Sat, 25 Oct, 2025 at 08:00 pm
Cankarjev dom | Ljubljana, LB
Raiven v Gallusovi dvorani – surova svoboda. Glasbena alkimistka postavi vse na glavo – brez pravil, brez opravičil. Zvok, gib, trenutek – nič drugega ne šteje. Mistične zgodbe žensk oživijo skozi neukročeno energijo. Doživetje za tiste, ki si želijo čutiti brez omejitev. Raiven nas pelje na rob čustev, v globine, kjer zvok in gib postaneta eno. Manifest hedonistov.
Raiven in the Gallus Hall – raw freedom. This musical alchemist turns everything upside-down – no rules, no apologies. Sound, movement, a point in time – nothing else counts. Mystical stories of women come alive through untamed energy. An experience for everyone seeking unbounded feeling. Raiven takes us to the edge of emotion, to the depths where sound and movement merge into one. A hedonist manifesto.
Gallusova dvorana
26,00 | 30,00 | 36,00 | 40,00 EUR
21,00* | 27,00* | 32,00* | 37,00* EUR
* EUR za mlajše od 25 in starejše od 65 let ter upokojence.
Where is it happening?
Cankarjev dom, Erjavčeva cesta 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, SloveniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: