Kozmična Harmonija – Glasbeno potovanje k sebi
Fri Dec 06 2024 at 07:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Višja Vibracija | Ljubljana, LB
KOZMIČNA HARMONIJA – Glasbeno potovanje k sebiVstopite v svet, kjer melodije niso le zvok, ampak potovanje. Vabljeni na edinstveno serijo dogodkov, kjer bo Aleksander Kozmič, mojster več glasbil, prepletal niti glasbenih svetov in nas odpeljal na nepozabno popotovanje v globine zavesti. Etno, flamenco, balkanski ritmi, in mistične melodije se bodo zlili v kozmično harmonijo, ki bo prebudila vaša čustva, misli in dušo.
Vrata se odprejo ob 19:30, kjer boste v prijetnem ambientu lahko uživali v toplih napitkih, prigrizkih in sproščenem klepetu. To ni zgolj koncert, to je priložnost, da se povežete – z drugimi, z glasbo in s seboj.
Ob 20:00 se začne čarovnija.
Aleksander vas bo popeljal skozi meditativni uvod, kjer bo vsak ton kitarinih strun, afriške harfe - N'goni, sufijske piščali - Ney, in Rav Vasta nosil vibracije miru, ljubezni in globoke povezanosti. Skozi glasbo boste vstopali v svet, kjer se prepletajo različni žanri in mistični instrumenti, vse skupaj pa vas bo popeljalo v stanje notranjega miru in višje zavesti. Aleksander ne igra le na inštrumente, obvlada tudi petje v edinstvenem "kozmičnem jeziku," ki še dodatno poglobi to izkušnjo.
Včasih se bodo na odru pridružili še drugi glasbeniki, pevci, plesalci in umetniki, kar bo dogodek še dodatno obogatilo in poskrbelo za nepričakovana presenečenja.
Ko bo zadnji ton odmeval v prostoru, se bo dogodek počasi prevesil v zaključek, kjer boste imeli priložnost integrirati svoje doživljanje ob prijetnem druženju in izmenjavi vtisov. Tukaj ni meja – sedite, ležite, plešite, meditirajte in soustvarjajte trenutek z nastopajočimi.
Pridružite se nam na prvi edinstveni večer serije dogodkov "KOZMIČNA HARMONIJA" in dovolite, da vas glasba popelje onkraj vsakdanjega sveta – v sfero globokega notranjega miru in povezanosti z univerzumom.
Za prijavo izpolnite obrazec, da pravočasno rezervirate svoje mesto.
Za prvi promocijski dogodek je zaželjen prostovoljni prispevek v višini 25€
Cosmic Harmony - A musical journey to yourself
Enter a world where melodies are not just a sound, but a journey. We invite you to a unique series of events, where Aleksander Kozmič, a master of several instruments, will interweave the threads of musical worlds and take us on an unforgettable journey into the depths of consciousness. Ethno, flamenco, Balkan rhythms and mystical melodies will merge into a cosmic harmony that will awaken your emotions, thoughts and soul.
The doors open at 19:30, where you can enjoy hot drinks, snacks and a relaxed chat in a pleasant atmosphere. It's not just a concert, it's an opportunity to connect - with others, with music and with yourself.
At 20:00 the magic begins. Alexander will take you through a meditative introduction where every tone of guitar strings, African harp - N'goni, Sufi flute - Ney, and Rav Vasta will carry vibrations of peace, love and deep connection. Through music, you will enter a world where different genres and mystical instruments intertwine, and all together will lead you to a state of inner peace and higher consciousness. Aleksander not only plays instruments, but also sings in a unique "cosmic language," which further deepens the experience.
Sometimes other musicians, singers, dancers and artists will join the stage, which will further enrich the event and provide unexpected surprises.
When the last note echoes in the room, the event will slowly come to a close, where you will have the opportunity to integrate your experience while having a pleasant time together and exchanging impressions. There are no limits here - sit, lie down, dance, meditate and co-create the moment with the performers.
Join us for the first unique evening of the "Cosmic Harmony" event series and let the music take you beyond the everyday world - into a realm of deep inner peace and connection with the universe.
To register, fill out the form to reserve your place in time.
A voluntary contribution of €25 is requested for the first promotional event
Where is it happening?
Višja Vibracija, Cesta Andreja Bitenca 68, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, SloveniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: