加州爾灣|SOP NEXT 讚美之泉青年敬拜|12/21/2024
Sat Dec 21 2024 at 06:00 pm to 08:00 pm
美國加州爾灣 | 讚美之泉敬拜中心 | Tustin, CA
About this Event
活動資訊 Event Info
- Date|12/21/2024 Saturday
- Time|6-8 PM
- Location|SOP Worship Center (讚美之泉敬拜中心)
- Address |1163 Warner Ave, Tustin, CA 92780
注意事項 Notice
1. 需報名入場|RSVP required
2. 提供 晚餐|Dinner will be provided
3. 此活動以中文為主,英文翻譯|Primary language: Mandarin (with English translation)
4. 此次聚會僅供 13歲以上 - 28歲以下青年參加,造成不便敬請見諒|Age range: 13-28 years old
5. 請勿攜嬰兒和孩童與會|Please kindly refrain from bringing children under 13
* Follow us on INSTAGRAM — @sop_next
* Visit our website — next.sop.org
Where is it happening?
美國加州爾灣 | 讚美之泉敬拜中心, 1163 Warner Avenue, Tustin, United StatesEvent Location & Nearby Stays:
USD 0.00