Movies presented by natives - Italian


Thu Mar 13 2025 at 07:00 pm to 10:00 pm



Kawiarnia Literacka | Krakow, MA

This time me and Fabbio will present a world classic by Bernardo Bertolucci, last tango in Paris. He was my favourite director for almost a decade, not only I used to dance tango. So I will tell you my personal approach, when Fabbio will tell you his Italian perspective and he will try to reach some stories about this Italian directed movie that have never been published!
Movie is longer than usual so we will meet at 6 pm, get drinks and start presentation at 6:15 pm.
Date of the screening is not confirmed yet. The newest information are available always at our whatsapp group. To join please pm me.
May the good movies be with You,
For quick contact join our movie lovers whatsapp group, to get the link please pm me.
Organizational info:
We are going to meet in one of those three places please check ideally during the day of the meeting if the location of the event didn't change.
1. Trattoria Venezia, downstairs in pizzeria which is in the same building with hotel. Just enter ask waiter or receptionist about the movie meeting and go downstairs to join us. Please remember that the glass doors to the movie room opens SIDE ways. Please don't push them nor pull. Meeting is for free it will be kind to order something. There is ok beer and coffee and very good pizza. Nevertheless please don't bring your own food and drinks.
2. Cyrki - downstairs in artistic cafe. This place doesn't look very spacious at fist but it has much more space in the basement. They have beer there, good coffee nachos and cakes.
3. Cafe literacka - located in the bookstore, ask bar attender where the movie room is located. They have great cakes and salads, ok beer and sinfully cheap table wine.
******************************************** Paweł is a local city, cultural and food tour guide in Kraków since 2007. Initially his knowledge about Polish films was average. But then when he discover how usefull movies are as educational tools to talk about Poland things have changed. He started to focus more on the important movies about Polish history. Then one day in November 2015 he decided to share it not only during his work as a proffesional tour guide, but also to Couchsurfing community and all culturally hungry people, this time totally for free. Since that day in 2015 Paweł joined academy of Polish films academy, attended as many lectures as possible. Constantly reads about Polish cinema and developed his true passion. At one point Paweł did even screen several Polish low-budget productions inviting people who were involved in production. But it was difficult to find movies like that regularly. If you would like to screen yours movie or movie of your friend, let me know! When after almost 90 years Poland finally got first Oscar, (We have only one small category - foreign language film) Paweł organized screening of "Ida" in cinema twice. In his opinion English subtitles well very much cenzored which ... is the key reason why this movie get oscar. Nevertheless first Paweł's impression about the event was terrible. 60 people in the hall, for many of them it was the first Polish film they will ever see, at least half of them eating chips making huge noice with their plastic packages, one person even open yoghurt, take the spoon and start to eat regular supper... Paweł though that that will be huge failer, those people probably expect an easy entertainment, American style shallow action or comedy film, but... At the end of the screening there was about 2 minutes of total silence... and then huge applause after. Paweł thinks that something very important happened that night and those emotions related made this project very valuable! Each movie is followed by Pawel's or his friend introduction. Sometimes they also screen very rare and almost impossible to find online interviews with director. Off course all materials are with English subtitles. Sometimes screening of the movie is connected with the tour in the museum or around the city if the topic is related. Integration in English & Party
#cinema #arthouse #localcinema #polishmovie #polishcinema #kinastudyjne #film #movie #krakow

Where is it happening?

Kawiarnia Literacka, ulica Krakowska 41, 31-066 Kraków, Polska,Kraków, Poland, Krakow

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