Operation Misery Business
Fri, 28 Mar, 2025 at 08:00 pm to Sat, 29 Mar, 2025 at 08:00 pm
3233 W 180th St, Lawson, MO | Lawson, MO
Friday 3/28/25 8pm - Saturday 3/29/25 8pm
Pre Sale Tickets are -$65.00
Regular Tickets are - $75.00
All tickets will come with
Event Entrance
Limited Edition Event Patch
End Game Raffle Ticket
Phaseline Red - Staging, Planning, Insertion
Staging will be at 2000 on 03/28/2025 at the Staging Area.
Upon entrance you will be given a dog tag with an ID number on it, once you leave, you lose your dog tag forever.
First formation will be at 2015. Everyone will line up with their units and receive their assignments, safety brief, Rules of Engagement, and first mission.
At 2030, the unit will begin ruck down MSR Khalifa to the FOB.
Local insurgents most likely heard the insertion, and have an approximate response time of 30 minutes.
Once at the FOB location, units need to hurry and set up a defensive position to protect engineers building the FOB.
Insurgents will fire on the FOB, launch explosives, but are unable to cut through or jump over. They will only go into entrance points and gaps in the fence.
Phaseline White - Operations within the AO
At 2100, the FOB should be set up, if not… oh well, keep working.
Security is expected to be held around the clock.
24 hour - Exterior FOB security.
24 hour - Patrol on Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Mission Types
EOD missions to find and defuse IEDs
Rescue missions to rescue captured soldiers
QRF missions to assist troops-in-contact (TIC)
HVT missions to capture/K*ll warlords or persons of interest
KLE missions to meet with Key Leaders to gather intel
Must be done every hour, on the hour, in front of the mosque or locals will take it as disrespect.
Asset retrieval missions to retrieve lost assets
Combat Patrols
Border Patrols
Checkpoint Security
Final raid on Al-Badi will be assigned as intel is acquired.
Insurgents will harass coalition forces, hide amongst civilians, plant IEDs, booby trap houses, and smuggle weapons.
Phaseline Blue
At 1900, coalition forces will begin breaking down the base. Attacks may still occur until exfil.
At 1930, coalition forces will begin the ruck out of the area. Final accountability formation will be held to assess casualties.
At 2000, a raffle will be held for remaining soldiers who survived the deployment.
Summary: Operation Misery Business takes place in the heart of Badistan. Task Force Nairobi is tasked with 3 key missions. This mission should only take 24 hours.
Capture or K*ll Urmom al-Badi, and all associated Badi Militia.
Render the area clear of IEDs, weapon caches, and stop the smuggling of arms into the area.
Win hearts and minds of the local Badistani population.
Rules of Engagement:
Violations of the ROE can result in your dog tags being pulled. Insurgents will not play by these rules but we will.
No blind firing.
Single-fire only.
Do not shoot civilians.
Do not shoot surrendering combatants
Unless they are refusing to comply, are reaching for a weapon, or are fleeing.
Do not enter apartment complexes without consent of the residents. To enter without their consent, you need approval from the commander.
Do not enter the mosque without approval from the commander.
Seized Weapons
Seize all insurgent weapons you find. Civilians in this area are not permitted to have firearms. Bring the weapons back to the FOB for processing. After they are processed, surrender them to the Agency for destruction. The Agency will appear at the base un-announced and you must verify their identity via their ID. It should match the face on the card and have the proper agency stamp.
Captured Insurgents
You can capture insurgents and civilians if they surrender. On capture, search them for concealed weapons. Escort them back to base and an Agent will come take them. They will be debriefed at a black site. For every insurgent successfully captured and processed, the coalition will receive good intel. For every civilian processed, the coalition will receive bad intel. You will not know which is which.
Incapacitation and Being Captured
Shots to the plate carrier and helmet do not count. The general rule of thumb: if it stings, call it. Once you are hit you have two options: Play dead- means lay on the ground until you get revived. Surrender- means sit on your knees with both hands in the air. If you surrender, you can be captured by insurgents. If you are captured, you must stay with the insurgents until you are rescued.
All ticket sales are final!