領域或經驗,歡迎利用 8 分鐘時間和大家分享你的專業或經驗,短講使用的簡報需採用開放授權。The g0v community welcomes everyone to engage in cross-domain communication and share their expertise or experiences. You are encouraged to use 8 minutes to share your expertise or experiences with the audience. The presentation materials used for lightning talks should be under an open license.

➡️想短講請填寫表單 For short talk please fill the form:https://forms.gle/V2JXGEExJuYaKH6NA

➡️ 或直接填坑 Or you can sign up directly at:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GMOyZbCct86XnPAWMb5pByi-sweTZloSnqBFwvP15-Y/edit?gid=1#gid=1

➡️提案範例可參考 Examples here:g0v 黑客松錄影 Hackathon recording

【什麼是 g0v Who Are We?】

g0v 是源自台灣、致力於推動開放協作的社群。

g0v 的參與者來自四方,有程式開發者、設計師、社會運動工作者、教育工作者、文字工作者,還有各種專業的公民與鄉民。這些人聚在一起,希望透過科技與協作改善台灣的公民環境。只要有心,願意貢獻自己的技能,就可以參與 g0v。

g0v 貢獻者以網路工具溝通協作,參與、舉辦黑客松。各專案成果(包括但不限於文件、圖像、程式碼、運算資料、數據分析結果及過程執行方式)需以開放授權釋出,讓更多人能使用、改善、回饋,發揮最大效用。

g0v is a community that originated in Taiwan and is dedicated to promoting open collaboration. Participants in g0v come from various backgrounds, including programmers, designers, social activists, educators, writers, and a wide range of civic-minded individuals. These individuals come together with the common goal of using technology and collaboration to improve the civic environment in Taiwan. Anyone who is willing to contribute their skills and has the passion to do so can participate in g0v.

We live open-source

We the g0v contributors communicate and collaborate online, while convene and connect in hackathons offline. Project outcomes (including but not limited to text, images, code, data, analysis, and processes) are open-source, allowing more people to use, improve, comment, and maximize their usage.

(詳請參考 g0v 宣言:https://g0v.tw/intl/zh-TW/manifesto/zh-TW/)

【有關智慧財產權之歸屬】 Term of Intellectual Property

所有參與者在活動中對於專案所貢獻(包括但不限於程式碼、文件、影像、應用程式、網站等)之智慧財產權將歸屬於貢獻者本身。g0v 社群(活動主辦方)不會針對上述貢獻主張任何智慧財產權相關之權利。

All contributors retain ownership of all intellectual and industrial property rights of their respective contributions from the project (including but not limited to any code, documents, graphics, applications, website URLs etc), the g0v community (the event organizer) refrains from any actions involving the transfer or assertion of rights over these individual works.

惟為符合 g0v 零時政府宣言之精神,參與者於活動期間所產生之成果(包括但不限於程式碼、文件、影像、應用程式、網站等),應依開放原始碼/內容授權條款授權公開供公眾使用:

g0v 貢獻者以網路工具溝通協作,參與、舉辦黑客松。各專案成果(包括但不限於文件、圖像、程式碼、運算資料、數據分析結果及過程執行方式)需以開放授權釋出,讓更多人能使用、改善、回饋,發揮最大效用。

However, the outcomes from the project itself (including but not limited to any code, documents, graphics, applications, website URLs etc) during any g0v events must all be made available under an open source/content license to be eligible as a g0v project to aligning with the principles outlined in the g0v Manifesto:

The g0v contributors communicate and collaborate online, while convene and connect in hackathons offline. Project outcomes are open-source, allowing more people to use, improve, comment, and maximize their usage.

g0v 社群守則(0405 定稿版)

g0v 社群參與者應共同致力於提供一個友善且無騷擾的環境給每一位參與者,無論其性別、性傾向、年紀、身心理狀態、外貌、族群、信仰、政治立場或技術偏好。






g0v 社群預期所有的參與者無論在任何線上 / 線下場域,都能夠遵守上述規則。


Participants in the g0v community must work together to create a friendly environment free of harassment for all participants, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, mental state, appearance, race, religious or political beliefs, or technological preferences.

Any sexually explicit, violent or discriminatory language and/or imagery is inappropriate at any online or offline community event/space, including at hackathons, seminars, speeches, workshops, gatherings, social media chatrooms and even in source code or documents.

If you violate these rules, organizers or project owner, have the right and authority to expel you. Other participants must also actively try to prevent all harassment and other inappropriate behaviour.

Participants are not required to reimburse recompensate the recourses or money (such registration fees and donations) that had already been contributed by those who have since been expelled. Speakers, sponsors, contributors, project owner and others in specific roles are also participants, and thus must abide by the same rules as all others.

Harassment includes: Offensive comments regarding the gender, sexual orientation, mental state, appearance, race, religious or political beliefs, or technological preferences of others.

Displaying sexually explicit images in public

Intentionally intimidating, stalking, following or harassing the photographer or cameraperson

Repeatedly disrupting the proceedings of speeches, online cooperation, or other events through verbal or other means

Inappropriate physical contact

Unwelcome sexual attention

Please immediately stop such harassing behaviour when requested to do so by other participants.

If you have been harassed or have discovered that others have been harassed, please immediately ask for help from other participants, managers or the event organising team.

The g0v community hopes that participants can follow the above rules at both online and offline events

Need Help?

If you run into any difficulties, you can ask for help from the project owner or the event organising team. If they are unable to help you, you can get in contact with the jothon team.

g0v 是一個多中心化的公民科技社群,參加者可以在這裡提出一個與公共議題相關的點子,揪大家一起以開源的方式進行開放協作。或是以開源的方式分享你的經歷、研究或專案。歡迎來自各種不同領域、關心公共議題或台灣的朋友來參加!

g0v is a muti-centralized civic tech community where participants can propose ideas related to public issues and invite others to collaborate openly using open-source methods. You can also share your experiences, research, or projects in an open-source way. Friends from various fields who are interested in public issues or care about Taiwan are welcome to join!

📒g0v 矽谷灣區社群共筆 Shared Notes:

➡️參與者自由提案與短講 Submit your Proposal or Short Talk:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GMOyZbCct86XnPAWMb5pByi-sweTZloSnqBFwvP15-Y/edit?gid=1#gid=1

❓ 如何提案/短講?可以參考 How to sign up? See:https://forms.gle/V2JXGEExJuYaKH6NA


🕑: 01:30 PM - 02:00 PM
報到與點心時間 Check-in and Snacks
🕑: 02:00 PM - 02:10 PM
g0v 介紹與 g0v 灣區社群 Introduction
🕑: 02:10 PM - 02:40 PM
提案與短講時間 Proposals and short talks
🕑: 02:40 PM - 03:00 PM
參加者自我介紹時間 Self-intro
🕑: 03:00 PM - 03:30 PM
休息時間 Networking
🕑: 03:30 PM - 05:30 PM
分組專案討論時間 Discussion group
🕑: 05:30 PM - 06:00 PM
本日成果分享 Summary

Where is it happening?

Jen-Hsun Huang Engineering Center, 475 Via Ortega, Stanford, United States

Event Location & Nearby Stays:


USD 0.00


Host or Publisher g0v-siliconvalley

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Jen-Hsun Huang Engineering Center


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