The 2025 Mid-Atlantic Pinball Open


Fri, 21 Mar, 2025 at 09:00 am to Sun, 23 Mar, 2025 at 06:00 pm



1100 First State Blvd | Wilmington, DE

The 2025 Mid-Atlantic Pinball Open
About this Event

The 2025 Mid-Atlantic Pinball Open brings you 3 stellar events across 3 days with tons of WPPRS available for everyone to chew on including a CERTIFIED MAIN EVENT! Over 240 total WPPRS available between the 3 events! The Main Event should hit around 140+ WPPRS and each Strike event should bring in around 50 WPPRS each!

The “Pinburgh” main event tournament for the 2025 Mid-Atlantic Open will take place over all 3 days (Friday-Sunday) with 2 separate knockout tournaments at night on both, Friday, and Saturday. As a bonus, we will also be hosting a 4th ‘warm up’ IFPA tournament on Thursday, March 20th and this event will have a separate entry fee.

Registration for the 2025 Mid-Atlantic Pinball Open will go live on Eventbrite on Sunday, February 23rd, at 8PM eastern. NOTE - Registration for the Thursday night tournament will use a separate Eventbrite link and will have a separate entry fee.

The Delaware Pinball Collective is a non-profit organiztaion, and this tournament will act as a fund raiser to help generate funds to support the Collective. We want to thank everyone up front for their support!


** 3 events in 3 days **
** Bonus 4th event on Thursday night **
** Main “Pinburgh” Event will be IFPA certified and WPPRS will be worth 250% or roughly 140 WPPRS **
** ALL players making "A" Division Main Event Finals on Sunday will cash!! **

** Entry fees over 40% lower this year **

** New checkout process using Eventbrite **
** REGISTRATION GOES LIVE ON FEBRUARY 23rd at 8PM EASTERN. This event requires pre-registration **

Cost: MEMBERS $120 ($60 will go to the Delaware Pinball Collective for tournament expenses. $60 will cover all of the tournament entry fees with 100% payouts). NOTE - this price is reserved for members who have an active membership as of 12/31/24.

NON-MEMBERS $180 ($120 will go to the Delaware Pinball Collective for tournament expenses. $60 will cover all of the tournament entry fees with 100% payouts)

Cost Breakdown – Your entry fee pays for all 3 IFPA tournaments being held from Friday to Sunday. All expenses, IFPA fees, trophies, etc out will come out of the Delaware Pinball Collective tournament expenses. 100% of prize pool money will be returned to the players in the form of a check. This Entry Fee is PAID IN ADVANCE WHEN YOU REGISTER, NOT at the door when you arrive. If you pay and then cancel you WILL NOT get 100% of your money back. See full refund policy at the bottom of this page.

Admission/Expense Fees to the Delaware Pinball Collective is $60 (members) or $120 (non-members)

Admission costs go directly to the Delaware Pinball Collective to help support our non-profit organization and includes all games on free play, IFPA endorsement fees, and fees for trophies/plaques/medals. We will not be open to the public or to our members during this event.

Prize Pool Money is $60

$40 Per Player goes to the Main Event
$10 Per Player goes to each of the 2 nightly knockout tournaments

Pinburgh Inspired *Certified* Main Event:

Day 1: 4 Rounds, 3 Games (from different eras) per round with the same group of players each round. Tiered Swiss pairings and IFPA rank seeding to start the tournament. 3/2/1/0 scoring per game. All 80 players against each other.

Day 2: The entire field will then be divided up into “A” and “B” divisions based on qualifying results from Day 1. “A” & “B“ divisions will carry over the points earned in Day 1, into Day 2. You will then play 4 more rounds of 3 games, using Tiered Swiss pairings and the seeding will be based on total points earned on Day 1. 3/2/1/0 scoring per game. Top 24 in the “A” division will advance to the Sunday finals and the Top 16 in the “B” division will advance to the Sunday finals. NOTE – There will be RESTRICTIONS in place for “A” division. See the section under FORMAT for details on the restrictions.

Day 3: Each division will have the same playoff format except the top 8 in “A“ will have a 1st round bye in the finals. Finals will use a modified PAPA format with the top seed driving the bus. Each group will play 3 games across 3 different eras (new/mid/old). No game can be played more than once in the same round. If a game is in use by another group, players are not allowed to wait.

We will have payouts for all 24 finalists in the “A” Division and the Top 4 in “B” Division will also receive payouts.


We will not be offering individual tournament registrations on these tournaments.

3 Separate Tournaments over 3 Days + Bonus Kickoff Tournament on Thursday Night (Separate registration and separate entry fee)
Friday March 21st, 2025 – Sunday March 23rd, 2025
Main Tournament ($40 per player prize Pool Money) spans all 3 days and will be a 250% Certified Tournament
Friday & Saturday Knockout Tournaments ($10 per player Prize Pool Money Each) should be close to 100% TGP each for WPPR Points from IFPA
Sunday is finals for the Main Event for both "A" division and "B" divison

Full Schedule of Events for March 20th-23rd, 2025

Thursday March 20th BONUS EVENT – This is an extra day of pinball and is separate from the 2024 MAPO events. This event has a separate registration and a separate entry fee on Eventbrite

Thursday 6PM – Doors Open

Thursday 7PM – Classics Kickoff Tournament Starts – IFPA approved (136% TGP)

Thursday 7-10PM – 8 rounds of group matchplay

Thursday 10PM to Midnight – Top 16 finals, PAPA format

———–2025 MAPO Schedule———-

Friday March 21st
Friday 8AM – Doors Open for check in and practice starts. Practice ends at 8:45am for announcements
Friday 9AM-4:30PM – Main Event Qualifying Day 1
Friday 12:30PM (ESTIMATE) – We will take a short 30-minute break when Round 2 ends
Friday 5PM-Midnight – Event 2 – 10 Strike Progressive Knockout All Games
Friday 7:30PM (ESTIMATE) - 1 hour Dinner Break

Saturday March 22nd
Saturday 8AM – Doors Open. Practice begins. Practice ends at 8:50am for announcements
Saturday 9AM-4:30PM – Main Event Qualifying Day 2 & Tiebreakers
Saturday 12:30PM (ESTIMATE) – We will take a short 30-minute break when Round 2 ends
Saturday 5PM-Midnight – Event 3 – 8 Fair Strikes Classics Only Knockout
Saturday 7:30PM (ESTIMATE) - 1 hour Dinner Break

Sunday March 23rd
Sunday 9AM Doors Open for check in and practice. Practice ends at 9:45am for announcements. First round will start around 10:15AM. NOTE – once the finals start, the only practice allowed is on games labeled “NOT IN TOURNAMENT”

Sunday 10:15AM-6PM Main Event Finals for both “A” & “B” divisions


Delaware Pinball Collective
1100 First State Blvd, Suite 200 (upstairs)
Wilmington, DE 19804


March 21st-23rd, 2025
Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of 1st tournament each day to check in
You only need to check in once at the start of each tournament day.
If you have not checked in by the start of the tournament and haven’t communicated that you will be late, you may be removed from tournament.


Trophies or medals for top 4 in each IFPA tournament

Main Event pays all 24 players advancing to the “A” finals and the top 4 players in the “B” finals.
All prizes will be paid out in the form of a check for the top 8 in each knockout tournament, prize amount is based on number of players.

$40 per player goes into the prize pool for the main tournament and $10 per player goes into each knockout tournament.

Certified Main Event

Prize Pool of $40 per player will be split between “A” & “B” Divisions

A Division = 75% ($2400)
B Division = 25% ($800)
Prize Money % for 1st-24th in “A” Division (assuming 80 players)

  • 1st 28% - $672 + trophy/medal
  • 2nd 16% - $384
  • 3rd 10% - $240
  • 4th 6% - $144
  • 5th-8th 4% each - $96 each
  • 9th-16th 2% each - $48 each
  • 17th-24th 1% each - $24 each

Prize Money % for 1st-4th in “B” Division

  • 1st 40% - $320 + trophy/medal
  • 2nd 30% - $240
  • 3rd 20% - $160
  • 4th 10% - $80

Classics & Progressive Knockout Tournaments

Prize Pool is $10 Per Player for Each Tournament

Payouts for 1st-8th

  • 1st 35%
  • 2nd 20%
  • 3rd 15%
  • 4th 10%
  • 5th-8th 5% each

*Example: Assuming 80 players, $800 prize pool per tournament— actual payouts will be more or less depending on number of players

  • 1st $280
  • 2nd $160
  • 3rd $120
  • 4th $80
  • 5th-8th $40 each

Tournaments will be IFPA approved and will be submitted ASAP after each tournament.

The prize money awarded at the tournaments are final. All prize money will be paid out in the form of a check. The tournament directors’ decisions on rulings are final. You agree to these terms by signing up. You can’t come back after the tournaments are finalized and dispute your finishing position or prize payout for any reason. Any discrepancies need to be brought up immediately to tournament director, at and during, the tournaments themselves. All rules and formats are subject to change without notice.

All players with winnings of $600 or more will be required to complete a W-9 or W8-BEN form prior to prize disbursement. Any fees incurred for receiving of funds are the responsibility of the receiving party.

Tournament Formats:

Pinburgh Inspired Main Event Qualifying Day 1

Friday March 21st, 2025
8AM Doors Open for Practice. Practice ends at 8:45am for announcements
9AM Tournament Starts
4:30PM Projected End Time

We will use all 50+ pinball machines at the lavish Delaware Pinball Collective. At some point you will be playing a machine directly next to another player. This cannot be avoided so play on. Each round will consist of your 4 player group, or 3 player group when necessary playing a 3-game bank each round. We will play 4 rounds total (12 Games Total), tiered Swiss pairings, automatic tiebreakers in Match Play turned on, IFPA seeding to start, and rotating player order.

Each bank will consist of a NEW/MID/OLD game. You will play each game one at a time. Once you finish all 3 games you turn in your score sheet to the front desk. Scoring will be 3/2/1/0 or 3/1.5/0 scoring on each game. A maximum of 9 points per round. At the end of Day 1’s qualifying you will be divided into either “A” or “B” Division based on your overall accumulated points. Approximately 40 players will advance to “A” and 40 players (or the remaining field of players if less than 80 total) will advance to the “B” Division (based on 80 players total). Tournament Director may modify the number of players in each division, but we are trying to get 40 in each division. Restricted players will have an impact on the exact number of players advancing to “A” and “B”. The tournament director will make the determination as to exactly how many people are in each division at the start of day 2. All players in all Divisions will take their Day 1 totals into Day 2 and add on from there.

We will be using Match Play Software for all tournaments.

IFPA Rank Restrictions for “A” Division

If you are ranked 250 or better in the world by the IFPA as of March 20th, 2025, you will be restricted to A Division. We are not using the WPPR Pro ranking . We are using the regular rankings. This means you must play in the “A” Division for qualifying on Day 2 even if you do not earn enough points to be in the top 40. You will still be placed in the “A” division with whatever points you accumulated in Day 1 and the field will be expanded to accommodate any additional restricted players. For example, if 3 players ranked 250 or better in the world don’t get enough points to earn spots in the “A” division on day 2, the field will be expanded by 3 players to let them in. Conversely, the “B” division will only have 37 players since 3 players got restricted to “A”.

NOTE - For IFPA points purposes, if you are restricted to “A” division and you don’t accumulate enough points to ‘earn’ your spot on Day 2 and are forced to play based on your ranking, your final finishing position in the overall tournament will be adjusted to wherever you finished Day 1 in qualifying unless you ‘earn’ a spot in the finals. If you earn your spot in the finals, then your overall finishing position will be wherever you finish on Sunday in the finals.


Depending on the number of players and number of working machines, we may need to put some groups on the same banks but starting on different games. Each bank has no distinct order for New/Mid/Old. Some banks may have all 3 games in a row, other banks will have games located in various spots around the Collective. Be prepared to end up playing directly next to someone else at some point, this cannot be avoided with this format with the space we have available. Play your games, in order, as written on the sheet for your group.

If a game goes down and cannot be repaired quickly you will be given a replacement game from the same era to complete your bank.

The game list is subject to change at any time.

Event 2: 10 Strike Progressive Knockout

Friday March 21st, 2025

You will play in groups of 4 players, or 3 players when necessary, random seeding to start, then swiss style pairing thereafter. You will get 0/1/2/3 strikes per round (1 game per round). Once you receive 10 strikes you are out of the tournament. We will alternate between Moderns and Classics for each round. Your final position will be determined by the round and number of strikes you have. For example, if you go into a round with 8 strikes and someone else in a different group goes into the round with 7 strikes and you both get 4th place adding 3 strikes to your total then the first player would have 11 strikes and finish behind the person who ended the same round with only 10 strikes.

A tie for first place will result in a 1 game tie breaker picked randomly by the tournament director. The game will be randomly picked from the era of games opposite of the final round. For example, if the tournament ends on Classics and we have a tie for 1st place, the tiebreaker will be selected from Moderns. Ties between 2nd-8th position will be broken with a 1 game tie breaker on Stars for the affected players to determine the trophy and/or prize money received. When reporting this to IFPA for points those ties will be reported as such except a tie for 1st place. 1st Place is significant and will be reported as a win and not a tie. No playoffs or finals.

Top 4 will get trophies/plaques/medals, Top 8 will receive prize money

Main Event Qualifying Day 2

Saturday March 22nd, 2025
8AM Doors Open for Practice. Practice ends at 8:45am for announcements
9AM Tournament Starts
4:30PM Projected End Time

The field of players will be divided into 2 groups. Division “A” and Division “B”. All of your matches on Day 2 will be within your division. Remember, all points carry over from Day 1 for both “A” & “B” divisions with seeding based on total accumulated points from Day 1 to start. Each round will consist of your 4 player group, or 3 player group when necessary, playing a 3 game bank each round. We will play 4 rounds total (12 Games Total), tiered Swiss pairings, player order will be pre-selected and will use rotating order for each game.

Each bank will consist of a NEW/MID/OLD game. You will play each game one at a time. Once you finish all 3 games you turn in your score sheet to the front desk. Scoring will be 3/2/1/0 or 3/1.5/0 scoring on each game. A maximum of 9 points per round.

“A” Division Finals Players

Top 24 Players make the A Division Finals.
Automatic Tiebreakers are turned on and will be used to seed the field.
Exception will be for 8th and 24th place and will not use the Automatic Tiebreakers. All players tied with the same number of accumulated points for the 8th and 24th positions will have a 1 GAME tiebreaker to determine who gets a bye and/or who gets into the finals, and who doesn’t. This 1 GAME tiebreaker is significant and will result in the final placing for all players who finish 25th or worse in the tournament. The game used for the tiebreaker will be Stars and the order of play will use the automatic tiebreaker finishing position with the higher seed getting last available order spot. Example: If we have 10 players with the same number of points who finish from 21st-30th in qualifying. They all get to play a 1 GAME tiebreaker. The order of play will be 30th goes first, 29th goes 2nd, 28th goes 3rd, etc. The highest score in the tiebreaker gets 21st seed & moves onto finals, 2nd highest gets 22nd seed & moves on, 3rd highest 23rd seed, 4th highest 24th seed. Then the rest of the group is out of the tournament with their final finishing position being determined by that tiebreaker. 5th highest would be 25th place, 6th highest would be 26th place, etc. all the way to 30th place.
This tiebreaker will also be significant for the 8th place position. For example, if we have a 6-way tie for 8th place (8,9,10,11,12,13), based on the Tiebreaker game the winner would get the 1st round bye, 2nd/3rd/4th/5th would be seeded 9th/10th/11th/12th in round 1. The person that finished 6th in this example tiebreak would be seeded 13th in the main final .

“B” Division Finals Players

Top 16 Players Make the “B” Division Finals. Automatic Tiebreakers are turned on and will be used to seed the field. Exception will be 16th place. That position will have a 1 GAME Playoff played on Stars. This one game will be significant and will result in the final position for those players that don’t make it into the final. For example, if we have 3 players tied at 15th place, after the tiebreaker game the winner would be placed in 15th, 2nd would be placed 16th, 3rd would be placed 17th. Final field will then be set for Sunday.

Event 3: 8 Strikes Classics Fair Strike Knockout

Saturday March 22nd, 2025
5PM Projected Start Time
Midnight Projected End Time

This Knockout Tournament is an 8 Strike Classics Tournament played in groups of 4 players, or 3 players when necessary.
Only “classic” games will be used. Random seeding to start, then Swiss Style pairings. Games will be drawn randomly.
Groups of 4 will play against each other on a single machine
1st Place No Strike, 2nd and 3rd Place 1 Strike, 4th Place 2 Strikes
3 player matches (as needed) 1st Place No Strike, 2nd Place 1 Strike, 3rd Place 2 Strikes
2 player matches (as needed) 1st Place No Strike, 2nd Place 2 Strikes
Once a player has 8 strikes they are out of this tournament
The tournament continues until there is one player remaining.
A tie for first place will result in a 1 GAME Tie Breaker to be played on Stars. Ties between 2nd-8th position will be broken with a 1 Game tie breaker on Stars, for the affected players to determine the trophy and/or prize money received. When reporting this to IFPA for points those ties will be reported as such except a tie for 1st place. 1st Place is significant and will be reported as a win and not a tie. No playoffs or finals.

Top 4 will get trophies/plaques/medals, Top 8 will receive prize money

Main Event Finals

Sunday March 23rd, 2025
9AM Doors Open for check in and practice. Practice ends at 9:45am for announcements. First round will start around 10:15AM. NOTE – once the finals start, the only practice allowed is on games labeled “NOT IN TOURNAMENT”
Sunday 10:15AM-6PM Main Event Finals for both “A” & “B” divisions

6PM Projected End Time

Once the finals begin, you are only allowed to play/practice on any games marked “NOT IN TOURNAMENT”.

We will start finals for “A” Division Round 1 first, and then start “B” Division Round 1. All of the finals will be running at the same time in the same area of the Collective.

“A” Division

Top 24 Players from the Main Event Qualifying will play in the Finals. No points carry over from qualifying. If someone doesn’t show up the 25th or next highest person from qualifying available will take their place. The format will consist of 4 rounds, playing 3 games each round. Top 8 qualifiers get a 1st round bye. Groupings for first round will be (9th, 16th, 17th, 24th), (10th, 15th, 18th, 23rd), (11th, 14th, 19th, 22nd), (12th, 13th, 20th, 21st).

Games will be played one at a time. Finals will use a modified PAPA format with the top seed driving the bus. Each group will play 3 games across 3 different eras (new/mid/old). No game can be played more than once in the same round. If a game is in use by another group, players are not allowed to wait. Subsequent games the high seed gets to pick either game or position.

Scoring will be 4/2/1/0 for each of the 3 games. Top 2 advance, bottom 2 are eliminated.

The 8 Eliminated players from the 1st round will be ranked 17th-24th according to how many points they accumulated in this round. Ties will not be broken.

In the Quarterfinal Round, the players advancing from the previous round will be reseeded according to their original ranks and divided into four groups as follows.

16 Players

Group 1: 1 8 9 16
Group 2: 2 7 10 15
Group 3: 3 6 11 14
Group 4: 4 5 12 13

The 8 eliminated players will be ranked 9th-16th according to the accumulated points in this round. Ties will not be broken.

For the Semifinal Round, the 8 players advancing will be divided into two groups of four. The groups will be organized according to the original qualifying rank as shown here:

8 Players

Group 1: 1 4 5 8
Group 2: 2 3 6 7

The 4 eliminated players from this round will be ranked from 5th-8th based on the accumulated points from this round. Ties will not be broken.

The four remaining players advance to the final round. The final round is conducted in the same manner as the Semifinal Round. The total scores for this round will determine the ordering of the winners. All ties in the final round are considered significant and will be broken with a 1 game playoff. The final reporting of points to IFPA will show 1st-4th place with no ties.

Top 4 will get Trophies/Plaques/Medals and all 24 players will receive payouts

“B” Division

The “B” final’s will be conducted the same way as “A” division as described above, except only 3 rounds in total since the “B” division doesn’t have byes. They will start at the quarterfinals section above and continue to the end.

Top 4 will get Trophies/Plaques/Medals and payouts

Overall IFPA Position in Tournament

Your overall position in the tournament will be dependent on your final’s performance too.
A Division: You are playing for 1st-24th in the overall tournament
B Division: You are playing for approximately 41st-56th in the overall tournament
Refund Policy:

You cannot ‘sell’ your tournament registration to another person. If you cancel your registration by the following dates, we will send you back a refund based on the conditions below. Make sure you can attend this event before you send payment. The amounts are listed below. Anyone from the waitlist who gets in will still have to abide by the below refund dates so please make sure you want to attend before you send me your money. Eventbrite ticketing fees are not refunded unless the event is cancelled.

Registration Cancellation Dates & Refunds:
Before Saturday February 28th, 2025, 5PM EST - Full Refund
Before Saturday March 7th, 2025, 5PM EST – 75% Refund
Before Saturday March 14th, 2025, 5PM EST – 50% Refund

After March 14th, 2025, No Refunds of any amount. If you participate in only part of the 3 tournaments or can’t continue, no refunds or credit to future events will be given either.

HOTELS NEARBY (within 2-3 miles of DPC):

Red Roof PLUS+ Wilmington (2 star hotel) - 415 Stanton Christiana Rd, Newark, DE 19713 - (302) 292-2870

Days Inn by Wyndham Newark Wilmington (2 star hotel) - 900 Churchmans Rd, Newark, DE 19713 - (302) 368-2400

Hilton Wilmington/Christiana (4 star hotel) - 100 Continental Dr, Newark, DE 19713 - (302) 454-1500

Extended Stay America - Newark - Christiana - Wilmington (2 star hotel) - 333 Continental Dr, Newark, DE 19713 - (302) 283-0800

Sonesta Select Newark (3 star hotel) - 48 Geoffrey Dr, Newark, DE 19713 - (302) 456-3800

Quality Inn (2 Star Hotel) - 65 Geoffrey Dr, Newark, DE 19713 - (302) 292-1500

TENTATIVE GAME LIST (always subject to change):



Attack From Mars

Bank Shot


Black Jack

Bobby Orr's Power Play

Cactus Canyon (SE)


Deadpool Premium

Dealer's Choice

Demo Man (Tournament ROM)

Eight Ball (with powerball)

Flight 2000 (2.0 rules)

Godzilla PREMIUM

Guardians of the Galaxy PRO

Harlem Globetrotters

James Bond 60th

Jaws PREMIUM (Coming Feb/March)

John Wick Pro

Joker Poker (SS)

Laser War

Magic Castle

Mandalorian PRO


Night Moves (Tournament ROM)

Nine Ball (Tournament ROM)

No Fear


Pulp Fiction


Scared Stiff

Space Shuttle


Stranger Things PREMIUM

TMNT Pro - Virtual locks on. SIC disabled.

The Addams Family - Power Magnets disabled

The Uncanny X-Men PRO

Theatre of Magic - Tournament ROM

Twilight Zone


Wheel of Fortune - 6.02 ROM. For MB must hit each stand up

Wild Fyre

World Cup Soccer 94


NOTE - The format and rules are subject to change.

Entire event will also be live streamed on Twitch at our Twitch Channel:

Where is it happening?

1100 First State Blvd, 1100 First State Boulevard, Wilmington, United States

USD 0.00 to USD 2.91

Delaware Pinball Collective

Host or Publisher Delaware Pinball Collective

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