Bluzon Blues Blend
Fri Apr 11 2025 at 08:00 pm to 11:00 pm
2 Prijateljeva ulica,Ljubljana,1000,SI | Ljubljana, LB
Druženje z bluesom, funkom in jazzom, ki razbija monotonost z energičnimi melodijami, nepričakovanimi obrati in močjo glasbene tradicije.Vsi ljubitelji stare šole, pridite na blues, funk & jazz druženje! Bluzon v Prulčku s svojimi energičnimi melodijami in nepričakovanimi obrati razbija monotonost.
Njihov repertoar je poln odličnih skladb, ki bodo zagotovo navdušile tudi najbolj zahtevne poslušalce. Bluzon na odru žari od strasti in z veseljem deli svojo glasbo s publiko. Verjamejo v moč glasbene tradicije, ki jo bogatijo s svojim unikatnim dotikom. Pričakujte raznoliko mešanico glasbenih žanrov, povezanih z rdečo nitjo energije in ustvarjalnosti. Vsak obiskovalec bo zagotovo našel nekaj zase.
Pridružite se nam na nepozabnem večeru, polnem glasbe in dobre volje. Morda pa nas preseneti celo kakšen poseben gost!
-Mirč Činku -kitara, vokal
-Luka Vehar - kitara
-Gašper Kačar - klaviature
-Matija Hiršenfelder -bas
-Aleš Justin - bobni
All fans of the old school, come to the blues, funk & jazz gathering! Bluzon at Prulček with their energetic melodies and unexpected twists breaks the monotony. Their repertoire is full of great songs that will surely impress even the most demanding listeners.
Bluzon shines with passion on stage and eagerly shares their music with the audience. They believe in the power of musical tradition, enriched with their unique touch. Expect a diverse mix of musical genres, connected by the common thread of energy and creativity. Every visitor will surely find something for themselves!
Join us for an unforgettable evening full of music and good vibes. Perhaps even a special guest will surprise us!
-Mirč Činku - guitar, vocals
-Luka Vehar - guitar
-Gašper Kačar - keyboards
-Matija Hiršenfelder - bass
-Aleš Justin - drums
#Prulcek #Bluzon #Concert #Music #Entertainment #OldSchool #Energy
Where is it happening?
2 Prijateljeva ulica,Ljubljana,1000,SI, SloveniaEvent Location & Nearby Stays: