QI GONG and energy understanding workshop.
Fri Apr 11 2025 at 03:30 pm to 05:30 pm
PRESENCE yoga | Oslo, OS
I’d love to invite you for a workshop where relaxation and self healing is in focus. Qi Gong and meditation Shen Zheng style are practices of self healing and state of unconditional love. Qi Gong – translated as work with universal energy Qi; and Sheng Zhen – open heart. During the course we will practice different forms of meditations in stillness and movement for healing and opening heart that you can bring home for your self practice. We will practice both exercises and learn philosophy. Both sitting and standing. It does not require so much physical effort, it is in particular engages upper body and arms in slow and beautiful movements. Plus we will learn the basics of working with energy and with self-healing.SCROLL DOWN TO READ ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR and OTHER LEARNING OPTIONS.
No prior experience is needed. Open level.
- NEW EARLY BIRD before 28th of March: 550 NOK. Vipps to number #47096646 Anastasia Mokienko.
- after that: 650 NOK. Discount 150 NOK each for registering with a friend.
- No registrations will be accepted after 2nd of April.
PLEASE REGISTER IN THE FORM BELOW after you vippsed: https://forms.gle/54FC5yWJ6M9UAoqV9
For more events like this join this group: Meditation circle in Oslo https://www.facebook.com/groups/1369994953082429/
Anastasia Mokienko, PhD, meditation and qi gong teacher, stress management, emotional and energy coach. Highly sensitive. Curious and explorative regarding energy and has been studied it since 2008 through qi gong, meditations, energy clairvoyance and clairsentience. Classic, restorative, yoga Nidra and dance teacher as well.
WHATSUP group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FTPkhWsmrXmDkAHRU7KXpp
Follow on Instagram and TikTok: @zensquirrel22
Fb group: Meditation circle in Oslo (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1369994953082429)
Sign up for the newsletter on: Mokienko.com
Other options to learn more about energy:
QI GONG 1-to-1 BUDGET COURSE (beginner with moves and technique or improver with deepening into self healing): https://mokienko.com/qigong-oslo/
THIRD OPTION IF YOU ARE VERY INTERESTED IN ENERGY and you are highly sensitive: https://mokienko.com/energy-awareness-course/
I have never tried Qi Gong before, and always thought I was not the kind of person that does meditation. I decided to give it a try while in a stressful moment of my life. Anastasia is super sweet and fun, I was afraid I could get bored, but instead I really loved her classes and looked forward to them every week! I realize how hard it is to focus and get more in contact with oneself, but that one gets better at it by doing it. After the classes I always felt relaxed and restored both mentally and physically. I have also started doing some short meditation at home whenever I feel like it. I will definitely do it again if I have the chance!
Alice. Researcher. Qi Gong & Meditation course.
I would like to recommend Qi Gong to people that are ready for a change; want to find their inner peace, confidence and balance. Anastasiya is a great teacher that leads through the practice and meditation. If you are curious about Qi Gong, I believe it is the best place to start.
Margarita. Qi Gong & Meditation course.
I took the Qi Gong course with Anastasia. It was my first time doing Qi Gong, and I always felt lighter and better after each session. Recommended!
Frederic Andre. Qi Gong & Meditation course.
“This was the first such experience in my life. I really liked meditation with Anastasia. Pleasantly, and with advantage for my body, soul and heart. After meditation, I was in a state of softness, relaxation, calmness, lightness, contentment. Do not be afraid to change your life and try something new. What, probably, can help you live with meaning, consciously, full. Also learn to feel your body, hear your soul, be healthy and energetic!”
Natalia, 34. Qi Gong & Meditation workshop.
“Jeg hadde en time med meditasjon og yoga med Anastasiya som var helt fantastisk. Etter timen følte jeg at alle spenninger i kroppen var betydelig redusert, i tillegg til at jeg var mye lettere til sinns. Meditasjonen ga styrke og energi på en helt spesiell måte. Anastasiya er veldig flink til å tilpasse undervisningen til hver og en. Hun er flink til å se hva den enkelte har behov for, og underviser med varme og glede. Jeg anbefaler hennes timer på det sterkeste!”
Lise, psychologist. 28. Oslo. Meditation & Yoga sessions.
“Fysisk var timen utfordrende på en bra måte. Mentalt: det kaller jeg for “spirituell” og det var så bra! Fikk mer kontakt med sjelen og mange andre positive ting! Spirituelt: det var en god del av meditasjon som jeg mener er en kombinasjon av Kriya og Hatha yoga og det jeg mangler og savner mye! Det er som å finne meg søl igjen – så bra! Anastasiya, uten mening, får folk til å gå dypere inne på seg selv og vekke sjelen, jeg kan ikke forklare det enkelt. Skal bare si: Anbefales!”
Melissa, Oslo. Meditation & Yoga course.
Where is it happening?
PRESENCE yoga, Rosenborggata 16B, 0356 Oslo, Norge,Oslo, NorwayEvent Location & Nearby Stays: