Video večer s Postajo DIVA: Neža Knez
Wed, 29 Jan, 2025 at 07:00 pm
Galerija Photon | Ljubljana, LB
Improvizacijski performans in pogovor.V nekoliko drugačnem formatu Video večera bo intermedijska umetnica Neža Knez predstavila materiale za nastajajoči eksperimentalni film, ki je trenutno v procesu montaže. V improvizacijskem performansu bo v živo manipulirala s surovim ter delno montiranim slikovnim, zvočnim in pisnim gradivom. Preizkušala bo različne kombinacije, jih opazovala in jim sledila ter dopuščala, da se medsebojno prepletajo, preoblikujejo in ustvarjajo nove odnose ter prostore. Skupaj s publiko bo razmišljala o naravi dokumentarnega jezika, mejah med realnostjo in fikcijo ter razliko v materialnosti digitalnih in analognih procesov nastanka gibljive slike.
Na Video večerih gostimo avtorice_, ki so vključene_ v arhiv umetniškega videa, filma in novomedijske umetnosti Postaja DIVA pri SCCA-Ljubljana in jih povabimo, da spregovorijo o svojem delu in ozadju nastanka posameznih projektov.
Improvisational performance and talk.
In a slightly different format of the Video Evening, the intermedia artist Neža Knez will present the materials for her emerging experimental film, which is currently in the process of editing. In a live improvisational performance, she will manipulate raw and partially edited visual, audio and written material. She will test different combinations, observe and follow them, allowing them to intertwine, transform and create new relationships and spaces. Together with the audience, she will reflect on the nature of documentary language, the boundaries between reality and fiction, and the difference in materiality between the digital and analogue processes of creating the moving image.
At the Video Evenings we host artists who are included in the archive of video, experimental film and new media art DIVA Station at SCCA-Ljubljana and invite them to talk about their work and the background of their individual projects.
Where is it happening?
Galerija Photon, Trg prekomorskih brigad 1,Ljubljana, SloveniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: