Rebecca Searsi töötuba "Fundamentals of Imago Relationship Therapy: From Conflict to Connection "
Fri, 14 Feb, 2025 at 10:00 am to Sat, 15 Feb, 2025 at 05:00 pm
Tartu | Tartu, TA
Töötuppa on oodatud osalema kõik pere- ja paariterapeudid ning pereteraapia õpilased, kes soovivad täiendada oma „tööriistakasti“ ja lihvida kogemust paaridega töös. Rebecca Sears:
Rebecca tutvustab oma töötuba järgmiselt:
What is really happening when we 'fall in love' and then seem to 'fall out of love'? What's REALLY going on when a couple fights and is so certain that they have married the wrong person or are convinced their partner is just too different from them?!
In our relationship course we will delve into the anatomy of attraction, love and conflict so you will have a new and deeper understanding of working with couples and the tools to move a couple's conflict into connection and compassion. As therapists we are so similar to the couples seeking our that our desire to help a couple and understanding them is not enough! Like couples, we need the skills and tools to help create a 'new experience'. In Imago we learn and embody the skills to create and sustain Safety and Connection.
Together in our course we'll go deep into the agenda of intimate relationship and conflict and learn how to guide and accompany a couple into transforming their relationship from reactivity and conflict.. into developing a conscious, connected and passionate relationship. Join us! Guaranteed to deepen your professional and personal life!
Toimumise aeg: 14. ja 15. veebruar 2025
Toimumise koht: Tartu, ruum täpsustamisel
Toimumise kellaaeg: 10.00 - 17.00
Registreerumisel enne 15. detsembrit 2024 on soodushind 190.-. Peale 15. detsembrit hind 240.-
Töötuba toimub inglise keeles.
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