Obscura Qalma + Support: Demolizer + Silent Fracture
Mon Sep 29 2025 at 07:00 pm to 08:30 pm
Slagtehusgade 30, 1715 Copenhagen, Denmark | Copenhagen , SK
*** ENGLISH BELOW ***Der raser en ond, sonisk storm, når Obscura Qalma over to aftener gæster Cap30 med deres formørkede, orkestrede dødsmetal. Det venetianske band har udgivet flere EP’er samt fuldlængdealbummet ‘Apotheosis’. I starten af februar 2025 udkom pladen ‘Aiwass’, der er inspireret af Aleister Crowleys litterære værker og som nu fører bandet til Danmark for første gang. Obscura Qalma leverer et virvar af rasende og monolitiske atmosfærer. Det er tyngden af dødsmetalens ubarmhjertighed og det mere grandiøse og symfoniske i en genre
Lyt: https://obscuraqalma.bandcamp.com/
Kig: https://www.instagram.com/obscuraqalma/
Mandag d. 29. september
Support: Demolizer
Demolizer leverer nådesløs old school trash i et garanteret eksplosivt liveshow med tonser tunge riffs. Tænk Slayer, Exodus og Municipal Waste. Råt og beskidt. Et ufiltreret kompromisløst kaos. Hårdt. Højt. Hurtigt. Ondt.
Lyt: https://demolizerthrash.bandcamp.com/
Kig: https://www.instagram.com/demolizerthrash/
Tirsdag d. 30. september
Support: Silent Fracture
Silent Fracture er et traditionelt dødsmetalband med et moderne greb på genren. Med et ry for energiske liveshows kombinerer bandet dødsmetal med tunge breakdowns og henter inspiration fra det melodiske i black metal.
Lyt: https://silentfracture.bandcamp.com/
Kig: https://www.instagram.com/silentfracture/
Cap30 er Københavns mindste og mest intime kultursted. Et non-profit venue der eksperimenterer med musik, kunst, performances, talks og meget mere.
Dørene åbner 30 min. inden et show og lukker, når koncerterne starter. Herefter er der ikke adgang til koncerten.
Toilet på 1. sal. Adgang via trapper uden elevator.
*** ENGLISH ***
A wicked, sonic storm rages as Obscura Qalma takes over Cap30 for two nights in a row with their dark, orchestrated death metal. The Venetian band, formed in 2019, has released several EPs as well as the full-length album ‘Apotheosis’. In early February 2025, they released the album ‘Aiwass’, inspired by Aleister Crowley’s literary works, which has brought the band to Denmark for the first time. Drawing inspiration from bands like Behemoth, Obscura Qalma delivers a whirlwind of raging and monolithic atmospheres. It’s the weight of the relentlessness of death metal combined with grandiose and symphonic elements in a genre Obscura Qalma calls “blackened heavily orchestrated death metal.”
Listen: https://obscuraqalma.bandcamp.com/
Look: https://www.instagram.com/obscuraqalma/
Monday September 29th
Support: Demolizer
The Danish thrash metal band delivers relentless old-school thrash in a guaranteed explosive live show with bone-crushing riffs. Think Slayer, Exodus, and Municipal Waste. Raw and dirty. An unfiltered, uncompromising chaos. Hard. Loud. Fast. Evil.
Listen: https://demolizerthrash.bandcamp.com/
Look: https://www.instagram.com/demolizerthrash/
Tuesday September 30th
Support: Silent Fracture
Silent Fracture is a traditional death metal band with a modern take on the genre. With a reputation for energetic live shows, the band combines death metal with heavy breakdowns and draws inspiration from the melodic elements of black metal. It’s intense, aggressive vocals, fast drums, sharp melodic riffs, and a lyrical universe that explores the extremes of the human psyche.
Listen: https://silentfracture.bandcamp.com/
Look: https://www.instagram.com/silentfracture/
Cap30 is Copenhagen's smallest and most intimate cultural venue. A non-profit space experimenting with music, art, performances, talks, and much more.
Doors open 30 minutes before the show and close when the concert starts. Entry after the doors are closed is not permitted.
The restroom is on the first floor, only accessible by stairs
Where is it happening?
Slagtehusgade 30, 1715 Copenhagen, Denmark, Slagtehusgade 30, 1715 København V, Danmark,Copenhagen, Copenhagen , DenmarkEvent Location & Nearby Stays: