Our Voices Symposium Nos Voix
Thu Apr 03 2025 at 08:30 am to 04:30 pm

About this Event
Our Voices Intentions: Cultivating Safety, Storytelling, and Sustainability in Anti-Violence Movements
The Our Voices Symposium is rooted in the belief that transformative change begins with deep dialogue, collective reflection, and shared vision. Our intentions for this gathering are:
- Create a space for frontline workers, advocates, and Black, Indigenous, and racialized activists to connect, build relationships, and reimagine policies and advocacy strategies against gender-based violence, while centering their leadership within the movement and the local sector in Ottawa.
- To reimagine safety beyond institutions – In a time of growing political and social polarization, we aim to explore liberatory responses to gender-based violence that center community care, mutual aid, and survivor-led solutions.
- To harness the power of storytelling for resistance and change – Stories shape movements. Through conversation, we will reflect on how artists, poets, and cultural workers speak truth to power, disrupt systems of oppression, and influence feminist policy.
- To examine how we sustain movements without compromise – Anti-violence work requires resources, but at what cost? We will explore ethical funding models, the role of philanthropy, and ways to sustain grassroots activism while staying accountable to the communities we serve.
This symposium uses Breakout Circles: participatory, non-hierarchical spaces where knowledge is co-created rather than dictated. We invite you to engage in meaningful conversations, challenge dominant narratives, and generate new insights together.
Above all, our intention is to build connections, deepen our collective commitments, and envision futures where justice, care, and sustainability guide our movements.
This event offers both free tickets and a donate-what-you-can option to ensure accessibility for all attendees. If you're able, we encourage contributions to support Families of Sisters in Spirit (FSIS), with donations going directly to their advocacy and support MMIWG2S families.
Intentions de Nos Voix : Cultiver la sécurité, la narration et la durabilité dans les mouvements anti-violence
Le symposium Nos Voix repose sur la conviction que le changement transformateur commence par un dialogue approfondi, une réflexion collective et une vision partagée. Nos intentions pour ce rassemblement sont de :
- Créer un espace pour les travailleurs de première ligne, les défenseurs et les militants noirs, autochtones et racisés afin de tisser des liens, bâtir des relations et réimaginer les politiques et les stratégies de plaidoyer contre la violence basée sur le genre, tout en plaçant leur leadership au cœur du mouvement et du secteur local à Ottawa.
- Réimaginer la sécurité au-delà des institutions dominantes. Dans un contexte de polarisation politique et sociale croissante, nous voulons explorer des réponses libératrices à la violence basée sur le genre qui privilégient le soin communautaire, l'entraide et des solutions menées par les survivant·e·s.
- Exploiter le pouvoir de la narration pour la résistance et le changement. Les récits façonnent les mouvements. À travers les conversations, nous réfléchirons à la manière dont les artistes, les poètes et les travailleurs culturels dénoncent les injustices, perturbent les systèmes d’oppression et influencent les politiques féministes.
- Explorer comment soutenir nos mouvements sans compromis. Nous examinerons les modèles de financement éthiques, le rôle de la philanthropie et les moyens de maintenir le militantisme de base tout en restant responsables envers les communautés que nous servons.
Ce symposium adopte le format des Cercles de discussion, des espaces participatifs et non hiérarchiques où le savoir est co-créé plutôt qu’imposé. Nous vous invitons à prendre part à des échanges enrichissants, à remettre en question les récits dominants et à générer ensemble de nouvelles perspectives.
Avant tout, notre intention est de renforcer les liens, approfondir nos engagements collectifs et imaginer des avenirs où la justice, le soin et la durabilité guident nos mouvements.
Cet événement propose des billets gratuits ainsi qu'une option de contribution volontaire pour garantir l’accessibilité à tous. Si vous le pouvez, nous vous encourageons à faire un don pour soutenir Families of Sisters in Spirit (FSIS), une organisation qui œuvre directement auprès des familles de femmes, filles et personnes 2SLGBTQ+ autochtones disparues et assassinées (MMIWG2S).
Breakout Circles: Co-Creating Knowledge, Connection, and Change
At this symposium, Breakout Circles are more than just conversations—they are spaces of collective reflection, deep listening, and transformative dialogue. Rooted in the belief that knowledge is co-created, these circles invite participants to share insights, challenge dominant narratives, and imagine new possibilities together.
Unlike traditional panels or lectures, these circles are non-hierarchical and participatory—everyone’s voice matters. Gathering in a circle reflects our commitment to equity, care, and collaboration. Each discussion will center around a key theme or question, guided by facilitators who will offer prompts to spark conversation. However, the direction of the discussion is shaped by those in the room. There are no “right” answers here—only an open invitation to learn, reflect, and build together.
A notetaker will be present in each circle to capture key insights, reflections, and takeaways. These notes will serve as a record of our collective wisdom, ensuring that the conversations we begin here can continue to inspire action beyond the symposium.
We invite you to bring your experiences, your questions, and your vision for a more just and liberated future. Let’s build it together.
Cercles de discussion : Co-créer le savoir, la connexion et le changement
Dans ce symposium, les Cercles de discussion sont bien plus que de simples conversations : ce sont des espaces de réflexion collective, d’écoute attentive et de dialogue transformateur. Fondés sur la conviction que le savoir est co-créé, ces cercles invitent les participant·e·s à partager leurs idées, à remettre en question les récits dominants et à imaginer ensemble de nouvelles possibilités.
Contrairement aux panels ou conférences traditionnels, ces cercles sont non hiérarchiques et participatifs—chaque voix compte. Se réunir en cercle reflète notre engagement envers l’équité, le soin et la collaboration. Chaque discussion portera sur un thème ou une question centrale, guidée par des facilitateur·rice·s qui proposeront des pistes de réflexion pour nourrir la conversation. Cependant, la direction du dialogue sera façonnée par les personnes présentes. Il n’y a pas de « bonnes » réponses ici—seulement une invitation ouverte à apprendre, réfléchir et construire ensemble.
Un·e preneur·euse de notes sera présent·e dans chaque cercle pour capturer les idées essentielles, les réflexions et les points clés abordés. Ces notes constitueront une trace précieuse de notre sagesse collective, permettant aux discussions amorcées ici d’inspirer l’action au-delà du symposium.
Nous vous invitons à apporter vos expériences, vos questions et votre vision d’un avenir plus juste et libéré. Construisons-le ensemble.
Circle A: Who Keeps Us Safe? How Do We Build Liberatory Responses to Gender-Based Violence in a Polarized World?
Who really keeps us safe when institutions fail, and when feminist activism is met with resistance? This circle is a space to grapple with these urgent questions and envision new possibilities. In an era of deep political and social polarization, gender-based violence (GBV) activism must move beyond statements and symbolic actions—how do we create real, lasting change?
Join this conversation to explore strategies for fostering solidarity, responding to backlash, and building intersectional movements that truly support survivors and communities. Whether you’re a long-time organizer or new to the conversation, your perspective is valued.
Circle B: Revolutionary Storytelling: How Do We Speak Truth to Power and/or to Shape Feminist Policy?
Stories shape the world—who tells them, how they’re told, and whose voices are heard can influence everything from cultural narratives to public policy. In this circle, we’ll explore the power of storytelling as a tool for resistance, healing, and movement-building.
How can art, poetry, and cultural work disrupt systems of oppression? What role do artists and activists play in shaping feminist policies and responses to gender-based violence? Come share, listen, and be inspired by the revolutionary potential of storytelling.
Circle C: Resourcing Care: How Do We Fund Anti-Violence Movements of Liberation?
How do we sustain feminist activism without compromising our values? Funding justice work is always a challenge—grassroots organizations and feminist initiatives are often forced to rely on funding structures that come with constraints, conditions, or ethical dilemmas.
This circle invites you to think boldly about alternative funding models, ethical resource mobilization, and how we can build financially sustainable movements without being co-opted by institutions that perpetuate harm. As a group, you’ll explore what it means to fund liberation and ensure anti-violence movements remain accountable to the communities they serve.
Cercle A : Qui assure notre sécurité ? Comment construire des réponses libératrices à la violence basée sur le genre dans un monde polarisé?
Qui nous protège réellement lorsque les institutions échouent et que le militantisme féministe rencontre de la résistance ? Ce cercle est un espace pour explorer ces questions urgentes et imaginer de nouvelles possibilités. Dans une ère de polarisation politique et sociale grandissante, l’activisme contre la violence basée sur le genre (VBG) doit aller au-delà des déclarations et des actions symboliques—comment créer un changement réel et durable ?
Rejoignez cette discussion pour réfléchir aux stratégies qui favorisent la solidarité, répondent aux réactions hostiles et construisent des mouvements intersectionnels qui soutiennent véritablement les survivant·e·s et les communautés. Que vous soyez un·e militant·e de longue date ou que vous découvriez ces enjeux, votre perspective est précieuse.
Cercle B : La narration révolutionnaire : Comment dire la vérité au pouvoir et/ou influencer les politiques féministes?
Les récits façonnent le monde—qui les raconte, comment ils sont racontés et quelles voix sont entendues influencent tout, des représentations culturelles aux politiques publiques. Dans ce cercle, nous explorerons le pouvoir de la narration comme outil de résistance, de guérison et de construction de mouvements.
Comment l’art, la poésie et le travail culturel peuvent-ils perturber les systèmes d’oppression ? Quel rôle les artistes et les militant·e·s jouent-ils dans l’élaboration des politiques féministes et des réponses à la violence basée sur le genre ? Venez partager, écouter et vous inspirer du potentiel révolutionnaire de la narration.
Cercle C : Financer le soin : Comment soutenir financièrement les mouvements anti-violence et de libération?
Comment maintenir l’activisme féministe sans compromettre nos valeurs ? Financer la justice est un défi constant—les organisations de base et les initiatives féministes doivent souvent compter sur des structures de financement assorties de contraintes, de conditions ou de dilemmes éthiques.
Ce cercle vous invite à imaginer des modèles de financement alternatifs, des stratégies de mobilisation des ressources éthiques et des moyens de garantir la viabilité financière des mouvements sans être récupérés par des institutions qui perpétuent le mal. Ensemble, nous explorerons ce que signifie financer la libération et comment s’assurer que les mouvements anti-violence restent redevables aux communautés qu’ils servent.
🕑: 08:30 AM - 09:00 AM
Arrival, Registration, Refreshments | Arrivée, inscription, rafraîchissement
Info: As you arrive, we invite you to check in at the greeting table, pick up your materials, and take a moment to ground yourself in the space. This is an opportunity to connect with fellow participants, enjoy a warm beverage, and familiarize yourself with the day’s schedule. Whether you are new to this gathering or returning to a familiar community, we encourage you to arrive with openness, curiosity, and a spirit of collaboration.
This symposium is designed to be participatory and relational—building connections begins the moment you step in. Take a moment to explore the space, introduce yourself to someone new, or reflect on what brought you here today. Our team will be available to answer any questions, offer guidance, and ensure you have everything you need for a meaningful and engaging experience.
🕑: 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM
Opening Acknowledgements & Ceremony | Cérémony et Reconnaissances d’Ouverture
Host: Bridget Tolley
Info: We will begin this symposium by grounding ourselves in the land, our shared commitments, and the communities we are in relationship with. As we engage in conversations on gender justice and anti-violence movements, we hold ourselves accountable to the Indigenous communities whose lands we stand on and whose voices must remain central.
To open this space with care and intention, we are honored to have Bridget Tolley lead the Opening Ceremony. Bridget, an Algonquin woman from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg and co-founder of Families of Sisters in Spirit, has spent decades advocating for justice for missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit people. Through her words and presence, she will guide us in reflection, grounding, and a collective commitment to justice, care, and action.
🕑: 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Fireside Chat | Discussion au Coin du Feu
Host: Senator Paulette Senior
Info: In this intimate fireside chat, we will explore the journey from grassroots activism to institutional change, examining how feminist advocacy translates into tangible policy shifts. How do we navigate power structures while staying accountable to the communities we serve? What strategies can help transform lived experiences into legislative action?
This conversation will feature Senator Paulette Senior and Senator Michèle Audette, two trailblazing leaders whose work has shaped policies on gender justice, anti-violence initiatives, and Indigenous rights in Canada. Drawing from their experiences as longtime advocates and now as senators, they will reflect on the challenges and opportunities of working within government systems, the role of intersectionality in policymaking, and the importance of sustained activism beyond the halls of power.
🕑: 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Wellness Break | Pause Bien-Être
Info: Take a moment for yourself during this 30-minute wellness break. Whether you choose to step outside for fresh air, enjoy a warm beverage, or enjoy a quiet moment to reflect, this time is yours to reset. A dedicated quiet space will be available for those who wish to engage in meditation, stretching, or grounding exercises.
🕑: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Breakout Circles: First Round | Cercles de discussion: Première session
Info: You are invited to join one of three facilitated Breakout Circle, each centered on a key theme. These circles are designed to foster deep reflection, shared knowledge, and collective problem-solving in a participatory and supportive space. Rather than passive listening, these discussions encourage open dialogue where participants can challenge ideas, exchange experiences, and explore new possibilities together. Facilitators will offer guiding prompts, but the conversation will be shaped by those in the room.
These circles are an opportunity to build connections, expand perspectives, and co-create strategies for change. Whether you come with lived experience, professional insights, or a desire to learn, your voice matters. We invite you to engage fully, listen deeply, and contribute to a discussion that will extend beyond this gathering. Together, we will explore what it means to move from conversation to action.
🕑: 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM
Lunch | Repas
Info: Take this hour to nourish yourself, connect with others, and recharge before the afternoon sessions. A thoughtfully prepared lunch will be provided by a local restaurant, offering a variety of inclusive meal options to accommodate different dietary needs. Please ensure to list any dietary requests or accommodations in your submission so we can provide a meal that meets your needs.
🕑: 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM
Breakout Circles: Second Round | Cercles de Discussion: Deuxième Session
Info: Building on the first round of discussions, you will have the opportunity to join a different Breakout Circle from the available options. This second session offers a chance to expand perspectives, engage with new ideas, and deepen conversations on key topics. By shifting spaces, participants will connect across different discussions, fostering cross-disciplinary dialogue, collective learning, and new collaborations. Each conversation is an invitation to listen, reflect, and contribute to the ongoing work of transformation.
🕑: 03:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Wellness Break | Pause Bien-Être
Info: Take a moment for yourself during this 30-minute wellness break. Whether you choose to step outside for fresh air, enjoy a warm beverage, or enjoy a quiet moment to reflect, this time is yours to reset. A dedicated quiet space will be available for those who wish to engage in meditation, stretching, or grounding exercises.
🕑: 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Roundtable Reflections | Réflexions à Table Ronde
Info: As we come together for this facilitated closing conversation, we will reflect on the key takeaways from our discussion circles, highlighting the insights, challenges, and opportunities that emerged throughout the day. This session is a space to distill our collective wisdom, ensuring that the dialogues we’ve engaged in do not end here but continue to shape our movements and advocacy.
You will have the opportunity to share reflections, ask questions, and engage in a dynamic exchange about what resonated most. Using interactive tools like Mentimeter and Slido, we will gather input in real-time, ensuring an inclusive, participatory process that captures a diversity of perspectives.
Where is it happening?
COLLABÜRO, 499 Preston Street, Ottawa, CanadaEvent Location & Nearby Stays:
CAD 0.00 to CAD 27.96