Video večer s postajo DIVA: Ana Čigon
Wed, 18 Dec, 2024 at 07:00 pm
Galerija Photon | Ljubljana, LB
Videastka, režiserka in performerka Ana Čigon raziskuje družbenokritične teme, analizira sodobno neoliberalno družbo, nehumano ravnanje z begunkami_ in tematizira boj za dostojanstvo in priznanje LGBTIQ+ posameznic_, delavk_ in žensk. Za njeno prakso sta značilna ironija in humor, s čimer občinstvu približa zahtevne teme. Pogosto sodeluje tudi z drugimi umetnicami_ in teoretičarkami_.Na tokratnem Video večeru bo predstavila svojo feministično umetniško prakso zadnjih desetih let. Prikazala bo izbrane odlomke iz video dokumentacije performansov, v katerih je tematizirala več umetniških del različnih umetnic, posamezne umetnice in nekatere pomembne ženske osebnosti iz preteklosti. Predstavila bo nabor avdiovizualnih del in ob tem razmišljala o prehajanju med različnimi zvrstmi v katerih ustvarja, kot npr. umetniški video, dokumentarni in eksperimentalni film, animacija. Zaključila bo s predstavitvijo prakse dolgoročnega raziskovanja in skupnega premišljevanja o izbranih temah s pomočjo video pogovorov in umetniških sodelovanj.
Ana Čigon (1982, Štanjel) je multidisciplinarna umetnica, ki ustvarja na področju videa, filma, performansa in risbe. Diplomirala je iz slikarstva in magistrirala iz videa na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje Univerze v Ljubljani. Zaključila je tudi magistrski študij Interface Cultures na Universtität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung Linz v Avstriji.
Video artist, director and performer Ana Čigon explores social-critical themes and analyses contemporary neoliberal society, the inhumane treatment of refugees and the struggle for dignity and recognition of LGBTIQ+ individuals, workers and women. Her practice is characterised by irony and humour, making complex topics accessible and understandable for her audience. She often collaborates with other artists and theorists.
At the Video Evening, she will present her feminist artistic practice of the last ten years. She will show selected excerpts from video documentation of her performances. She has thematised several artworks by different female artists, individual female artists and some essential female figures from the past. She will present a selection of audiovisual works, reflecting on the transitions between the different genres in which she works, such as video art, documentary and experimental film, and animation. She will conclude by presenting the practice of long-term research and collective reflection on selected topics through video talks and artistic collaborations.
Ana Čigon (1982, Štanjel) is a multidisciplinary artist working in video, film, performance and drawing. She graduated in painting and received her MA in video from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana. She also completed her MA in Interface Cultures at the Universtität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung Linz, Austria.
Where is it happening?
Galerija Photon, Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, SloveniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: