Rock, Rattle, & Roll Nationals
Sat, 29 Mar, 2025 at 10:00 am
Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton Athens Al | Athens, AL
2025 Americas Natural BeautiesROCK RATTLE & ROLL NATIONAL
Please join us March 29th ,2025 at the beautiful
Hampton Inn & Suites in Athens Al. for the 2025 Americas Natural Beauties ROCK
RATTLE & ROLL NATIONAL . The address is 1222 Kelli Dr. and is only & 2
hours south of Nashville, TN.
You can find my form "Rock, Rattle, & Roll Nationals" at:
AGE DIVISIONS Contestants compete age as of April
1st or can move up one older group.
0-12 Mo., 1-2 yrs. 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-
17, 18-19, 20-24, 25-34, 35-40, 41-46, 47-53, 54-64,
Boys of all ages welcome to attend.
THREE BIG WINNERS, one from 0-4years, one from 5-
10 & one from 11& up, with the highest score of beauty
plus two highest optional events, will receive the
gorgeous ANB Crown, National Banner, Robe, Gift, &
$300 with 20 contestants competing in the pageant.
Less than 20 contestants in the pageant, winners will
be awarded a cash prize based on entries
THREE BIG WINNERS, one from 0-4 years ., one from 5-
10, and one from 11-up with the next highest score of
beauty plus two highest optional events, will receive
the gorgeous ANB Crown, National Banner, Robe, Gift,
& $250 with 20 contestants competing in the pageant.
Less than 20 contestants competing in the pageant,
the prize will be based on contestants
THREE MINI SUPREME one winner will be announced
only for contestants who are from the following age
groups 0–4 years, 5-10, & 11-up receives a Americas
Natural Beauties Crown, Banner, Gift, & $200 CASH
with 20 contestants competing in the pageant. Less
than 20 competing in the pageant, it will be based on
contestants numbers.
DIVISIONS 0-4 years, 5-10, and 11& up receives an ANB
crown, gift and $100 cash with 40 contestants
competing in the pageant. Less than will be based upon
This is an optional event only for children/AduIts who
have some sort of disability, because we At Americas
Natural Beauties believe that all children should be
included!. Winner in EACH BREAKDOWN will receive
the beautiful ANB Crown, Banner, Gift, & $100 CASH.
You must remind us at registration that you are
entering this division Cash prize is dependent upon
Queen in each age group will receive a gorgeous ANB
crown, Gift, & beautiful Banner!! YOU CAN CHOOSE TO
COMPETE NATURAL OR GLITZ. If your group has 10 or
more in it, you will also receive $100!! Four Runner Ups
in each age group will receive a ANB crown & gift. You
can compete in natural or glitz beauty. You choose if
you want to compete natural or glitz in your Package or
pay $75 extra for both. NATURAL RULES: Soft, toned
down hair (hair pieces are allowed if styled soft).
Flipper allowed if they look natural. No false eyelashes
for 0-5. 6-Up can wear them if they look natural. All
contestants may use all make up but keep it soft &
natural. Dresses may be Custom or o� the rack. They
can have some stones but not heavy. A Face Dress
would be great. Tans and acrylic nails are allowed. restrictions in glitz beauty.
INTERVIEW –Interview is mandatory and you will
interview Friday evening. You can come dressed as you
are with your hair up and ready, or come in interview
wear with your hair pulled back, interview will last
about 60 seconds and no hard questions will be asked.
You will receive an emailed list of questions that will be
asked to help you prepare. Babies & littles are
accompanied by a parent.
photo competition & combining natural & glitz photos.
You get one photo in your package. Photos can be
natural, naturally enhanced, or glitz. They can consist
of head shot, print model, stage shot, series,
composite, etc. You can enter a portfolio if you enter
the extra photo package. Optional Extra Photo Special:
Enter 10 extra photos for $95. Extra Photo Package is
not included in any package.
Prettiest Hair, Best Smile, Best Personality, Most
Beautiful, Most Precious, Best Model, and Best
Dressed will be combined in both natural beauty and
glitz beauty. These events are included in all packages.
OUTFIT OF CHOICE COMPETITION - Anything 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 2000s+
themed . There will be a 90 second time limit for Outfit
of Choice. Because of safety reasons, no back or front
tucks allowed. Props are allowed but are not
necessary. You are allowed to bring your own music
for Outfit of Choice or choose from list.
Outfit of Choice is optional & is not included in any
package. There will be di�erent judges for OOC 1 &
OOC 2 so you may wear your same OOC or change to a
di�erent outfit. There will be a 90 second time limit for
2nd Outfit of Choice. Because of safety reasons, no
back or front tucks allowed. Props are allowed but are
not necessary. You are allowed to bring your own
music for 2nd Outfit of Choice or choose from list.
RULES AND REGULATIONS: 1. Cameras and video
cameras will not be permitted in competition area as
we will have professionals to video & take pictures. 2.
You must be entered in Beauty in order to compete in
any other events. 3. All judge’s decisions are final and
the judges have the right to break any ties. 3. Any act
of un-sportsmanship conduct or falsified information
could result in disqualification without refund. 4.
Scores will be given out after crowning. 5. Birth
certificates must be shown if contestant’s age is
questioned. 6. Our fall back date is March 1, 2025. You
can compete age as of this date or move up one older
group. If your birthday falls on March 1st (which is our
fall back date), you have the option of staying back or
moving up. This also includes our 0-12 Mo., 1-2. and 3-4.
fallback. 7. Names of contestants or how many have
entered in each age division will not be given out.
Please do not ask. 8. We are not responsible for any act
of nature that might result in having to postpone
competition because of an ice storm, flood, snow,
hurricane, power outage, pandemic, etc. We will do our
best to accommodate the situation if something
unforeseen was to happen and deposits would be
transferred to the rescheduled event. 9. Numbers will
be assigned on a first come first served basis. The first
to come in with their deposit will go out last unless you
specify di�erently. We cannot guarantee anyone a
particular place in line; however, we will do our best to
honor your favorite place in line-up if you send your
deposit in early. If you are wanting a particular place in
line, you need to get your entry in early. It really
doesn’t matter in our pageants, how you come out in
line, everyone is judged fair & the utmost attention is
given to everyone. 10. Entries that come in without a
deposit or less than a $150.00 deposit will not be
assigned a number until full deposit is sent. 11. No
refunds, credits, or transfers will be given on $150 or
less deposits. Any money paid after the $150 deposit
will be credited to next year’s Americans Natural
Beauties. 12. No checks will be accepted, Cash or
money order only at the door. PayPal and Cashapp will
be accepted to make payments. 13. Because of safety
reasons, no back or front tucks are allowed in any on
stage events. 14. There will be a 90 second time limit
in beauty and a 90 second time limit in OOC 1, OOC 2,
50’s theme & anything goes. 16. ULTIMATE Grand
SUPREME and Grand Supremes can’t re-compete in the
2025 ANB pageant but are asked to please come back &
crown. The remaining 2025 Winners are invited to
come back & crown but they do have the choice to
compete if they wish. 15 Cash Awards are contingent
with 40 contestants. If less than 40 contestants, cash
awards can be adjusted. This rule is in most national
paperwork but with all the cash prizes we will be
awarding, I feel we will have a great turnout. 18. All
Supreme Winners are based on highest beauty plus 2
highest optional events except Queens which is based
on total beauty score. 19. If you win any Crown Title, it
is required that you stay for group & individual pictures
and those pictures may be used for advertisement
purposes. Money winnings will be given to you after
your individual and group pictures are taken. This is
mandatory. Failure to do so could result in forfeit of
your cash award. A Form W-9 must be filled out on
winnings of $400 or higher. Make sure you have your
social security card with you. 20. Judges will be
available after crowning to answer any questions you
might have. Any questions regarding placement must
be addressed before the auditors leave on Sunday. I
have nothing to do with the auditing. They have it on
computer and will be the ones you will need to talk to.
21. Supreme Titles are based on the highest score from
highest beauty from natural beauty or glitz beauty plus
your two highest optional events. On stage events are
scored 1-10.5 Choice of Wardrobe, 1-10.5
Presentation/Modeling/Personality, & 1-10.5 Overall
Appearance. Winner & 1st Alternate chosen in each
optional event. Natural & Glitz Beauty Contestants are
judged on 1-20.5 Facial Beauty, 1-20.5
Poise/Projection/Personality, & 1-20.5 Overall
Appearance. We use anywhere from six to nine judges
depending on our turnout.
RESERVATIONS: Marriott shoals hotel and spa Room
rates in the block are $220 plus tax. Rooms will be held
until March 1st after that time you may not get a room
& the rate may go up.
Contestant gift, we ask that you bring a small
contestant gift for all contestants. Can be a picture of
your contestant with a sucker attached to it. The
options are endless! We will have a contestant meet
and greet Bu�et Dinner and Sock Hop on Friday night
and dance party! Where we hope that your contestant
will gain new friends!
FRIDAY - March 28th
4:00 PM suggest entering early.
Early Registration for all ages begin. I would
5:30PM –6:30PM. Interview
6:30PM - 8:30PM - Meet & Greet, Sock Hop with Bu�et
Dinner provided
8:30PM - 9:30 Late Registration
SATURDAY - March 29th
8:00AM - INTERVIEW FOR anyone who missed Friday
9:00AM- Boys Competition Begins, Suit, 50s wear OOC
1 and OOC 2
10:30 AM – 0 - 5 Year Girls Competition Begins –
Beauty, OOC 1 and OOC 2
1:00 - 2:00PM - Lunch for judges
2:00 PM – 6 – up Girls Competition Begins – Could
possibly change depending On turnout. Beauty
followed by OOC 1 and OOC 2
SUNDAY, March 30th
Where is it happening?
Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton Athens Al, 1222 Kelli Dr,Athens, Alabama, United StatesEvent Location & Nearby Stays: