W&DHDA 7th Annual Celtic Competition


Sat Nov 30 2024 at 08:00 am to 05:00 pm



Tecumseh Vista Academy - Secondary | Tecumseh, ON

Please join us for a great day of dance!
About this Event
W&DHDA 7th Annual Celtic Competition

Welcome to the Windsor & District Highland Dancer's Association 7th Annual Celtic Competition.

Date and time

Sat, Nov 30, 2024 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST


Tecumseh Vista Academy11555 Shields Ave., Tecumseh, ON N8N 0C1

About this event

ScotDance Canada Competition Registration #C-ON-CO-24-2415

Judge: Joy Tolev

Piper: TBD/ Recorded music

W&DHDA 7th Annual Celtic Competition

VENUE- Tecumseh Vista 11555 Shields Drive Tecumseh Ontario

Closing Date: November 22 2024

Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. Dancing will commence at 9:00 a.m. with Primary PDB and PDB and Highcuts, followed by Beginner, Novice, Primary Fling. Choreography registration will be at 10:00 a.m. Afternoon registration will be at 12:00 p.m. Dancing will commence approximately at 12:30 p.m. beginning with the Laddie.

Morning Registration: 8:30 a.m.

Primary: 16 Pas De Basques, Pas De Basques and Highcuts, Fling (4), Sword (2+1)

Beginner and Novice: Fling(4), 1/2 Reel of Tulloch, Lilt (4) and Flora (4).

Solo Choreography Premier (limit of 12 entries) and Pre Premier Solo Choreography( limit of 20 entries) Registration 10:00 a.m. Will commence immediately following morning events.

Afternoon Registration: 12:00 p.m.

Intermediate: Laddie(4), Barracks(4) Lilt(4), Flora(4)

Premier: Laddie (4), Barracks(4), Lilt (4), S. Measure(4)

This event is being held in compliance with all provincial health and safety orders in effect at the time of the entry being posted, as well as facility requirements for Covid-19. Our goal is to provide a safe, calm, inclusive and positive environment for all participants. We appreciate unexpected situations could arise on the day that may require action that is meant to protect our dancers, judges, volunteers and other participants.

Covid-19 Guidelines:

1. Public Health requirements will be continuously evaluated, and participants will be informed of any Covid-19 protocols prior to the event through social media and email.

2. For all participants attending our sanctioned events, generally, there will be guidelines we encourage participants to follow in the absence of any local, provincial or national government health orders:- wearing a mask for your own protection and of others- maintain physical distancing wherever possible- sanitizing hands often- staying home if you feel sick.

3. Upon registering for this event and immediately prior to the event, you agree to the requirements and recommendations of any National, Provincial and local Public health and other governmental authorities as well as any health requirements of The Greater Essex County District School Board/ Tecumseh Vista and W&DHDA which may be in effect at the time of the event, as it pertains to the Covid-19 Coronavirus to adopt all necessary measures to those effects.

4. Participants are required to agree to the COVID-19 Other Contagions General Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability at the time of registration. As well as Competition and Workshop Waiver form.

Rules for attending ScotDance Canada Sanctioned Competitions: Competition Rules and Regulations:

1. All dancing events are governed by the rules and regulations of the Royal Scottish Official Board of Highland Dancing (RSOBHD) and ScotDance Canada.

2. This event may be cancelled at any time up to, and including on or during the date of competition, dependent upon public health concerns.

3. The decision of the judge(s) is final.

4. Dancers will compete in inverse order of entry. First to enter is last to dance.

5. Age is as of 12:01am on competition date.

6. Entry fee must accompany entry.

7. Late entries will NOT be accepted.

8. Online entries only will be accepted.

9. Dancers must be registered with the RSOBHD or RSOBHD subsidiary body (such as ScotDance Canada) in order to compete.

10. All competitors must present current RSOBHD registration card prior to receiving awards.

11. Protests must be made in writing, signed and submitted to the Organiser by the end of the competition day and must be accompanied by a $35.00 fee, refundable, if sustained.

12. The Organiser reserves the right to combine or split classes.

13. No category changes will be accepted on the day of competition.

14. Competitors must be on hand when their event is called or forfeit entry in that dance.

15. All competitors must remain in costume for award presentations.

16. Dancers must be dressed appropriately at all times.

17. Dancers and parents must respect the ScotDance Canada Risk Management Guidelines, local, Provincial and Federal health authority directives, and RSOBHD Code of Ethics.

18. Pre Premier and Premier Solo Choreography. Maximum time limit of 2 minutes. Winter Holiday/Winter themed Instrumental or Lyrics (or both) in content. Costumes Celtic or Holiday/Winter in style. Please ensure choreography is approved by teacher/studio before submitting music. Please send music by email on or before November 22 2024, to [email protected]. Please title music with dancer’s name and bring a back up music downloaded to a phone or iPod.

19. Money awards for 2 oldest age groups in Premier.

20. W&DHDA DANCER OF THE DAY. Awarded to Windsor/ Essex County Premier Dancer as per W&DHDA Constitution. OVERALL DANCER of the DAY awarded to a Premier dancer with Highest Aggregate points.

21. Any questions, please contact Karen Chevalier [email protected] or call 519 816 5160

22. Please note fees include 1.00 fee to SDC and 2.00 program fee.

Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to Participation in a ScotDance Canada Sanctioned Event (competition/workshop), including Covid-19/other contagions of concern as identified by the World Health Organization/local/provincial/federal government authorities.

Participants are required to acknowledge (participant definition meaning dancer of legal age/parent/guardian/volunteer/professional, judge, piper).

W&DHDA and GECDSB and its members commit themselves to comply with the requirements and recommendations of National, Provincial and local Public health and other governmental authorities, and to put in place and adopt all necessary measures to that effect. However, W&DHDA and GECDSB cannot guarantee that you (or your child, if participant is a minor/ or the person you are the legal guardian of) will not become infected with COVID-19/other contagions. Further, attending the Event could increase your (or your child, if participant is a minor/ or the person you are the legal guardian of) risk of contracting COVID-19/other contagions, despite all preventative measures put in place.


By signing this document,

I declare that I (or my child, if participant is a minor/ or the person I am the legal guardian of) am participating voluntarily in W&DHDA 7th Annual Celtic Competition.

I am aware that participating in the ___________________ (7thAnnual Celtic Competition) involves the potential for risks, dangers and hazards, including but not limited to:

Covid 19/other contagions; and,

injury to myself / my child as a result of the physical nature of dance competition/workshop and performance; and the taking and/or release of unauthorized photographs, video and/or other recordings of myself and/or my child, notwithstanding efforts to enforce Event policies.

I declare that neither I (or my child, if participant is a minor/ or the person I am the legal guardian of) nor anyone in my household, have experienced in the last 48 hours prior to the date of W&DHDA and GECDSB Covid-19/other contagions symptoms (as identified by public health authorities).

I declare that neither I (or my child, if participant is a minor/or the person I am the legal guardian of) have tested positive for COVID-19/other contagions, and have not yet been cleared to discontinue isolation in accordance with applicable criteria communicated by public health officials (awaiting results); have been in close contact with a person who, to my knowledge, had symptoms of COVID-19/other contagions or has tested positive for COVID-19/other contagions, and have not yet been cleared to discontinue isolation in accordance with applicable criteria communicated by public health officials; or am currently subject to a quarantine or self-isolation order for any reason, including travel. I (or my child, if participant is a minor/or the person I am the legal guardian of) declare that I have not been required to self-isolate under timelines set out by public health authorities (except for essential school or work activities).

If I (or my child, if participant is a minor/ or the person I am the legal guardian of) experience, or if anyone in my household experiences any Covid 19/other contagions symptoms after submitting this declaration, I (or my child, if guardian of) will not attend any of W&DHDA and GECDSB programs or services until no longer required to self-isolate or for 48 hours after symptoms resolve or as directed by public health authorities.

I (or my child, if participant is a minor/ or the person I am the legal guardian of) agree to the requirements and recommendations of National, Provincial and local Public health and other governmental authorities and to those special safety regulations put in place by W&DHDA and GECDSB as it pertains the Covid-19/other contagions and to adopt all necessary measures to those effects.

I (or my child, if participant is a minor/ or the person I am the legal guardian of) agree that, by filling out and signing this waiver and agreeing to the terms and conditions set out in it, I am giving up my legal rights to sue W&DHDA and GECDSB and its officers and directors, in the event that I (or my child, if participant is a minor/ or the person I am the legal guardian of), contracts Covid-19/other contagions.

This document will remain in effect until W&DHDA and GECDSB as per the direction of the National, Provincial and local Public health and other governmental authorities, determines that the aforesaid acknowledgments pertaining to Covid 19/other contagions in this declaration are no longer required.

In consideration of my / my child’s participation in the Event and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, I hereby WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS against ScotDance Canada, its directors, agents, employees, executive members, volunteers and organizers of the Event (the “Releasees”), which I now have, or hereafter may have against the Releasees. In particular, but without limiting the foregoing, I agree to release the Releasees from ANY AND ALL LIABILITY for any loss, damage, injury, or expense I / my child may incur as a result of my / my child’s participation in or attendance at the Event. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from ANY LOSS, DAMAGE, INJURY OR EXPENSE, including legal costs, that the Releasees may incur due to my / my child’s participation in or attendance at the Event, whether caused by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise, and whether caused to my child or otherwise. I understand that the Releasees will photograph and otherwise record the Event, its participants and attendees. I consent to and authorize such recording. I further consent to and authorize the Releasees to publish my/my child’s image, likeness and information in any medium, including but not limited to photographs, videos, DVDs, and web-casts. I understand that this publication will take place in the public domain, including in printed materials, public announcements, and on the internet.

I specifically consent to the public release of the following information: 1. Name; 2. City, Province, Country of Residence; 3. Tartan; 4. Age; 5. Results.

This document is in addition to and does not replace all other W&DHDA and GECDSB waivers.

I acknowledge that by signing and submitting this entry, electronically or otherwise, that I have read this agreement carefully and fully understand it, and agree to all of the above terms and conditions.

Signature required if in person, otherwise acknowledge by email or via online entry form.

__________________________________Print name __________________________________Date (dd/mm/year)



I am aware that participating in the W&DHDA 7th Annual Celtic Competition involves the potential for risks, dangers and hazards, including but not limited to: (a) injury to myself / my child as a result of the physical nature of dance competition and performance; and(b) the taking and/or release of unauthorized photographs, video and/or other recordings of myself and/or my child, notwithstanding efforts to enforce Event policies. In consideration of my / my child’s participation in the Event and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, I hereby WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS against ScotDance Canada, its directors, agents, employees, executive members, volunteers and organizers of the Event (the “Releasees”), which I now have, or hereafter may have against the Releasees. In particular, but without limiting the foregoing, I agree to release the Releasees from ANY AND ALL LIABILITY for any loss, damage, injury, or expense I / my child may incur as a result of my / my child’s participation in or attendance at the Event. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from ANY LOSS, DAMAGE, INJURY OR EXPENSE, including legal costs, that the Releasees may incur due to my / my child’s participation in or attendance at the Event, whether caused by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise, and whether caused to my child or otherwise. I understand that the Releasees will photograph and otherwise record the Event, its participants and attendees. I consent to and authorize such recording. I further consent to and authorize the Releasees to publish my/my child’s image, likeness and information in any medium, including but not limited to photographs, videos, DVDs, and web-casts. I understand that this publication will take place in the public domain, including in printed materials, public announcements, and on the internet. I specifically consent to the public release of the following information: 1. Name; 2. City, Province, Country of Residence; 3. Tartan; 4. Age; 5. Results.I acknowledge that by signing and submitting this entry, electronically or otherwise, that I have read this agreement carefully and fully understand it, and agree to all of the above rules and regulations.


a) An objection to a person’s eligibility to compete in any competition must be made in writing and shall not be considered unlessthe complainant gives his/her full name and address accompanied by a deposit, the amount to be set by the Board. The depositshall be returned should the objection be sustained. Such objection must be lodged with the organiser of the event concerned ifpossible before the event and certainly not later than seven days after the date of the event. Unless resolved by the Organiserhe/she shall refer the matter to the W&DHDA Board of Directors. If there is not time for the Board to reach a decision before theevent takes place, then the person about whom the complaint has been lodged, shall be permitted to dance in the competitionon the understanding that any awards he or she may win shall be withheld until the decision of the Board be known. Should theobjection be sustained, such awards shall be passed down to the competitor next in order of merit and any other awards suitablyadjusted. b) Any complaint made by an individual against the organisation or adjudication of an event must be made in writing giving thecomplainants full name and address and shall be lodged with the organiser if possible on the day of the event and certainly notlater than 48 hours after the event. Such complaint must be accompanied by a deposit, the amount to be set by the W&DHDABoard of Directors. The deposit shall be returned should the complaint be upheld. If within seven days of lodging such complaintthe complainant has received no satisfaction from the organiser, then the complainant may refer the matter to the Honorary Secretary of the Board. c) Any complaint made by an Association against the organization or adjudication of an event shall be sent direct in writing to theW&DHDA Board of Directors as soon as possible and not later than 48 hours after the first meeting held by that Association following the event concerned. When sending such complaint to the Board, a copy of the same shall be sent by the Association to the organizer or judge against whom the complaint is directed.


Where is it happening?

Tecumseh Vista Academy - Secondary, 11555 Shields Avenue, Tecumseh, Canada

Event Location & Nearby Stays:


CAD 6.66 to CAD 40.74

Windsor and District Highland Dancers Association

Host or Publisher Windsor and District Highland Dancers Association

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Tecumseh Vista Academy - Secondary


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