Summer League (PDGA Santioned) - Harcourt Park
Wed, 05 Mar, 2025 at 06:20 pm
Harcourt Park, Upper Hutt | Upper Hutt, WG
Mark Wednesday the 15th Januaray 2025 on the calender, as this is the start of the next PDGA sanctioned league at Harcourt park, Upper Hutt brought to you by the Greater Wellington Disc Golf Club.
The league will be for 8 weeks til 5th March 2025 and offer divisions of FA1, MA1, MA40 and MJ15.
Costs for the league is preferred to pay in advance or at first round and priorty will go to club members if the league reaches greater than 45 participants.
League Entry Fee:
$10 for Greater Wellington disc golf club members - see payments not received by week 4 of league will have rounds removed.
$20 for Non club member (required to pay in advance of league or on first day of play).
$5 for casual play (required to pay on day of round).
League fees can be paid in cash on the night or direct into the club league account (preferred)
and will be ring fenced for league use only. Please use Sum25 & your last name as reference.
Kiwi Bank: 38-9016-0650973-03
Prizes - Divisional Winners will receive braging rights
two prizes will be provided to 2 participants that shoot the most points above their rating in a single round (every one has a change at taking this one out)
Also there will be an optional extra jackpotting ace kitty. For the league. How to enter - gold coin entry each week. To be in the running for the week need to have paid in. Eg so week one pay $1 and in if hit an ace, week 2 not pay in therefore no entry into ace kitty, week 3 pay into ace kitty. Hit an ace week 2 can’t claim the kitty as did not pay in, hit an ace week 3 collect the ace kitty (shared if others also hit an ace that week).
You say what happens if no one hits an ace - keeps jackpotting throughout the clubs PDGA sanctioned leagues until an ACE is hit.
Current ACE Kitty sitting at $XXX less