Shedding Our Skins... In The Heart of Scotland
Fri, 02 May, 2025 at 03:00 pm to Sun, 04 May, 2025 at 05:00 pm
The Big Shed | Aberfeldy, SC
Amidst the planetary quickening which we are moving through our nervous system is contending with excessive levels of stress & streams of information. This weekend is an opportunity to SeTTLe, unWiND, SoFTen, OpeN, RelEASE, ExPreSs & ReCALibrAte under the guidance of facilitators who have many years of experience & exploration within the fields of compassion based mindfulness, somatic enquiry, movement & dance.
Cultivating deep awareness through the body and the felt sense allows emotion to flow freely and naturally, helping to restore homeostasis. This weekend is dedicated to shedding what we have accumulated and carry as an unnecessary burden. Our natural, uncontrived playful self can then emerge spontaneously.
Move as you feel.. Feel as you move.. Move inwards.. Settle into the Deep Self beyond the chattering mind..
Fred & Colleen Sugerman are visiting Scotland for a few weeks as part of their annual UK pilgrimage where they offer an opportunity to come and experience Medicine Dance which they have curated through the past 25 years or so, drawing upon their experience within various lineages of Dance and Somatic Enquiry as a means of dissolving stress in the nervous system and remembering our inherent, undivided and unbounded awareness, so as to open up a fresh, spontaneous intimacy with Life... This is a link to their website where you'll gain more insight into Medicine Dance, but really it's all in the direct experience:
Scott Young facilitates a regular movement & dance immersion which he calls Fluid Nature.. Inspired in part by his years of dancing and training with Fred & Colleen Sugerman of Medicine Dance, as well as insights cultivated through his decades of mindfulness practise and studies in human consciousness and direct revelation. He's dedicated to curating spaces which offer people the opportunity to immerse themselves in spontaneous, authentic movement for extended periods of time, offering a chance for the nervous system to recalibrate.
Beyond the chattering mind there's an Invincible Benevolent Presence which effortlessly embraces all that arises, and dissolves stress in the same way that ice dissolves in warm water.
The Effortless Dancer longs to be liberated from the conditioned self within all of us.
This weekend is fully catered and you will be served breakfast, lunch and evening meal.. Organic vegetarian meals prepared lovingly to cleanse and energise your system.
Accommodation is camping on the lawn in front of the venue, overlooking Loch Tay and the surrounding hills.
Cost for the weekend is £300 with a few concessionary spaces at £250... Please contact Scott about that.
A deposit of £50 secures your place with full payment required by the end of March... Deposits are non-refundable.. If you need to cancel you will be given credit towards another retreat.
Please note that we begin at 3pm on the Friday so our days will be full.
If you have any questions then please feel free to contact Scott, Fred or Colleen.
At the time of making this event live, almost half the spaces have been secured through people paying their deposit as they have previously shared in the richness of these immersions.
Before you decide to sign up for this weekend we ask that you consider the following points:
** You have a reasonable degree of self awareness and take full responsibility for all that arises within you through the weekend... Support is always available from the facilitators but we do invite people who have a mature attitude and are able to take care of themselves psychologically, emotionally and physically.
** You abstain from alcohol and recreational drugs.
** Please inform us of any medications you are currently taking This information will be kept confidential and used solely to support your wellbeing throughout the weekend.
** No photographs or video taken, during our sessions together, so as to maintain privacy and deepen our feeling of safety.
** The facilitators will call out any behaviour which they deem to be inappropriate and we ask that you abide our request on that.
It's an open space for personal exploration and expression, but personal boundaries of others must be respected and we shall do our best to clarify relevant dynamics at the opening circle.
** If you haven't been on retreat with Scott, Fred & Colleen prior to this weekend we request a short introductory call with one of us, so as to determine if this retreat is suitable for you.
Fred, Colleen & Scott relish the prospect of this weekend with all who choose to dive in with us.