TalTechi Treeningute Kuu
Tue Feb 04 2025 at 12:00 pm to 02:00 pm
TalTech Spordiklubi | Tallinn, HA
English!⬇️⬇️Sessi aeg tasa ja targu hakkab lõpusirgele jõudma ning on aeg hakata mõtlema jälle rohkem spordi lainel! 🌊(New year new me jne🫣)
Veebruarikuu on selleks ideaalne🤩, sest tuleb midagi enne olematut, selleks on TalTechi Treeningute kuu🤯. Just veebruaris on iga nädal toimumas TalTechi spordiklubis 1️⃣ treening, millest 3️⃣/4️⃣ viivad läbi TalTechi oma esindustiimid 💪🏽! Ja oodatud on mitte ainult TalTechi inimesed, vaid erinevate ülikoolide esindajad, ole sa mõnest Tartu või Tallinna ülikoolist, ootame sind 🫵🏽🤝🏽!
🏐 Võrkpall 🗓️ 4. veebruar, ⏰ kell 12.00
🏓 Lauatennis 🗓️ 11. veebruar, ⏰ kell 20.00
🏀 Korvpall 🗓️ 18. veebruar, ⏰ kell 12.00
🏸 Sulgpall 🗓️ 25. veebruar, ⏰ kell 14.00
See on unikaalne võimalus puutuda lähedalt kokku kõikide TalTechi esindustiimidega 😎. Kui muidu saad neid tribüünidelt imetleda 👀, siis nüüd saad kogeda🫨, kuidas nad ise sulle tips n trickse jagavad 🙌🏼.
Mida treeningutelt oodata:
👉🏼Saad uusi teadmisi vastava spordiala kohta oma ala ekspertidelt
👉🏼Saad proovida praktikas liigutusi, mida ehk oled varem esindustiime tegemas näinud
👉🏼Saad veeta sportlikult aega ning praktiseerida “Terves kehas, terve vaim”
👉🏼Saad lähemalt tutvuda TalTechi esindustiimidega
👉🏼Saad aimduse milliseid sportimisvõimalusi TalTechi spordiklubi pakub
Haara sõbrad👥 kaasa ning tule ja alusta uut õppeaastat eriti sportlikult🏃🏼➡️!
‼️ kõik treeningud toimuvad 📍TalTechi Spordiklubis (Männiliiva tee 7), igale treeningule vastavas alas, seega nt lauatennist pole mõtet palliplatsile ootama minna.
The exam session is slowly but steadaly coming to an end and it's time to start thinking more in terms of sports again! 🌊(New year new me etc 🫣)
February is ideal for this🤩, because something unheard of is coming, that's TalTech's Training Month🤯. In February, 1️⃣ training session is taking place every week at TalTech's sports club, 3️⃣/4️⃣ of which are conducted by TalTech's own representative teams 💪🏽! And not only TalTech people are welcome, but representatives of different universities are welcome, if you are from a university in Tartu or Tallinn, we are waiting for you 🫵🏽🤝🏽!
🏐 Volleyball 🗓️ February 4, ⏰ at 12:00
🏓 Table Tennis 🗓️ February 11, ⏰ at 20:00
🏀 Basketball 🗓️ February 18, ⏰ at 12:00
🏸 Badminton 🗓️ February 25, ⏰ at 14:00
This is a unique opportunity to get up close and personal with all of TalTech's representative teams 😎. If you can otherwise admire them from the stands 👀, now you can experience🫨 how they themselves share tips and tricks with you 🙌🏼.
What to expect from the training:
👉🏼You will gain new knowledge about the respective sport from experts in your field
👉🏼You can try out movements in practice that you may have seen the representative team do before
👉🏼You can spend time in a sporty way and practice “Healthy body, healthy mind”
👉🏼You can get to know TalTech’s representative teams more closely
👉🏼You will get an idea of what sports opportunities TalTech Sports Club offers
Grab your friends👥 and come and start the new academic year especially sporty🏃🏼➡️!
‼️ All training takes place 📍 at TalTech Sports Club (Männiliiva tee 7), in the area corresponding to each training, so for example, there is no point in waiting for tabletennis on the ball court.
Where is it happening?
TalTech Spordiklubi, Tallinn, EstoniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: