Stations in the sky - Fairy Tale in English
Thu Feb 27 2025 at 07:00 pm to 08:30 pm
Off The Record, Rosenkrantzgade 21, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark | Arhus, AR
John Buckley McQuaid is an accredited singer songwriter and fairy tale author, born in Dublin and based in Denmark, who is at present working on his 8th album.On the 27th of February, he will be performing with his one-man show, singing and playing guitar with video accompaniment on the big screen, where he recounts his original fairy tale Stations In The Sky, interspersed with songs written especially for the fairy tale. The show is in two parts, and deals with topics that are very much relevant today.
Stations In The Sky is a fairy tale of Our times concerning a Birdman named Leo. Of his search fora magical place known as the Stations In The Sky. Of his friends, Fred'rick, an out-of-work horse & Kristi Sparkle, a girl with a dream. For children of all ages who will enjoy a tale of friendship & terror, of freedom & captivity, of love & of fantasy.
The second part of the show will include songs from John Buckley McQuaid’s most recent album “Be Yourself”, which was produced by Lone Poulsen, who has written music to two of the songs and produces and plays on the album.
“John McQuaid er noget af det bedste der er hændt dansk folkemusik. Også rockmusikere kan lære af ham. Denne dansk-irer har det bare i sig: Entusiasme, nærvær og en magisk evne til a gøre det flotte enkelt.... Man imponeres over helheden, over variationerne og over enkelhederne.” Jyllands-Posten
“Stilfærdig og smukt. Pågående og kraftfuld. Tekst og musik fungerer flot sammen, og i det hele taget er musikken meget afvekslende... En oplevelse af en karakter, som vi ikke er forvænt med herhjemme.”
Jydsk Tidende
“Der er Lennon-McCartney’ske toner over McQuaids fabulerende historie om den varme fugle-menneske, den desillusionerede diskoteksdanser Kristi Sparkle og hesten med det ejegode gemyt. De bløde sangbare melodier bæres også af en harmonisering, som peger mod træk fra den trekvart- akustiske musik i 60ernes slutning.” Information
“Denne poetiske lækkerbid – som et musikalsk svar på konditoriets bløde og marcipan-
omkrænsedenapoleonskage – er bundet sammen med en lige så silkeblød og afdæmpet musik.” Byens Fri Bla
Where is it happening?
Off The Record, Rosenkrantzgade 21, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark, Rosenkrantzgade 21, 8000 Aarhus C, Danmark,Aarhus, Denmark, ArhusEvent Location & Nearby Stays: