Ruumiinstallatsioon KONKU
Thu Jan 09 2025 at 06:00 pm to 07:00 pm
Riia 11, 51010 Tartu, Estonia | Tartu, TA
Neljapäeval, 09.01 kell 18 avatakse Galerii Pallas keldris trepialune ruumiinstallatsioon KONKU. KONKU on lustilise loomevabaduse, reaalsuse ja mälu puutepunkt. Tegu on ruumiinstallatsiooniga, mis näeb välja nagu täiesti harilik konku, kogu oma kola ja salapäraga, kus läbisegi argine träni, arusaamatud kuriositeedid ja kunstiteosed kuniks keeruliseks muutub aru saada, kust üks lõppeb ja järgmine algab. Külastajad võivad ruumis ringi liikuda, sorida ja teha kõiki muid konkule omaseid asjatoimetusi.
„See juhtus Lõuna-Eestis, ilmselt kuskil Võrumaal, tundub, et ühes vanas talukohas. On suvine loomeinimeste kokkusaamine, palju toredaid tuttavaid nägusid, mõnega on rohkem juttu, mõnega vähem. Arutelude vahel pauside ajal jalutame talus ja talu ümbruses ringi, need on vanad hooned, mõni üpris väsinud moega juba. Ja seal paistab konku uks nagu värav kultuurkihtide muuseumi. Jääme Ilvese Aapoga arutlema konku tähenduse ja kaduvuse üle. Tõdeme, et see killuke arhitektuuri- ja kultuuriloos on kustumas, et konkusid enam varsti pole. Uued panipaigad, mis ehitatakse, on liiga riiulistatud, valgustatud ja korrastatud. Pea ühel ja samal hetkel jõuame Aapoga arusaamisele, et hämar konku vajaks vähemalt üht näitust, et selle olulisusele veel korraks valgust heita. Valgust… muidugi niivõrd-kuivõrd.“
Kas see juhtus ilmsi? Või ikkagi unes?
Konkus saavad kokku Kadri Kalve, Epp Margna, Aapo Ilves, Toomas Kalve, Ene Tapfer, Riin Somelar, Esta Tatrik, Kersti Kokk, Veiko Kokk, Margret Paide ja võimalik, et veel teisigi - konku puhul pole ju kunagi lõpuni selge, mida sealt eest leiad....
Pressifoto: Konku. 2025. Foto Epp Margna.
Epp Margna
+372 5144718
[email protected]
Galerii Pallas
Riia 11, Tartu
+372 734 9954
T-L 11-18
The room installation KONKU
January the 9th at 18 o’clock in the cellar of Gallery Pallas the room installation KONKU will be opened to the public. KONKU is an intersection of creative freedom, reality, and memory. It is a spatial installation that looks like a completely ordinary konku, with all its clutter and mystery, where everyday junk, incomprehensible curiosities and artworks are mixed together until it becomes hard to discern where one ends and the other begins. Visitors can move around the space, rummage, and engage in all the other commonplace konku activities.
"It happened in South Estonia, probably somewhere in Võrumaa, in an old farmhouse. There was a summer gathering of creative people, many friendly familiar faces all around. During the breaks in discussions, we wandered around the farmhouse and its surroundings; these were old buildings, some looking quite ramshackle. And there, the door of the konku appeared like a gateway to a museum of cultural layers. Aapo Ilves and I stopped to discuss the meaning and the perishability of a space like that. We had to admit that this fragment of architectural and cultural history is fading, that soon there will be no more of konku-like rooms. The new storage spaces being built are too shelved, well-lit, and organized. Almost at the same time, Aapo and I came to the understanding that the dim and cluttered space of the konku needs at least one exhibition to shed light on its significance. Shed light… to a certain extent, of course."
Did this happen in reality? Or was it all a dream?
A konku in most cases, it is located inside a house, while in others, it is attached to a secondary building. It can be a space in the house that has never had any sensible purpose to start with. Or perhaps the original purpose of the room has been forgotten. It can be the attic, loft, cupboard, pnatry, clothes shed or the space under the stairs. It is a space for things that are not quiet needed, but still kept.
In the KONKU, Kadri Kalve, Epp Margna, Aapo Ilves, Toomas Kalve, Ene Tapfer, Riin Somelar, Esta Tatrik, Kersti Kokk, Veiko Kokk, Margret Paide, and perhaps some others come together —but it's never entirely clear what you'll find there...
Additional information:
Epp Margna
+372 5144718
[email protected]
Gallery Pallas
Riia 11, Tartu
+372 734 9954
Tue-Sat 11-18
Where is it happening?
Riia 11, 51010 Tartu, Estonia, Riia 11, Tartu, 51010 Tartu Maakond, Eesti,Tartu, EstoniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: