Rómeó és Júlia | Romeo și Julieta | Romeo and Juliet
Fri, 31 Jan, 2025 at 07:00 pm
Kolozsvári Állami Magyar Színház | Cluj-napoca, CJ
📍 𝗛𝗼𝗹? | 𝗨𝗻𝗱𝗲? | 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲?Nagyszínpadi stúdió | Studio pe scena mare | Studio Performance on the Main Stage
📆 𝗠𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗿? | 𝗖𝗮̂𝗻𝗱? | 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻?
2025. január 31., 19 óra
31 ianuarie 2025, 19:00
January 31, 19:00
Jegyek | Bilete | Tickets 👉 https://bit.ly/RJHuntheaterTickets
🕗 Időtartam | Durata | Duration: 3h egy szünettel | cu pauză | with intermession
🗣 Magyar🇭🇺 nyelvű előadás, román🇷🇴 és angol🇬🇧 felirattal.
🗣 Spectacol în limba maghiară🇭🇺 cu titrare în limbile română 🇷🇴 și engleză🇬🇧.
🗣 In HU🇭🇺 with RO🇷🇴 and EN🇬🇧 surtitles
🇭🇺 (🇷🇴, 🇬🇧)
Közhelyek nélkül nagyon nehéz a szerelemről beszélni és a Rómeó és Júliáról talán semmi meglepőt nem lehet mondani. Nincs is mit szépíteni rajta. Lehet varázslatosan újra felfesteni vagy rángatni a földön, talán a legfontosabb, hogy valamiféle személyes szemszöget találjunk. Féltékenykedve hallgattam azokat a színházcsinálókat, akik legendaként meséltek arról a korszakról, mikor egy előadás erejét az adta, hogy valami ellen együtt harcoltak. Természetesen, ha akarjuk ma is adott minden ehhez, hol így, hol úgy. Mégis mi ellen kell ma harcolnia Shakespearnek? Előadásunk nem tiszteli a darabot, sem a kort, amelyben élünk, sőt, igyekszik saját magát sem tisztelni. Nem Rómeó és Júlia, nem előadás, reméljük, nem is lehet majd annak tekinteni.
Este foarte greu să vorbești despre dragoste fără a te folosi de clișee, și nu cred că poți spune ceva nou despre Romeo și Julieta. Nu are rost să ne amăgim în această privință. Textul poate fi pus în scenă într-un mod fermecător sau aruncat în adâncuri, dar cel mai important lucru este găsirea unei perspective personale. Îi ascultam cu invidie pe creatorii de teatru care povesteau despre epoca aproape legendară în care forța unui spectacol era dată de lupta cot la cot împotriva unui lucru anume. Dacă vrem să facem acest lucru astăzi, avem toate uneltele necesare. Totuși, împotriva cui ar trebui să lupte Shakespeare în zilele noastre? Spectacolul nostru nu respectă piesa de teatru care îi stă la bază, nici epoca în care trăim, mai mult, nu se prea respectă nici pe el însuși. Nu este piesa Romeo și Julieta, nu este un spectacol, sperăm că nici nu va fi receptat astfel.
It's very hard to talk about love without using clichés, and I don't think you can say anything new or surprising about Romeo and Julieta. There is no point in fooling ourselves in this regard. It can be re-enacted in a charming way, or dragged through the mud, however the most important thing would be to find a personal approach. I listened with envy to those theater creators who spoke of the legendary era in which the strength of a performance was given by the joint efforts exerted against something. Of course, if we want to do this today, we have all the necessary tools at our disposal, one way or another. However, what exactly should Shakespeare fight against today? Our show does not respect the play on which it is based, nor the era in which we live, moreover, it tries not to respect itself too much either. It's not a Romeo and Juliet, it's not a performance, we hope it won't be perceived as such either.
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Herceg / Péter | Principele / Peter | The Prince / Peter: VÁTA Lóránd
Dajka | Doika | The Nurse: ALBERT Csilla
Capulet / Montague-né | Capulet / Lady Montague: SZŰCS Ervin
Capuletné / Montague | Lady Capulet / Montague: TŐTSZEGI Zsuzsa
Lőrinc barát | Călugărul Lorenzo | Friar Lawrence: BOGDÁN Zsolt
Rómeó | Romeo: KISS Tamás
Júlia | Julieta | Juliet: ROMÁN Eszter
Mercutio | Mercuțio: IMRE Éva
Benvolio: GEDŐ Zsolt
Páris | Paris: FARKAS Loránd
Tybalt: BODOLAI Balázs
Rendező | Regia | Directed by 𝗜𝗙𝗝. 𝗩𝗜𝗗𝗡𝗬𝗔́𝗡𝗦𝗭𝗞𝗬 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗮 𝗝𝗥.
Díszlettervező | Decorul | Set design: CSÍKI Csaba
Jelmeztervező | Costumele | Costume design: KISS Zsuzsánna
Színpadi mozgás | Mișcarea scenică | Choreography: SINKÓ Ferenc
Rendezőasszisztens | Asistent de regie | Director’s assistant: VERES Emőke
Ügyelő | Regia tehnică | Stage manager: ZONGOR Réka
❗️ az előadás 14 éven felülieknek ajánlott! | spectacolul nu este recomandat persoanelor sub 14 ani! | the show is not recommended for children under 14 years! ❗️
Where is it happening?
Kolozsvári Állami Magyar Színház, str. Emil Isac nr. 26-28,Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: